

unknown_20281 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
126 Chs

Chapter 118

"Why do you have such deep, even maddening emotions towards the human race~'?"

Su Mu hesitated a little and asked this question that she had always cared about.

Curiosity is just one of them.

The most important thing is that her feelings for human beings are also related to how much Su Mu can trust in her.

"Why do you love humans so much?"

It seems that this is the first time that this question has been asked, and the God of the Bible raised his hand to rest his chin, and seemed a little distressed.

"This kind of question is indeed distressing, but if I really want to answer it..."

Her words paused.

The gods of the Bible are very different from the gods of the rest of the world.

Even, it is very different from the angels he made.

Because she is a god who loves human beings, risking danger for human beings and even sacrificing herself without hesitation.

In this case, whether it is Di Shitian or Shiva, when they are afraid of her, they will secretly complain about whether this guy is out of his mind.

"Probably can't give a reason."

The God of the Bible thought for a while and said calmly.

"There is no reason, and there is no need for a reason."

"It's just that I didn't realize it, and when I came to my senses, I already had such a realization.

There is no reason or basis there. "

Questions like "is this love given to me by some existence" are even more stupid and not worth discussing.

Just know that this love is what constitutes her essence.

As for its roots, even those are little things that don't matter.

"Speaking of which, desperately pursuing such things as reasons, to put it bluntly, is because of anxiety, but because of being bound by doubts."

After these seemingly endless chats, Su Mu also revealed a little about other worlds to the god of the Bible.

In this regard, Sheng did not seem to be too surprised.

After all, she has long noticed the traces of another world and has always taken precautions against it.

In this case, there are other worlds, it is not worth surprise.

In other words... the origin of the power Su Mu used was her suspicion.

That kind of power, it is hard to imagine that it was gradually excavated in this world.

She's not targeting anyone.

What she means is that the so-called strong people in this world are garbage.

Even so, after learning about the power of the world such as Little Garden, Majin, or God's Wrath, the god of the Bible briefly fell into a state called autism.

It was really hit.

No wonder, even a guy as strong as Su Mu would say that he needs him.

Because the world in Su Mu's eyes is really too vast.

Ignoring the god of the Bible who fell into autism, Su Mu took Orpheus to the gap between dimensions.

In the empty and silent dimensional gap, the most striking thing is probably a huge red figure galloping with the momentum of a human race car.

It can be seen that it is a dragon.

A typical image of the red dragon in Western mythology.

True red scales that shine like jewels, a mighty horn grows on its head, and its body is roughly several hundred meters long.

A crimson dragon that flies freely in the gaps of this dimension.

The True Chilong God Emperor, also known as the Great Red.

The so-called super-spec strongest in the true sense——and then his head was chopped off by the villain who appeared out of nowhere.

"... nasty, red guy."

Pretty suspended in the gap of the dimension, Orpheus's obsidian-colored eyes flashed a clear displeased color.

In the form of a humanoid (Nuo Nuo Zhao), it is quite obvious that it leans forward slightly, and it looks like a deterrent posture like a bird of prey ready to prey.

As the infinite dragon god who was born in the interdimensional gap, she naturally won't have the slightest affection for the great red that robbed her home.

When she came back here, she immediately showed a restless attitude. If Su Mu hadn't been by her side and made her subconsciously restrain herself, she would have gone directly to peck at this red dragon cabbage chicken at this moment.

Well, it is indeed the chickens pecking at each other.

If you want to pull the hips of the fighting skills, Orpheus is definitely doing his part.

In this regard, the Great Red seems to be about the same.


It is often suggested to write an appointment, and even Aihu in the profile has an appointment. I'm thinking, but it doesn't seem to be very suitable for the battle to be placed in the main storyline. I'm wondering whether to go directly to the sideshow? Although I think that with the character of the protagonist, it is not suitable for him to date and make him shy, but mixed with the villain to plan the crystallization of the soul...

Chapter 190 Su Mu: Then can you kowtow to me?

As Orpheus, the infinite dragon god, he rarely has the experience of actually fighting. Even in battle, it is basically directly crushed by the huge power level in the body.

In this regard, the great red is more than enough.

After all, according to the original fate line, the powerhouses who can fight against the great red will be the unshakable strongest until a certain period of time~.

In this way, it doesn't need any skill at all.

Then, its head flew up - came.

In this regard, Su Mu, who used to be a reader, can only express shock.

