
Yumiko, The 9-Tailed Fox

Liam had just found out that he was stuck in the game all because of a forced event. Looking down at the screen in front of him, he couldn't help but gasp aloud.


[Request denied. You are in a forced event. You must progress through your first objective before logging out.]

[Objective: Satisfy a customer: (0/1) | Reward: +100 EXP, +2 All Attributes, + [Lovemaking] skill | Event Countdown: 9h 59m 50s]

After seeing this, Liam didn't know what to do. Placing his hands on his head, he got up out of bed and paced through the room back and forth, trying to figure out how to skip this 'forced event.'

'Okay, clearly this game wants me to do THAT with these customers, or more specifically, male customers. Since I'm not really into that, I have to get out here, but...' He realized that the game would not let him log out.

Just when he was about to lose it, he figured out a very possible solution. "Wait, what if I just leave this brothel and just wait until the countdown reaches 0, and the event fails? I won't have to do it, and I should be able to log out of the game by then, right?"

Thinking that this was a plausible solution, he decided to walk toward the door and leave, but he realized that he was naked. "Maybe I should find something to wear first..." Liam thought aloud.

Even though he was in a game and looked nothing like his real-life body, he felt uncomfortable if someone saw him naked. So he walked over to a tall dresser and opened up the drawers.

Looking inside, there were various pairs of women's lingerie and silk robes, but nothing else besides that. "Ugh... I guess this will have to do..." Liam picked up modest white panties and a purple silk robe before putting them on his body.

The panties fit nicely around his waist; it was almost as if they were made for him. Meanwhile, the purple silk robes clung to his very feminine and alluring figure, which highlighted his wonderful curves and assets. As for footwear, right next to the tall dresser, there were wooden sandals with a single purple strap that he placed on his feet.

Figuring these would be sufficient, Liam walked over to the door before leaving and venturing through this brothel that he found himself in.


Walking through the wooden halls quietly, Liam noticed how luxurious and detailed the halls were. Like his, there were several other rooms aligned on the hall, and on each side were various decorations such as paintings, plants, and sometimes even guards who looked out for trouble.

However, they didn't seem to care for Liam's presence and acted as if he were a resident here. 'I, or whoever this body used to belong to, probably was. At least, that's what that blue screen said before it teleported me here.' He thought, remembering that this body was apparently a slave who worked inside a brothel.

That being the case, he thought that he could freely walk the halls and not worry about the guards. Well, that was until he tried to escape from this place. 'Then they might actually try to stop me from leaving. If that happens, then I'm screwed.'

Liam kept walking until he eventually stumbled upon a twin staircase that led down to what he thought was the main lobby. Resting in front of the staircase was an unattended reception desk, which was great news for Liam since he could quietly walk down the staircase and leave this place.

Not waiting any longer—that's what Liam did. He walked down the staircase, making as little noise as possible while scanning his surroundings in case he alerted someone nearby. Though once he made it to the lobby and was about to place his hand on the entrance door handle, he heard a loud, dominant voice sound inside his mind.

"I did not grant you permission to leave our home, Coleth!"

When this voice appeared inside his mind, Liam's body dropped to the floor, and he clutched his stomach in pain. There was an electrifying feeling around his pelvis area, and when he opened up his robe, he saw some kind of mark.

This mark was shaped into a pinkish-purple heart with several lines and chains surrounding it. Each time the voice spoke, the mark would glow brightly, and the pain would intensify depending on how loudly it spoke.

All of a sudden, Liam felt a gust of wind brush up against his back, causing him to turn his head in response. His eyes glanced at an impossibly beautiful and seductive woman with long orange hair, pale skin, and emerald-green eyes with black vertical slit pupils.

This woman wore a white, expensive, and revealing robe that allowed her smooth and pale shoulders and large cleavage to be seen by any onlooker. In her hand was some kind of wooden smoke pipe that would emit smoke every time she placed the tip of the stem in her mouth.

Yet, the most eye-catching features of all were the orange fox ears on top of her head, the thin whiskers that were on her cheeks, and the nine moving orange tails with white tips.

