

In a clean room with only a twin-sized bed, a wooden desk, and a wooden dresser inside, there was a young boy who was sitting on his bed while holding a black box.

The boy appeared to be no older than 18, and he had short brown hair and chestnut-colored eyes. If he were to stand, he'd reach a height of 177 cm, and he was neither overweight nor skinny.

His face was neither handsome nor ugly; it was just average, and he dressed in a long-sleeved black shirt, blue jeans, and black socks on his feet. Overall, this man screamed 'average' in all senses of the word.

This boy was none other than Liam Frost, who was a C-grade freshmen student at his local college and majored in general studies since he didn't know what other major he wanted to study in.

For the time being, Liam just hangs out with his friends most of the time while putting college aside, which allowed him to be peer pressured into buying something that everyone was talking about and hyping up.

"Nistoria Online..." Liam mumbled as he looked intensely at the black box he held in his grasp. From the pictures and information written on the box, it contained a headset that would allow users, or players, to place it on their heads and enter the world of Nistoria—a magical medieval world.

A year ago, Nistoria Online was released out of nowhere, and once people heard or read that a player could enter their consciousness into the game, where players could feel all of their five senses, it became all the rage.

Heaving a small sigh, Liam shook his head. "I thought I would just ignore this game since any other game nowadays is just soulless and expensive. I just don't have the luxury of wasting my time when I'm in student debt."

Liam didn't get into college the same way other kids used Daddy's money or were lucky enough to receive a scholarship. His parents strived for him to enter college, and he has done so with his hard work.

Yet, once he finally entered and started studying, the pressure placed on him started to stack, not to mention the deep debt he found himself in.

Usually, if he wasn't studying, his time was spent at his part-time job at a grocery store in hopes of gathering enough money to slowly chip away at the debt he obtained, as well as paying for his monthly expenses like bills and food.

That's why he never even paid attention to any of the games or consoles that came out since they weren't worth the time or money as they were really that bad.

"I don't understand what's so great about this game. I mean, even Lisa preached to me about getting this game, and she's someone who outright hates video games." Liam shook his head once again before taking out a box cutter from his pocket and cutting the tape placed on the box.

'I don't want to damage the box so that I can take it back if this game is really just dog water.' He thought before setting down the box cutter and then opening up the box.

Looking inside the box, there was a sleek black headset that was designed to be placed on a person's head before they would lie down and power it on. The headset also came with a power cord that someone would plug into the wall when they're not using it or if the battery is low.

Picking up the reader's manual, Liam scanned through the pages and determined that he should be able to use it right away before having to charge it. Of course, he could always charge the headset as he played, so that's what he did.

Plugging in the power cord into a wall socket that was right next to his bed, Liam took the port, plugged it into the headset, and then placed it on his head before lying down.

"Well, I don't have anything to lose by trying the game out." He said this before pressing the power button on the side of the headset, and before he knew it, Liam felt his consciousness slowly slip away into a deep slumber.


Slowly opening his eyes, Liam saw that he was standing in a white room with nothing in it besides a blue screen that continued to display information.

[Welcome to Nistoria Online, Liam Frost! We are happy to have another resident in our magical world that's waiting for you to explore!]

[Before we get started, please note that since you have powered on the headset, it is now scanned and linked to you; thus, it cannot be returned or sold as it infringes on our terms of service under the 1-B-4-5-6...]

[...-5-2-9 code in the user's manual that you've read, hopefully!]

When Liam was first reading this, his expression turned from confusion to concern to utter shock. He did not remember there ever being something like that in the manual he's read, but this is something he'll check once he logs out of the game.

'Surely I can return it. I can see why I cannot sell it to someone else, but I refuse to believe that they will not let me return it.' Liam reassured himself in his thoughts, though he wasn't totally confident.

Deciding to push that to the back of his mind, he continued to read the further messages this screen had displayed for him.

[Upon scanning the serial number of the headset, we are proud to inform you that you have been selected to have a unique class that has the potential to be really powerful. Congratulations!]

