
Chapter 128:Peerage

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"I see. I do not completely understand, but I shall take heed of your generous warning all the same," Karlamine claimed, giving a serious nod.

"Four minutes. That sounds like a boast, but even if you are serious. We have you outnumbered. Do you believe you can last four minutes against us?" Isabella asked as she got into a basic martial art stance.

"Mmmm. Two knights and a rook. Limited space. It would certainly be a challenge," Naruto mused aloud, not even getting into a ready stance.

Grinning in satisfaction at his words, Isabella took that as her cue to dash forward.

Karlamine and Siris quickly followed. Isabella came at Naruto straight on, leading the way.

Both Karlamine and Siris circled around to flank him the same time as Isabella hit him from the front.

Naruto gave a fierce grin, not caught off guard by the assault at all. Quickly crossing his fingers, he created two shadow clones quickly.

The two clones shot off from his sides, clashing with the surprised knights coming at his flanks. The actual Naruto shot forward to meet with Isabella.

The enemy rook reared a hand back before shooting it forward in a powerful punch. Naruto waited till the last moment before twisting out of the way.

Jumping in the air, his body turned horizontal. The punch missed his arm by inches.

"Got you," Naruto yelled. As he spun in the air, he held his right arm out. Energy coalesced in his palm, forming a swirling maelstrom of power. Once the spinning ball was fully formed, he thrust his arm forward. Combined with the rotation of his spin, the ball of energy connected with Isabella's back before she could hope to dodge. He then declared victoriously, "Rasengan!"

It all happened in a second. Isabella's attack, Naruto's close dodge, and Naruto's counterattack. Not even a second after it started, Isabella was slammed into the ground with horrific force.

Not to mention the grinding sphere of energy digging into her back. The impact was enough to throw dust into the air, obscuring her form.

Landing on his feet, Naruto straightened with a satisfied grin on his face. He turned towards where Siris and Karlamine were facing off with his clones. Just as-

[Riser-sama's rook, retired.]

Karlamine immediately exclaimed with shock, "I-Isabella was…"

The shock was understandable. Rooks were meant to be the tanks on the battlefield. They were meant to take punishment and keep going.

Their durability made them one of the most troublesome pieces.

For a rook to be defeated in one shot completely contradicts their purpose. It just wasn't meant to happen.

Too bad Isabella was facing the wrong person. The main aspect of Naruto's training during the past ten days revolved around increasing his chakra reserves.

He'd exhaust his chakra doing the tree walking or water walking exercises. When he ran out, he'd meditate to regenerate chakra while Kareha would use her dust to restore a bit as well.

Or Rias would share her energy with him. He'd then do it over again. Rinse and repeat all day everyday.

This method had forced Naruto's chakra coils to expand at a rapid rate. It was actually painful how much they were forced to grow. For seven days they'd done this. Naruto then took a day to rest his chakra coils. It was also during that day of rest that Naruto created the explosive tags used to destroy the gymnasium, along with a few other seals. The final day of training revolved around Naruto redoing the steps to learning the Rasengan. He wanted his finishing move back, damn it!

It had certainly paid off here.

Naruto snapped his fingers, and his clones poofed away. He then looked at the two knights as he claimed, "I can however use my unique techniques and the element of surprise to take out one of you before the battle even begins. Stalling two knights for four minutes…now that is something I can do."

The two knights got into stances, and Naruto grinned as he prepared for the fight.

"These traps are getting annoying," one of Raiser's pawns grumbled as a block of demonic power shot from her hand to destroy the ninth trap in the last two minutes.

There were three pawns in the group. Two of them were dressed in maid outfits, while the third was dressed in what appeared to be a dancer's outfit.

They were the infiltration group. While the rest of their master's peerage played defensively and occupied their opponent's attention, they were to sneak behind their lines, reach the enemy base, and promote.

"No kidding. These are the kind of traps you expect from beginners. Do they seriously expect traps like these to protect them," the dancer commented derisively.

"The fog is getting thicker though," one of the maids pointed out cautiously.

"You need not worry. The fog isn't for you," a new voice called out.

The three tensed in response. The voice was from nearby, but the fog prevented them from seeing the speaker.

After no attack came, they relaxed slightly. The dancer motioned for the other two to follow her.

The three then slowly walked deeper into the clearing, wary of any surprise attacks. The fog lessened as they moved, allowing them to see better.

They had reached the enemy base. The white old school building was looming up before them. If they stepped foot in there, they could promote.

Only there was an obstacle. Certainly not someone they expected. That crimson hair made it obvious though. The person in front of them was the Gremory heiress, the enemy king.

Seeing their shock, Rias waved at them with a smile as she claimed, "Good to see you finally arrived. The traps were created to lead you straight here."

The three tensed at that, their eyes looking around for any signs of traps being present here. They found nothing. Relaxing slightly, they looked at Rias critically.

Stepping forward, the dancer asked with a raised eyebrow, "Seems pretty stupid. It doesn't appear as if any of your peerage is here. This is an opportunity for us to eliminate you."

Rias just gave a confident smile as she replied casually, "You act as if three pawns are enough to defeat me."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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