
Chapter 129: Barrier

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That caused the three to frown. Especially because it was true. She was a high-class devil. To defeat her, they have to promote.

"Plus, I'm not alone."

"Riser usually sends a small infiltration team of pawns. It serves two purposes. The first is obvious.

If this team does successfully reach our base, they can promote. However, it also forces us to leave several of our members behind to guard our base.

That will lower our offensive capability," Rias explained after they finished watching yet another of Riser's previous Rating Games.

"These three pawns seems to be his preference for that role. They seem to rely heavily on promotion. They lack much ability otherwise.

As long as we can force them into a direct battle before they promote, myself, Koneko, or Raynare-san could probably take them out," Yuuto reasoned.

"That's what I was thinking," Rias claimed before continuing, "I think Yuuto would be the best option. His speed would allow him to finish them quickly, and then allow him to move to the frontlines quickly. We use traps to lure them to an area of our choice, and trap them in a barrier with Yuuto."

"We need Yuuto at the frontlines," Naruto immediately argued. "We're basically doing a blitz. We put them on their back foot with my explosive note trap, and then don't give them time to regain any momentum. That means we need everyone we can get when we start the assault. If we want to eliminate Riser's entire peerage before facing him, we need Yuuto with us. Otherwise we don't have the manpower to prevent them from retreating to reinforce Riser later."

"So you suggest letting these pawns promote just so we can take out every other enemy? That totally shortsighted," Raynare stated scathingly.

"That isn't what I mean," Naruto claimed while rolling his eyes.

"Then what is it you mean, Naruto-kun? We need someone to defeat the infiltration group," Rias asked with a small frown, not understanding what he is working towards.

"Yeah, we need someone to take care of them. It is convenient then that we will have someone with high power basically sitting in our base, right?" Naruto pointed out with a grin.

It took a second for Rias to catch on. Eyes widening, she asked in shock, "You mean me? You want me to take care of the infiltration team?"

"Why not?" Naruto replied with a shrug before explaining, "You were going to be in the base anyways. How about we have the traps lead to the base? We can have someone place a barrier over the base itself, and you can meet them in front. You are plenty strong enough to handle them. This way they are taken out, and everyone else can be used on the frontlines. To me it seems the best option."

"Rias is the king though," Akeno quickly pitched in before clarifying, "Kings aren't suppose to move. It is meant to be a battle of servants. Kings usually only move after most of their peerage have been defeated. That's one reason Riser uses his peerage to wear down opponents before engaging himself. To move before most of his servants have been defeated would be considered reckless and premature. Sometimes there are battles between kings, but that is rare. The idea of a king battling three pawns when she still has servants available is…weird. It would be demeaning her position as a king and high-class devil. To do so would lower Rias' estimation as a king in the eyes of many top devils."

Naruto thought about that for a minute before declaring bluntly, "Sounds stupid to me. Rias-chan is plenty strong herself. I don't see why she would need to hide behind her servants. I guess I'm not in the best position to understand though."

Turning to Rias, Naruto told her seriously, "It is up to you, Rias-chan. I still think that you defeating the three would be the best strategic option. I'm not clear with all this political stuff though. I'm sure you are. So it's up to you. We could have Yuuto do it instead, but that could very well mess up the timing with the next step. You are the king. Your decision."

Rias leaned back in her chair with a sigh. Using each hand to massage her temples, she considered the options.

Naruto was right. Rias taking care of the infiltration team is the best option strategically, since she'd be sitting in the base doing nothing anyways.

She really hadn't even considered that option before though. Akeno was right in stating that it is expected for most kings to hang back.

There are a number of rare kings who lead from the front, but those are typically the rare reincarnated devils who gained the rank necessary to create their own peerages.

Kings like Rias, who received that right by birth and bloodline, are judged by the ability of their servants.

She had been planning on challenging Riser directly, but that is a whole different issue. Battles between kings are rare, but generally accepted.

For Rias to participate in the battles between servants would almost be considered slumming. Which to choose? The option most likely to lead to her victory or the one that would preserve her reputation?

With a groan, she announced, "I'll take them out. We need to focus on winning this battle above all else. I can repair any damage to my reputation in future Rating Games."

Naruto grinned at the choice and exclaimed, "Great. So now we just need to decide who is going to set up the barrier around school."

"Plus, I think I have a way for Rias-chan to not face the pawns alone."

The three pawns had no warning before the dancer let out a cry of pain, electricity running through her body.

The two other pawns looked towards her in concern, but didn't have time to help her.

Rias had acted as soon as her opponent's had been distracted. Throwing a hand forward, she launched a large ball of her Power of Destruction at the trio.

With not enough time to rescue their compatriot, the two maids were forced to jump away from the incoming attack.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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