"Huh, a unique class? It has the potential to be really powerful? That must be very good then, no?" Liam asked himself in his thoughts, finding it weird that the game was offering him a very powerful class.

Even if he happened to be selected by the serial number, wasn't it just too easy to obtain this unique class? 'Perhaps I'm just lucky, I guess...' He decided to push these thoughts to the back of his mind for now.

If the class was good, then he didn't really have any complaints. This thought made him question what kind of class he was going to get. "Maybe I'll become a necromancer, or maybe a dragon rider. Oh, a powerful mage would be very cool, too." He smiled and nodded.

Already, his lackluster mood was lifted by his great luck, though when the system told him his class, he was a bit confused and somehow interested.

[The unique class you have been selected as: Gluttonous Incubus]

Putting a hand up to his chin, Liam remembered the famous myths about demons, such as succubi. Succubi, or succubus, were women who preyed on men's seed, and their male counterparts were Incubi, or incubus, who preyed on women's nectar for either food and/or strength.

If this was the case, Liam didn't mind that he was given this class. Well, that was until he read the description given by this blue screen.

[Gluttonous Incubus: You feed off male and futanari seed to grow stronger by acquiring the benefits through it, such as attributes, EXP, skills, affinities, and so much more! However, this class is too overpowered; thus, proper balance must take place!]

[Searching for Balance...]

[Balance Found: You are a slave who works in a brothel as a prostitute. You are owned by a Yellow-Realm cultivator, Yumiko Takahashi, a 9-tailed futanari fox. To acquire freedom, you must grow stronger by serving your customers in all of their needs, and when you surpass your mistress in the cultivation realm, then you'll become free!]

Before Liam had the chance to even reply, his senses faded after reading the last message from this unbelievable screen.

[You are now being transported into the magical world of Nistoria, Liam! We suggest that you listen to one piece of advice. Please take this game seriously...!]

And like that, Liam's vision faded, and he had left this strange white room, leaving the blue screen all alone as he teleported into his player's body.


"Hmm..." Slowly awakening from what felt like a deep slumber, Liam scanned throughout his new environment in confusion, shock, and a little frustration.

He did not forget what just happened moments prior to his awakening, and if it wasn't for finding himself in a new place, he would've yelled at the top of his lungs about this class forced upon him.

"I can't believe I was forced into something like this..." He grunted with annoyance before trying to calm down.

Looking around, Liam was lying in a king-sized canopy bed with white and red coverings, which matched well with the room's decor.

There were various paintings, flowers, extravagant red carpets, candles—basically anything to set the mood for intense lovemaking sessions. The walls and floors were wooden, and there was a chandelier just a bit away from the bed to give the room lighting.

The room wasn't the only thing he'd noticed, as he happened to take a good look at his body in the process. "Why is my body like this...?"

Liam's player's body was nothing like his old self back in the real world. He noticed that his body was much smaller and lacked muscle.

His hair was long and snow-white, and glancing at a mirror in the corner near the bed, he had blue eyes with vertical black-slit pupils in them.

His skin was as smooth as silk, and his arms were smaller and dainty, while his fingernails were longer than before.

Liam had no muscle on his arms, chest, or stomach, as he did have a small waist and slender legs, and his thighs and rear were plump, thick, and juicy.

If it wasn't for the rather short and erect 4-inch little brother resting on top of its surprising big sack filled with nut butter, Liam would've believed that he was a woman.

"What the hell is wrong with this body...?" Liam couldn't help but ask, as he wanted so badly to stop playing this game after seeing and knowing what'd been done to him.

Yet, when he was about to bring up his system to find the logout button, he pressed it and saw a message that said, 

[Request denied. You are in a forced event. You must progress through your first objective before logging out.]

[Objective: Satisfy a customer: (0/1) | Reward: +100 EXP, +2 All Attributes, + [Lovemaking] skill | Event Countdown: 9h 59m 53s]



Thank you for reading.

I can only post 1 chapters a day for right now, but when I can, I'll post 2 daily.

Kaelorcreators' thoughts