Now, even though Su Mu still feels a bit outrageous about this kind of thing.


It doesn't matter now.

After all, with his current strength, no matter what kind of moths appear.

As long as it was in this world, he still had the confidence to solve it.

Even that so-called other world was nothing more than that to him.

Therefore, now he is just watching the infinite dragon god and the great red cabbage pecking each other with the mind of watching the excitement.

The two dragon gods fought in the gap between dimensions.

Constantly regenerating, symbolizing infinite power.

And the power of the real red dragon god emperor, which represents the power of fantasy.

These two forces are constantly colliding, and an invisible storm is raging in this dimensional gap.

Whether it is Orpheus or the Great Red, they all have a huge power that can shake the stars.

If this kind of battle happened in the outside world, then just the aftermath could easily overturn the surface.

"Red, this time, I won't lose to you again."

Orpheus' black eyes did not reveal much expression, but his tone was full of determination.

As he spoke, the plume-colored streamer flickered, mercilessly bombarding the horn of the crown of the great red head.

If it was before, her chances of winning against the Great Red were infinitely close to zero.

But now, things are different.

Previously, when Su Mu faced many mythological forces, he used the tarot card "The Love".

This tarot card is just a rubbing plate and will dissipate after use.

But its power is self-evident.

When this tarot card is used, not only Su Mu can borrow the power of Orpheus as the infinite dragon god.

After Su Mu's strength has increased, she can also feed back to her, making her strength not small.

Although the effect of the tarot cards has ended now, the residual amplification is still playing a role.

This increase made Orpheus no longer weaker than the True Chilong God Emperor, and even stronger.

What's more, Orpheus also has a spell that Su Mu deliberately left behind that can greatly weaken the effect of the enemy's attack.

The battle has continued until now, and the body of the Great Red or the True Chilong God Emperor has been bruised all over, covered with broken scales, and red blood is dripping continuously.

On the other hand, Orpheus didn't have much mess in his clothes.

It appears that her victory is only a matter of time.

Su Mu nodded and looked back.

What exactly did the great red expel Orpheus from the dimensional gap, he did not have much interest in understanding this kind of thing.

He only knew that if Orpheus wanted to defeat the Great Red, then Su Mu would help him.

Reason or something only exists when both parties are strangers and both parties are related to them.

Like now, conflict between one's own partner, and a stranger... This situation doesn't make sense. There is room for this kind of thing to play.

Knowing the outcome of this battle, Su Mu closed her eyes and released her mind to search in the space of this time.

It didn't take long for him to find it.

A passage to another world.

Orpheus does not need his own help, so he can directly solve the affairs of the other world.

Thinking of this, he raised his palm slightly, and the void space suddenly appeared a large crack like a mirror.

Behind the shattered space, the world of dreams is revealed.


Seeing this scene, the great red, who was fighting with the infinite dragon god, suddenly made a shocking roar.

The crown-like structure surrounded by the seven majestic horns on the head overflows with seven-colored waves like Wang Yang.

With its roar, the brilliance that represents the dream permeates the gap in this dimension, as if it is pulling the stars in the sky.

The sky is full of stars and the river is falling, making its surroundings appear foggy.

As the great dragon guarding this time, this red dragon who should be supreme, although he has nothing to do all day, is not so ignorant after all.

・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

When the broken space appeared, an indescribable warning appeared in its heart.

The innate spiritual sense told it that if Su Mu was allowed to continue, some unimaginable terrifying incident might happen.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this spiritual perception.

Because the world that appears from the broken space is a different world named "exe".

Among them, there are many strengths that are incalculable, even the great red can only retreat from the strong.

In the original fate line, the great red dragon god, who is hard to find a rival in the "dxd" world, was arbitrarily headed by one of them.

It drove Orpheus out of this meta-interval, not necessarily without worrying that the ignorant infinite dragon god would disturb the opposite world.



The shadow of the red dragon broke out in an all-round way, and the jade-like eyes were resolute, containing certain wills that must be achieved even in death.

Under the explosion of the power of fantasy, even the strengthened Orpheus retreated subconsciously.

Afterwards, the red dragon briefly broke away from the battle with Orpheus, roaring and rushing towards the opened space tunnel leading to another world.

The brilliance of the dream turned into a turbulent vortex and converged towards the space tunnel.

Seeing this, Su Mu naturally understood.

"Do you want to block the passage to another world? I have to say, it's the right choice."