

2023-05-03 UnidoGlobal

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  • Kaelor

    I am very late to the novel, and I can only read to the point where I can't anymore (Chapter 79). Nonetheless, my general opinion of the novel was that it was great. Of course, I had to turn off paragraph comments and avoid reading chapter comments since, no matter what, people will choose to find the smallest details to fret over. If you do one thing, people will hate it, but if you do another, people will also hate it. Anyway, although I do find some things forced, I still thought it was reasonably done. I enjoyed the characters, relationships between characters, Sarah, world-building, Sarah, the power system, and lastly, Sarah. While I cannot read further as of right now, I would like to imagine Sarah being part of Varian's life, as in being his partner. Of course, Sia as well. I just hope that their relationship will bear fruit. Anyway, I enjoyed the story and can't wait to read more when I can. 9/10.

    Divine Path System
    Fantasia · _Transcendent
  • Kaelor

    It's an investment. Although he wasted 8 mp on these healing vials, I'm sure they'll pay him back in full, and possibly more.

    Cursing his poverty, Varian reached the battle site, took the Abyssal body and human body into his space ring, and then returned to the cave.
    Divine Path System
    Fantasia · _Transcendent
  • Kaelor

    I have the suspicion that Sia is either Enigma or apart of the shadow order

    Ch 66 Truth [Bonus chapter]
    Divine Path System
    Fantasia · _Transcendent
  • Kaelor

    Is she the Archer? Probably not, since the archer was a blonde woman, right? Though unless she was given special treatment and was allowed to edit some of her features. Or did the archer have silver hair as well? Perhaps its some else too.

    Alice's face immediately beamed into a sweet smile. "Me too. Perhaps we will see each other there. See you tomorrow."
    Martial Online.
    Fantasia · Alekzi
  • Kaelor

    I mean, Ambrose was the only one who was able to bring Karma down to his knees, immobilized his right(?) arm, and forced him into a berserk state. I know the plot is strong with Ambrose, but if he doesn't get top three, no, 1st place, Ima be disappointed.

    [WORLD ANNOUNCEMENT: Dark Magician, Karma has been defeated - Rewards will be calculated and given tomorrow night!]
    Martial Online.
    Fantasia · Alekzi
  • Kaelor

    Let me guess. She is the woman from the archer dojo? The one who Graham told everyone to keep an eye one? Potentially the FL?

    'A wind...' Prince's eyes widened, and he turned towards the nearby roofs, where he soon saw a green-cloaked figure standing on top of a pointy roof. She was about fifty meters from Karma.
    Martial Online.
    Fantasia · Alekzi
  • Kaelor

    I bet Ambrose will parry with his hands, either here or later

    "A truly powerful person doesn't need weapons. Weapons are for weaklings!" Karma lowered his stance and put his palm next to his waist. He let out a cold breath and then pushed his palm forward, sending shockwaves across the air.
    Martial Online.
    Fantasia · Alekzi
  • Kaelor

    I don't know why, but I get the feeling she'll spawn in the dark continent. Also, although I do know many of us here wants Ambrose to cut ties with his family, I hope he could at least mend his relationship with his sister. I mean, while cutting his mother and father out of his life is understandable since all they're doing is the bare minimum, but I feel like Holly grew up with poor parenting. I'm not trying to justify her actions toward Ambrose, but I feel like she's just young, immature, and ignorant. I really do hope she could change and become a better person after stepping into Martial Online.

    "Hmm..." Holly hummed.
    Martial Online.
    Fantasia · Alekzi
  • Kaelor

    Possibly a hidden quest? Although, I am excited to see what Ambrose can come up with.

    Ambrose looked at the scroll and clenched it tightly. 'My own technique...'
    Martial Online.
    Fantasia · Alekzi
  • Kaelor

    I really hope he can find a way without his money being stolen, especially if someone with sticky fingers has access to his bank account.

    'I am now 600 crowns richer than this morning. That is crazy. The VR headset cost me 400 crowns, and the game cost 60 crowns. I have now made a profit by playing the game.'
    Martial Online.
    Fantasia · Alekzi
  • Kaelor
    Respondeu a Kaelor


    '5 XP? The XP is split between two party members, so killing those two would have given 10 XP. They definitely weren't level 3, so level 2 players give 10 XP. That is a big leap compared to level 1.'
    Martial Online.
    Fantasia · Alekzi
  • Kaelor
    Respondeu a MoonLord

    If you die, your EXP will be reduced by half. Although you won't regress a level, you only get (so far as we've seen) 1~5 EXP. Thus, you're not gaining any levels unless a single person kills an entire group of people, and everyone take turns doing that. However, soon enough, it'll become inefficient and other players will cover more ground, participate in more activates, and find better farming methods. Also, I believe it's very time consuming, along with your loot randomly dropping, so greedy people can take whatever at anytime.

    '5 XP? The XP is split between two party members, so killing those two would have given 10 XP. They definitely weren't level 3, so level 2 players give 10 XP. That is a big leap compared to level 1.'
    Martial Online.
    Fantasia · Alekzi
  • Kaelor
    Respondeu a 0Klein_amon0
    "Thanks." Holly tossed the wallet to the ground and left the room while slamming the door shut behind her.
    Martial Online.
    Fantasia · Alekzi