
Chapter 10

With her new aspect, making Medusa's divine energy stronger, the energy tried to overthrow the draconic mana on her body but failed. As the two energies fought over dominance inside her body, she started to change scales and was pushed into becoming a dragon king. 

I think I forgot to describe her appearance in her dragon form. She seems like an eastern dragon with a greenish-blue scale that gradually becomes gray close to her head. She did not have a dragonish beard though. She could now turn in and off the stone curse power on her eyes.

"If it's not asking for too much Medusa can I use your used scales as crafting material?"

"Sure, master."

I moved my roots to collect all the scales and guard them in a hole close to my real body, below all the swap water.

"I would give your duties as my subordinates now, but it seems like I have a visit."

I clicked my fingers and soon Selene, the Titan goddess of the moon, was in front of me. 

Selene was the first moon goddess and personification of the Moon. Also known as Mene, she was traditionally the daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia, and sister of the sun god Helios and the dawn goddess Eos. In legends, she drives her moon chariot across the heavens. 

Selene and Artemis were also associated with Hecate and all three were regarded as moon and lunar goddesses, but only Selene was regarded as the personification of the Moon itself. Selene was not actually the personification of the moon because she was not a primordial.

She had been becoming gradually weaker, as Zeus had given away her divine seat to Artemis, so most of her authority had become Artemis. She had fallen from a High-Level goddess[super devil] to a middle-rank one[satan class] and was at risk of further falling to a low-level goddess. This was until Ouranos II transformed the moon. Her divinity over the moon changes and gains a chance to recover some of her strength.

How could she repay the new moon sovereign though? She only had a moon divinity, which was surely useless for his plans for the moon.

"Sovereign of the moon, this humble goddess come to excuse herself for not being able to properly bless the moon."

"I guess as such Selene. I know that the moon is your only divinity, that's why I did not pursue the matter, you do not need to be worried."

"With the moon improvement, I can not lie that I benefited a lot, so I think I must repay you, but the only thing I can give you is my moon chariot, my only divine treasure, and my loyalty."

"Your loyalty is enough. You seemed to have been part of Olympus, a talent in politics would be useful. I, Ouranos II, appoint you as the Minister of Foreign Affairs."


" In simple terms, I am forming a faction. You would be responsible for our foreign affairs, like relationship with other pantheons."

" I got this. I swear on the Styx River to serve Ouranos II, with loyalty."

"I accept your vow."

As a welcoming gift I used, my connection to the moon to restore Selene's former strength, but without taking out the power from Artemis, as I do not see the need to make an enemy of another Olympian god if it was not necessary.

Selene gained a new connection to the moon unrelated to Olympus. She was once again a moon goddess.

"Selene let me present you, my other subordinates.

This is my first subordinate God King Atlas. This is my second Medusa, the Dragon Queen(King). My third subordinate is Prometheus. All of you, this is my fourth subordinate Selene. Let's return where I stopped I was appointing each of you to your position.

Selene ended up being my first appointment, she is our Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is responsible for our relationships with other pantheons.

Prometheus, I appoint you as the Minister of Magicraft, Education, and Craftmanship. You will be responsible for educating the mortals that were added to our pantheon."

"Yes, my lord." I turned to Atlas

"Atlas, I appoint you as the Minister of Defense. Your job would be to help me protect this little paradise and train the mortals in the art of combat. I do not plan to start any war, but I think we should be at least able to defend ourselves from any foreign attack."

"Yes, my lord."

"Medusa, I appoint you as Minister of Ceremony and my personal Secretary. As you have been previously a priestess I think you could help us with organizing ceremonies, a function, which you would probably end up collaborating with Prometheus.

Ceremonies are essential to educating the people about traditions and our history and sometimes even magic. I think you would pass most of the time helping me with day-to-day activities."

Medusa nodded.

"Finally, I shall be your King. Let's together guide this civilization to prosperity."

With the craftsmanship blessing that stood on the moon's core, I imagined the moon as my giant forge. I tried to harness the sun's power that my leaves absorbed and use it as a forcing flame. I used some clay to train the control of this flame. In the beginning, my flame vaporized the clay with contact, but gradually, my control became better. I asked Prometheus to teach me how to sculpt, and he complied.

One may wonder why, so much training if I could control moon soil with just my thoughts. I could not do the same with Medusa dragon scales, so I trained with soil to avoid wasting the precious scales, even if forcing scales would surely be much different than forcing clay it was better than not training.

Meanwhile, above the buried dragon scales, unique fruits began to be born. A water variant from the dragon apple, dragon rice, dragon Begonias, and so on... It was a nice surprise.