
DxD: The Dragon Oppai

In a world where destiny weaves its intricate threads, Issei's life takes a remarkable turn. His sacred gear awakens at an early age, leading to intense training with Ddraig, the indomitable Welsh Dragon. But destiny has an unexpected twist in store. Issei forms an unlikely bond with Great Red, the Dragon God. As his strength grows, two captivating newcomers arrive at Kuoh Academy—a silver-haired enchantress and her azure-haired friend. Issei's heart races as he realizes his rival is the beautiful silver-haired girl. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

Orael · Anime e quadrinhos
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178 Chs


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The sheer magnitude of Issei's magical pressure was overwhelming, causing everyone except Gabriel, the Maou, their escort, and Grayfia to collapse to their knees.

As Issei's second pair of wings unfurled from his back, radiating a mesmerizing glow, his golden eyes narrowed into slits resembling those of a fearsome reptile.

Scales began to form over his arms, legs, and other extremities, while two majestic horns sprouted from his head, accompanied by a formidable tail that emerged from his lower back.

Rias, her voice filled with a mix of astonishment and trepidation, exclaimed, "Four wings?! I've never witnessed a dragon with four wings before!" Alongside her, the others could only gaze in awe and horror as Issei's overwhelming magical power began to disintegrate the palace surroundings, reducing everything in its path to mere dust.

"Hyoudou was capable of such unimaginable strength?! I thought he was formidable before, but now he threatens to decimate the entire city!" Kiba shouted, his concern palpable.

Irina and Xenovia, too, were caught between amazement and fear as they beheld Issei's full draconic might.

"Sirzechs-sama, should we intervene? This has gone too far," Grayfia voiced her apprehension, her eyes fixed on her husband.

Sirzechs shook his head, his expression a mix of worry and curiosity. "Not just yet... I want to see a little more. But shield the others. This level of power could prove dangerous for them."

Taking swift action, Sirzechs and Grayfia moved to protect the rest of the group, positioning themselves as a barrier against the raging forces unleashed by Issei.

Meanwhile, the Astaroth palace crumbled around them, crumbling under the weight of Issei's immense power.

Even the other devils who had accompanied the Maou to the scene found themselves collapsing to their knees, overwhelmed by the surging energy.

'Why did Ajuka provoke him like this? Was he seeking to gauge the true extent of Issei Hyoudou's power? Ajuka may be capable of handling this, but it was a reckless move with everyone else present,' Sirzechs pondered, his concern for the situation evident.

"Your power is undeniably impressive... I can now understand why you possess such pride and rebellion. Regrettably, you won't be able to kill me, rendering all of this rather pointless," Ajuka remarked with an air of indifference, his eyes fixed on Issei.

"Is Beelzebub-sama deliberately trying to further enrage him?!" Akeno exclaimed, her disbelief mingling with growing concern.

Sirzechs watched the unfolding scene with a mix of apprehension and contemplation. 'This is not the most ideal way to make a favorable impression, Ajuka. Is provoking and drawing out his power truly worth the risk?'

As the Maou's statement hung in the air, Issei focused his energy, channeling a potent spell within his hands. Holding them together with unwavering determination, he uttered the words that resonated with a surge of power, "KAMEHAMEHAAAAAAAAAAA!"

Issei concentrated his energy, unleashing a powerful beam of pure red power that surged forward from his hands.

However, Ajuka swiftly manipulated reality, redirecting the attack back towards Issei while also doubling its size.

Reacting with quick thinking, Issei created a portal directly in front of himself, forcing the Kamehameha into it, effectively neutralizing its trajectory.

The Maou's expression flickered with a momentary hint of concern. "A portal?" he questioned, his curiosity piqued.

Before he could delve deeper into this revelation, another portal materialized right beside him, allowing the redirected attack to surge forth. To Ajuka's surprise, he found himself unable to seal or alter the portal in any way. Nonetheless, he managed to alter the beam's path, diverting it into the sky.

As the energy beam shot upwards, a third portal appeared, absorbing its power. A fourth portal then materialized adjacent to it, firing it right back at the devil.

This intricate dance between portals and redirected attacks continued for a brief moment, with multiple portals constantly opening and redirecting the assault back towards the Maou, who exhibited his reality-bending abilities.

In the sky, streaks of energy beam coiled around the multitude of open portals, intertwining and forming a mesmerizing display.

Sensing the opportune moment, Issei sealed all the portals simultaneously, causing the amassed energy to erupt in a spectacular explosion.

It was at this precise moment that Ajuka realized Issei had been constructing a cage around him using the portals.

Undeterred, Ajuka generated a protective ward around himself, encasing the enclosing cage of draconic power. He then transformed it into a massive ball of energy, resembling a radiant sun in its sheer magnitude.

With a deft manipulation of his abilities, he repurposed the energy, causing it to transmute into cascading rain that descended upon the burning landscape, extinguishing the flames.

Issei couldn't help but find it intriguing how the water had the ability to quell his own draconic flames, but he refrained from commenting on it.

Calmly landing in front of Issei once more, Ajuka shook his head. "I must admit, I wasn't expecting the use of portals. You continue to surprise me with the extent of your power. However, it still won't be enough to actually kill me."

During the brief pause, Ddraig, ever the mentor, offered his insight to Issei. 'From what I can gather, he possesses the ability to manipulate reality. Any conventional attack you throw at him will likely be repurposed or redirected. However, if you were to supplement your abilities with the immaterium, he wouldn't be able to manipulate or affect them directly. Remember, he couldn't directly influence those portals you opened into the dimensional gap.'

Issei's mind raced, formulating a tactical plan. 'He may have control over reality, but he cannot control dreams...or nightmares, for that matter. If I tap into Red's power of dreams and illusions, he won't be able to thwart my attacks or anticipate them. A master of reality cannot dominate the realm of fantasy.'

Fixing an angry glare on Ajuka, Issei spoke defiantly, his voice laced with determination. "We shall see just how truly powerful you are, devil!"


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