
Dungeon jumper [bl]

In 2000 humanity underwent drastic changes when tunnels appeared, humans began awakening and with this awakening the trials pulled all those who awakened in to learn as quickly as possible how to use there new found energy to defend themselves. Because of the harsh conditions caused by rapid evolution of everything in the world humans had to fight for everything and all humans have a status they must fill. Aadi originates from an unawakened home as the oldest born only 5 years after the tunnels appeared, humans to try and increase standing have as many children as they can to try and hit on the chance of even one of their children being a high awakener, he has 10 younger siblings and low potential started working as a farmer at the base they live at the age of five while also cleaning up and looking after his younger siblings while his parents never bother with any except the youngest who had high potential at birth. They gave basic nutrients packs, water, and clothes while they live in a crowded three bedroom apartment when a tunnel appears in the middle of the field while working one day causing him to be dragged in. Fortunately it was the lowest slime dungeon, unfortunately he was knocked unconscious when being dragged in and buried under dirt that also poured in by the time he woke the awakened had already closed the tunnel leaving him stuck in another world. This is my first attempt at a story please tell me of any mistakes, incongruencies or grammar problems as well as your honest opinion on the concept.

Kayle_ezel · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
86 Chs

Advancing and Learning

P.O.V. Aadi 

Waking once more in the same room, he feels more relaxed and rested than he has ever been before. Getting up he begins to think of what to do next, he doesn't need to focus on learning a new language thankfully but if he wants to fit in he needs to know the culture and technology of the place. But most importantly if things go wrong he needs to be able to runaway quickly and defend himself against any pursuers.

Sighing he crosses his legs and begins to condense his energy veins once more, 8 hours, that's how long it took to completely condense his energy veins into solid energy. Only seconds after finishing the winged man walks in an begins to inspect me, as though looking for wounds, seeing none he relaxes and ask me, "What was that energy fluctuation just now?" Surprised, I realize he is asking about my condensing action, "I is cultivate", using as few words as possible so as to not stress my throat and increase the chance of him understanding me.

  Seeing his face scrunch up in a mix of both distaste and interest, I decide to ask for something to eat since it has been almost an entire day since I last ate "food?" Sighing the man gets up and gestures me to follow him, grabbing my plant I do exactly that.

Turning right when leaving my room we approach a spiral stair case, heading down it we head straight and then left through a set of glass doors and enter a dining area with the short man from earlier sitting at the big table in the middle eating what looks like pancakes and bacon.(I am referring to American bacon here.)

The short man stops eating when we walk in, there is only a quarter of the plate with food on it left. The man looks at me with undisguised curiosity and interest before opening his mouth to speak, "so you are the one to cause quiet the panic last night? Despite your large mental energy you don't look like much, you wouldn't  think a tike like ye would be so powerful."

Confused by what he meant by that I remain silent, turning to the winged man he waits to see what he will do. The winged one puts on an apron and begins cooking the same thing as what the short man is currently eating, sitting down at the table I wait for food.

Apparently me sitting down is enough of a cue for the short man to decide to continue talking, " So, tike what are you doing to cause such large fluctuation in mental energy?"

I continue to ignore him, figuring the wing man would say something, and he does just not what I expected, "Little one why don't you tell him?" 

Surprised I look at the winged one.

"It would be good to start talking some to get accustomed to the language." The winged one continued.

Turning to the short one and looking I finally respond, "cultivate".

Seeming happy he responded the short one chuckles and says, "that's one hell of a cultivation if it causes such large reaction." Still unsure what he meant by that I ask him,  "reaction what?"

The short man and the winged man seem surprised by the question as though my question was one with an obvious answer.

Silence followed for few seconds before the short man asks, "you do realize the water in the surrounding 10 feet of your room alongside the fire and any loose stones flickering and vibrating when you were cultivating, correct?"

Now it is my turned to be surprised, I had only ever cultivated alone or with my plant meaning no way of knowing such reaction occurred during the condensation faze.

Seeming to realize I in fact did not know that the winged man appears to decide my talk is done for the time being, "Gurlet head to the training room we will be starting after I'm done here." Reacting immediately the short man gets up and stuffs the last remaining food in his mouth before leaving.

Silence follows for the next while until the food is put down steaming hot, one pancake and Five slices of bacon along with a scrambled egg, although fresh food is rare we sometimes gets treats from the government during old holidays for me to be able to identify the food. Sitting down in front of me the winged man appears to be waiting for me to eat.

Eating hot fresh food has some tears rolling down my face as I try my best to not eat to quickly, but I still slightly choke, the winged man hands me some water and I down half the glass begore once more going back to eating.

20 minutes and a clean plate later, sleepiness sets in once more as my body tries making up my extreme lack of sleep now that I am able to sleep completely safe.

Near dozing off in the chair I know I won't be able to watch them practice like I had wanted.

The wing man seems to realize I am sleepy and sits the plate in the sink before picking me and my plant up, walking in the opposite direction of my bedroom however he enters a room covered in different weapons and training equipment. He carries us to a bench in the back and lays me down on it while sitting my plant on the bench to my left.

