
DxD: The Dragon Oppai

In a world where destiny weaves its intricate threads, Issei's life takes a remarkable turn. His sacred gear awakens at an early age, leading to intense training with Ddraig, the indomitable Welsh Dragon. But destiny has an unexpected twist in store. Issei forms an unlikely bond with Great Red, the Dragon God. As his strength grows, two captivating newcomers arrive at Kuoh Academy—a silver-haired enchantress and her azure-haired friend. Issei's heart races as he realizes his rival is the beautiful silver-haired girl. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

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178 Chs

Chapter 109: Explaining!

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"That would certainly explain what happened here then... So, you're Hyoudou-san? It's a shame we had to meet under such circumstances. I did attempt to summon you the other day, but you resisted," Ajuka introduced himself to Issei, his tone carrying a hint of curiosity.

Issei's anger flared, his words laced with bitterness. "You've got some nerve trying to act friendly with me after your goddamn pervert brother abducted my friends! I explicitly told you devil bastards to leave me alone! If you think I'm some sort of joke, then why the hell do you insist on disrupting my life?" Issei vented his frustrations rudely, directing his anger squarely at Ajuka.

The Maou raised an eyebrow in confusion, his face betraying his lack of awareness. "Pervert brother? What exacty did he do?"

"To start with, he kidnapped my friends and left me a note, boasting about turning them into devils and subjecting them to his perverse desires. I have no doubt he had similar intentions for the girl Rias Gremory was protecting. And if you doubt our testimony, just ask Diodora's peerage... they were all once nuns and holy girls, or so I've heard. How could you have never noticed this? It's blatant! That's why Gabriel is here too!" Issei scoffed, his frustration palpable.

Ajuka glanced around, his uncertainty evident. "Where is Diodora himself? I would like to confront him regarding this matter."

"H-Hyoudou-sama killed him, Beelzebub-sama," Diodora's queen timidly revealed, her voice trembling.

Rias couldn't help but be intrigued by the unexpected honorific. 'Hyoudou-sama? Could she genuinely be his servant?' she wondered, her curiosity piqued.

Ajuka let out a sigh, his expression shifting to one of resignation. "That's truly unfortunate. Such a bold act of retribution cannot go unanswered. Understand, Hyoudou-san, that there will be consequences for this retaliation."

"I'm glad he's dead, and I wouldn't hesitate to do it again! Don't think you can intimidate me with your Gestapo devil tactics; it won't work!" Issei spat defiantly.

The Maou raised an eyebrow, his interest now fully piqued. "Is that so? Tiamat mentioned that you possessed incredible power. Your ability to resist my forced summon further solidifies that notion. It would suggest that you possess magical prowess far surpassing that of a high-class devil or even a high dragon. Coupled with your unwavering fearlessness, it only reinforces my suspicion that your power exceeds even Tiamat's expectations. And considering your alliance with Gabriel, I would wager that your strength rivals hers. Am I correct in this assumption?"

"Why don't you tell me? After all, you seem to think you're some kind of genius," Issei retorted, his words dripping with a smug tone.

Ajuka's gaze narrowed, his stern expression conveying a mix of frustration and concern. "While my brother may have deserved the punishment you delivered, it doesn't excuse the fact that you unlawfully attacked a high-class devil heir and a member of the pillars. You should have allowed us to administer the appropriate punishment. Your actions will undoubtedly cause a political backlash and potentially damage the delicate relations within the Underworld."

Issei's anger burned fiercely, his voice dripping with defiance. "What does it matter?! I've tried being diplomatic with you damn devils! I don't interfere with your affairs, and all I want is to finish high school, for fuck's sake! But no! Every other day, one of you lot intrudes into my life, pushing your politics and agendas onto me! I'm sick and tired of it all! I tried to find common ground with Gremory and Sitri, and they promised that my friends and I would no longer be bothered. But you all broke that promise, and this is the goddamn result! As for the pillars, they can go ahead and suck my dick if they don't like it! Every single one of them!"

Ajuka's voice remained calm but firm as he attempted to defuse the escalating tension. "It would be wise for you to calm down before you do something reckless. I am not personally condemning you for what transpired here, but your current attitude is not helping the situation. If the testimonies hold true, you will be granted amnesty, and there will be no need for us to resort to lethal measures."

Issei's glare intensified, his defiance unyielding. "You think you won't have to kill me? Well, go ahead and try. It'll be the last thing you ever do."

"I don't believe that's truly what you want. Behaving irrationally and erratically will not aid your case in any way. I implore you once again, calm down," Ajuka countered with a measured tone.

'These devils still believe they can come up and flaunt their superiority over me?! Screw this guy! I'm going to beat the living hell out of him so they finally stop being so damn condescending!' Issei's thoughts seethed with fury.

Ddraig's voice echoed telepathically, 'Are you considering utilizing the Boosted Gear?'

'Only as a last resort. It might not be the best idea to reveal your power in front of Irina and Xenovia right now,' Issei replied, his delinquent nature blending with caution.

Without a moment's hesitation, Issei exhaled a torrent of dark red flames in Ajuka's direction, causing the devil to hastily erect a defensive spell. The flames fiercely battled against the magical barrier, but to Ajuka's surprise, they swiftly overwhelmed it, leaving the Maou momentarily taken aback.

Remaining composed, Ajuka deftly evaded Issei's subsequent fiery breath, his voice laced with calm analytical observation. "Impressive flames. They possess a distinct uniqueness. These are chaos flames—dangerous and potent. Tiamat has the ability to wield such flames as well. It is a trait often found among some of the dragon kings."

'He's analyzing my power, huh? This guy treats this whole situation like a scientific experiment. Nonetheless, he appears to be quite intelligent. I should not underestimate him,' Issei begrudgingly acknowledged, his annoyance tempered by a newfound respect.

A low, guttural growl escaped Issei's lips as his draconic aura surged, crackling with unrestrained power. The air itself seemed to tremble as a dazzling pillar of red and gold magic erupted into the heavens, casting a blinding light that swallowed the surrounding area in its raw intensity.


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