

unknown_20281 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
126 Chs

Chapter 95

Luffy Pendragon raised his hand and gently scratched his reddish cheeks with his tail finger. There was an uncontrollable excitement in his words, and at the same time he pretended to be calm.

"I don't know if the teacher can give me some pointers. Is there anything else that should be revised?"

Between the words, she snapped her fingers gently.






As a descendant of the legendary King Arthur, she is most familiar with Celtic power.

Following her words, five incantations representing ancient Celtic cities emerged.

Five incantations floated quietly around her body, linking into a radiant pentagram.

"It appears here—"


This time only, the one who was summoned was the spear of Luger, the god of light in Celtic legends. .

Chapter 160 Women are used to bleeding

Brionak, in Celtic mythology, is the spear of light held by Luger, the god of light, which symbolizes his own power.

This spear is a divine spear that emits deathly light no matter how far away the enemy is.

And this is also the spell created by Luffy Pendragon - after specifying the target, until the power is completely exhausted, it will forever chase down the enemy's slaying spell.

"So that's the case, using the 'myth' as ​​a base to reproduce it."

Su Mu nodded lightly, with a look of approval in his eyes.

This world itself has the Celtic mythology of the Danu gods, the god of light Luger, and his weapon, the sharp gun Brionak.

However, the technique created by Luffy only draws on the power of its "myth", but it does not involve the Danu gods of Celtic mythology at all.

With the help of the mythological base, the content of the myth can be reproduced - this is the core of this technique.

As for the history of the various Protoss, it has nothing to do with this spell - only the mythology can affect the spell, not the Protoss itself.

"There should be follow-up additions to this technique, right?"

Su Mu asked 373.

"Not only the slaying spell Brionak that can endlessly track the enemy, but also the 'Sword of Answer' that can automatically attack the enemy, and even the 'Severed Silver Arm', and ' The Eye of Balor that sees all things die'..."

In other words, Luffy Pendragon's idea of ​​​​creating this spell is to reproduce the power in Celtic mythology.

"Yes, but I haven't perfected the follow-up technique. Hearing Su Mu's words, Lu Fei's eyes lit up slightly, the corners of his mouth turned up subconsciously, and then he nodded quickly.

As expected of a teacher, he was able to gain insight into the specific situation of his technique in an instant.

Being able to independently create this type of art, your own achievements... should be commendable, right?

The girl named Luffy Pendragon thought with some uncertainty in her heart, then rubbed her chin with her fingers, and looked at Su Mu's expression quietly.

Then, she felt that her mentality was really immature, like a child who made a few achievements and immediately asked his parents for credit.

Thinking of this, she restrained her slightly self-satisfied emotions, and her tone was sincere.

"This technique is just a draft. If there is anything that needs to be modified, I hope the teacher can point it out directly."

Hearing this, Su Mu spoke directly.

"It's not bad that a rough technique can reach this level. What needs to be done next is to continue to improve it. This method can be said to use the myth itself as the 'base' of driving magic, but it is not necessary to stick to the myth. itself..."

The so-called base, the base is the basic structure, which is engraved in the world in the form of knowledge or religion, culture, history, etc., which is equivalent to the language environment.

As for other spells, they are all developed based on the existing language environment.

From her original various spells, to the ones that now rely on the "basic base", it seems to be weakened.

But in fact, most of the previous moves in this world were not so much magic, but rather simple and crude use of magic...

If it was explained in words, it was basically a meaningless roar that was illogical, winning only by the volume.

Creating a base and using spells in the environment of the base, compared to before, is equivalent to the meaningless roar of human language.

In the esoteric sense, it is equivalent to the creation of human beings to officially develop language - although only in this world.

Su Mu has long known about other worlds, and there are not a few existences with such a foundation, but there is not much mention in the previous teachings.

Even so, the girl in front of the eyes (bffa), her talent in esotericism is quite outstanding.

"Although you are using the Celtic mythology as the basis to run the spell, remember that the core of the spell is yourself."

Celtic mythology can be roughly divided into four parts.

Nuada, the famous silver-armed god king, and his successor, Lug, the god of light, are the core of the rise and fall of the Danu gods.

Cu Chulainn, as the worthy protagonist, The Story of Cattle.

Finn McCool and his knights are very active in the Ossian story group.

And finally, the most prestigious Arthurian legend.

"In other words, what you really need to follow is the myth in your mind."

"Develop it to the end, which means—"

The real magic base should exist in the user's personal spirit, and completely depends on the user's spiritual core.

In this way, no matter where you go, or what world you reach, the power of the user will not be affected.

Of course, in order to achieve such a state, it seems that Luffy Pendragon at this time is still far away.