Laying his jacket on me he then rubs my head before heading to the group of people I saw last time, they all choose a weapon but I don't get a good look as sleep finally completely claims me.

P.O.V. Winged man(Lucien)

After talking for another three hours about all the different requirements and who on paper would be his guardian we head back to our rooms to shower and sleep, as soon as he gets out of the shower the water begins to be pulled in one direction as a mental gravitational force is being done nearby. Worry floods me as I race to see what could be doing this only to be pulled to in front of the boys door, apparently I'm not the only one as the rest of the team arrives quickly after me.

Seeing this situation there is no telling what is happening but there is no intent to harm in the energy so I tell everyone, "back to your rooms we don't know what's happening and interrupting whatever is happening could end up hurting him."

Returning back to my room I get fully dressed as I was only in my boxers when I ran out earlier, now in sweatpants a workout shirt and thin jacket I wait awake so as to check what happens once the energy dies down. The next eight hour the pressure builds and builds the small fire place kept going due to it being winter flickers, the soil in the area also begins to get pulled in the boys direction.

Finally a crescendo happens and everything returns back to normal, rushing to the boy to make sure nothing bad had happened. When I enter I feel a certain amount heaviness to the energy, checking the boy over to make sure there is no wounds I ask him "What was that energy fluctuation just now?", the boy appears surprised at the question.

However he responds, "I isss cul tee vaate" (I is cultivate) while I am curious what type of cultivation could have such an effect most that have such effects are exceedingly harsh and require extreme care. It is a good thing I didn't let them interrupt him earlier.

The boy once more opens his mouth and asks, "food?" although hoarse there is no stumbling this time. Sighing I gesture for the boy to follow, after grabbing his plant he does exactly that, heading to the kitchen we enter to see Gurlet eating. Seeing us enter Gurlet, like always, runs his mouth "so you are the one to cause quiet the panic last night? Despite your large mental energy you don't look like much, you wouldn't  think a tike like ye would be so powerful." The stare he is giving the boy is not one he should give a traumatized child.

Putting on the apron I begin to fix the things Gurlet has so rudely left on the counter not even bothering to properly clean up after himself, if not for him being highly capable I would have thrown him out long ago.

The boy sits down and Gurlet once more begins to talk, " So, tike what are you doing to cause such large fluctuation in mental energy?" the boy remains silent.

The boy needs to talk more and Gurlet although annoying sometimes is without a doubt the most talkative one of us, so I say "Little one why don't you tell him?"

The boy looks at me in surprise, clearly not expecting me to push him to talk.

Adding on I say, "It would be good to start talking some to get accustomed to the language."

That was apparently enough incentive to get the little one to respond as he turns to Gurlet and responds, "cul taa vate'" (cultivate).

Gurlet lights up hearing the boy respond, he has always liked children, before complimenting the boy, "that's one hell of a cultivation if it causes such large reaction." However what the boy says next silences Gurlet, "Ree act ion waat?" (reaction what?) Surprise comes as it fully registers what the child had just asked, how could the boy not know about such thing he must have witnessed others cultivate before.

Gurlet finally asks the question on both their minds, "you do realize the water in the surrounding 10 feet of your room alongside the fire and any loose stones flickering and vibrating when you were cultivating, correct?"

The boy appears to have been surprised by this statement, clearly he had not been aware of this particular fact. That means he has not seen others cultivate this style, black-market scientist sometime experiment using kids to make more advanced cultivation styles and although the world and culture is different their is bound to be some similarities. 

Stopping Gurlet from saying or asking any more questions I say, "Gurlet head to the training room we will be starting after I'm done here." Reacting immediately Gurlet gets up and stuffs the last remaining food in his mouth before leaving.

Silence follows as I cook, once I finish I sit the food down and sit in front of the boy, watching him inhale the food I get a cup while making a plan to see a doctor as soon as possible. If it is an experimental cultivation style it could be causing hidden or silent damage that will go unseen until properly looked at by a professional or until it erupts when cultivating.

The boy starts choking and I immediately hand him the water glass, drinking half the boy goes back to his food, 20 minutes later and the food is gone and the boy is slowly drifting in and out of consciousness. 

After earlier I'm unwilling to leave him alone, he may begin cultivating again in which case the injuries may appear once more, so carrying him to the training hall I lay him down on the bench and put my jacket over top of him, I rub his head after doing that. Putting the boys plant on the bench to the left I go to the others and activate the silencing area around the training platforms, everyone grabs their weapons me a spear, James a battle wizard staff, Ella a short bow, Gurlet a war battle hammer with a spiked end, and Marlen her arming sword.

After this practice I will wake the boy and take him to doctor Nilan, I know he won't speak if you ask him to while still being unwilling to cover up criminal activity. I have went to him before to help treat some kids who I helped hide from the black-market, I knew once he heard of the boys situation he would keep his mouth tightly shut.