'She... I think that's supposed to be this Yumiko person; this body's mistress...' Liam remembered the description of 'Balance' this game thought Liam needed. Apparently, he was owned by a nine-tailed fox, and seeing as though this woman had fox features and nine tails, it wasn't hard to guess that this woman was her.

Looking down on him in disappointment, Yumiko shook her head. "I cannot believe that you would try and leave after everything that I have done for you. I understand that tonight will be your first shift, but for you to leave without saying anything to me, your mother, and your mistress, I am very saddened."

'My mother...?' Liam had no clue what this woman was talking about. The blue screen had said nothing about this person being his mother but just his mistress, which left him to believe that maybe he was adopted or something.

But, seeing as though he was in a very sticky situation, Liam was about to say something before Yumiko shook her head again, saying, "I know this is scary for you, but you cannot leave. I am sorry, but someday in the future, you will thank me."

Then, a moment later, two guards wearing all gray metal armor appeared behind her. Saying something in a whisper, Yumiko watched as the guards walked over to Liam and picked up his body by the arms before dragging him back up the stairs, not without hearing from her,

"As punishment for trying to leave, you will not leave your room until I say otherwise. Who knows? If you perform a satisfactory performance tonight, perhaps this punishment will all be over very quickly." Yumiko said this before taking the pipe into her mouth before smoking.

"N-No, please, I don't want to do this—" Liam's struggle was futile as the guards dragged him back to his room effortlessly. No matter how much he pleaded with Yumiko or even the guards, they wouldn't listen.


"Ah!" Liam was thrown on the floor before he heard the sound of a door slamming and locks locking. Looking at the door and around the room, he saw that he was now back in his room with the door locked.

Getting up off the floor, Liam ran to the door and started slamming his palms against it, trying to get through the guards by pleading, "Please, let me out of here! I don't want to be here or in this shitty game anymore. I just want to leave!"

His yelling would continue for seconds, and seconds turned into minutes until Liam understood that he would not be helped. Turning his back against the door, he allowed his body to lean up against it before falling to the floor, and he now sulked.

"I... don't want to be here... I... should've never played this game in the first place." Liam muttered, and if this punishment and forced event weren't enough, he soon saw another blue screen, displaying even more daunting information.

[Notice: You are now locked in your room by your mistress. You will not be able to leave the game until the imprisonment is over. Performing a satisfactory performance later tonight will improve your chances of being unpunished.]

Seeing this screen, Liam told it to "fuck off" before sulking his head down into his knees. He couldn't help but question why everything seemed to be against him. No matter what he did, the game would find something to keep him here forever, and all he wanted to do was leave.

It was as if the game was taunting him, laughing at him and his pointless struggles that he found himself in. Liam now knew that, whether he liked it or not, he would have to play into this game until this punishment and the forced event is over. And to do that, unfortunately, he would have to give a 'satisfactory performance' later tonight.

"Fine, but I'm only doing this to get out of this stupid game..." Liam sighed in frustration before getting up, walking toward the bed, and lying down. Staring up at the ceiling, Liam prepared himself for the event that, unknowingly, would change his whole life.

Hours had then passed by, and Liam was now looking at the countdown timer on the blue screen,

[Objective: Satisfy a customer: (0/1) | Reward: +100 EXP, +2 All Attributes, + [Lovemaking] skill | Event Countdown: 0h 0m 5s]

As each second passed, it felt like hours to Liam. Not only that, but he would soon hear the sounds of footsteps approaching his door. And soon enough, the sounds of the door unlocking appeared, and then the door had opened.

Using his entrancing blue eyes with black vertical slit pupils, Liam saw a handsome man with short brown hair and blue eyes stand at the doorway. He wore a white tunic, brown pants, and brown leather boots.

This man appeared to be human, and he looked no older than 19, but even more than that, seeing this person caused Liam to open his eyes in shock and utter disbelief.

'Josh...? What is my childhood friend doing here?!?!'


Thank you for reading!

Sorry for not posting for the past few days. I've been quite busy with work, and I haven't had the energy to write anything until now.

Nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are looking forward to the next.

Kaelorcreators' thoughts