After all, she has not really been in contact with mysticism for a long time now, and she is too young from a spiritual point of view.

After receiving Su Mu's teaching, Lu Fei seemed to be inspired by something, and hurriedly continued to invest in research.

She herself is a very smart child, and she has a lot of interest in the occult.


Since Su Mu is walking on this road, she can also follow behind...

Every time I think of this, there is a heartfelt joy in my chest.

For this joy, she is willing to do her best to catch up.

Even if you can't see the other party's back, as long as you think that the other party is also on this road, and you may be able to see the other party's footprints under your feet, you will never feel lonely.

Listening to the sound of the door being pushed, Luffy, who was immersed in the information, raised his eyebrows slightly, and a soft light flashed in his blue eyes.

Subconsciously, he covered his chest with his hands, and a smile appeared between his lips and teeth.

The feeling in the chest is not the so-called fawn bumping in the book, but it is smooth and soft, and at the same time, it beats very slowly and regularly.

No shouting, no deep vows.

Rather, when occasionally raising their eyes tiredly, someone will say to themselves...

"I am here."

The girl named Luffy Pendragon raised her hand and gently pressed her chest, and whispered softly.

And this feeling in her heart at this time, for her, is a treasure that she is absolutely unwilling to exchange no matter what she takes. .

Chapter 161 Can you let me punch you

The mansion where Luffy Pendragon lived at this time was actually not just for herself, but also a stronghold of the hero sent in Kuwang Town—or in other words, near Su Mu.

After all, the current hero faction, both in name and in reality, obeys Su Mu's orders.

The hero faction headed by Cao Cao has the power to rival the surpassers in a short period of time.

Although it is far from the top ten in the world, it can't be ignored.

If you join the battlefield of the three clans, I am afraid that the balance of war can be tilted in an instant.

Of course, it is not impossible to arouse their vigilance and lead to the possibility of unanimity.

At this time, when the entire three clans were fighting each other in a tense situation, the hero faction would certainly not bother to bother.

However, they were not spared because of this.

The three clans have fallen into the quagmire of war, and other mythical forces want to stay out of the matter... How can there be such a good thing in the world?

Whether it is the myth of Olympus or the myth of Asan...

Well, if you can't pull them into the water, then things aren't big enough.

In this case, first of all, Su Mu will not be able to obtain enough achievements to get rewards that satisfy him.

Secondly, to form a formation on the scale of the entire planet, he also needs enough powerhouses as sacrifices.

And these things are naturally handed over to the heroes to complete.

At present, Su Mu still lives in Neon, a human being who is powerful but harmless to humans and animals.

Glancing back at the room where Luffy Pendragon was, Su Mu picked up the report in his hand.

"Well, it seems that the Nordic side has been in chaos. It's really not easy for that guy Odin..."

Su Mu said with emotion.

Under the provocation of the hero faction, the contradictions of the whole Nordic mythology have been intensifying sharply.

Whether it's an internal conflict, or whatever.

Loki, Odin.

The forces represented by these two iconic figures are gradually showing a state of fragmentation.

If it continues to evolve in this way, if the contradiction cannot be resolved or transferred, then Norse mythology is likely to face a split ending.

And this kind of thing, that Loki guy aside, Odin is absolutely unacceptable.

Although he looks like a harmless old man, how could it be so simple to be able to bring Norse mythology to this day.

Therefore, in order to avoid the continued expansion of internal conflicts, his next best choice is probably...

foreign war.

Transfer internal conflicts.

The contradictions between the mythological groups are used to alleviate the internal contradictions and cover up.

Just like in human society, racial discrimination, gender opposition, etc. are often used to cover up some deeper problems.

And this is exactly what Su Mu hopes.

The next big play... no one wants to run.

The paper on which the information was recorded ignited a light blue flame, gradually turning to ashes and drifting away.

Su Mu's fingers lightly tapped, and light blue ripples appeared in the void, slowly spreading out.

"Be careful to keep a low profile and avoid exposure."

Such a message was sent in an instant.

Of course, even if Odin could perceive, or Odin must be able to perceive that this kind of thing was provoked by someone behind.

That's fine.

Because, at this time, he had no choice.

"Even Odin's wife, Frigga, can be regarded as his target without hesitation. Should it be said that he is the daring fellow of Cao Cao..."

Su Mu sighed with emotion, and then went to his next destination.

in the courtyard.

The girl, with her long silver hair draped behind her back, sat at the stone table in the courtyard.

She was wearing home-style clothes, and because the weather was getting colder, she also had a light gray scarf around her neck.

With lavender eyes, he looked leisurely at the thick book on the table.

[Seven rounds around the city...]