
Dropped His Dime

Yasmin Wilson is stuck between being in love with her current boyfriend Kevin who carries drama of his own interfering in his relationship choices. While Malik comes in trying to be her night and shining armor being problematic himself. Will she choose to be with Kevin or Malik.

ValenciaAvail · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 13

"Olivia I can't get it up right now I'm sorry. I think it's best I go home to Yasmin okay. You and I have to stop this. Like I'm trying to get back to a place where I can marry the woman of my dreams who help me become the man I want to be."

I was getting out of Olivia's silk sheets placing my leg in my jeans one by one when Olivia caught an attitude. It seems the moment she fired her son all her frustrations were taken out on me. She wanted me more and more to herself but I was focus on Yasmin. Ever since Yasmin's sister's birthday a few weeks ago she started going to work late and letting me fuck her raw. Either way, I was all for it when she put it down I was pleased. So happy that Olivia didn't have to do anything but beg for my time. Now she wanted sex from me like before. This evening I was in her bed when she asked me to give her some and I couldn't perform.

"Know what just go all your men think about is yourself. You aren't the first and you won't be the last so see yourself out."

Putting on my shoes I was out with nothing more to say. Olivia was in her feelings knowing she'd be back on my dick tomorrow. I went home to arrive at the same time as the mailman pulled up to get out of his truck. Instead of letting him pass me to place the mail in the door mailbox, he handed it to me. Searching through the mail I saw one from a local clinic with Yasmin's name I opened it. The test read that she was pregnant instantly I called my lawyer to get them to send the marriage documents over. She wasn't home yet so instead, I made arrangements on Friday to have a big wedding surprise bash.

Friday had arrived for me to go to a private venue where I planned to have the wedding outside. The setting was beautiful matching the balloons floating all over. And a rose and white room filled with cameras as I invited everyone including Olivia. We had an understanding now that Yasmin was my wife-to-be, not my girlfriend after today so she had to control her temper. As she tells me she has moved on and has someone else but having her there would bring more media. Cameras were all over the entrance when Yasmin walked in with a smile on her face. She waved at the cameras as they started the program where she was told to come up. She was dressed for it wearing the dress I ask her to. We began to exchange vowels when I had so much to say and it became her turn. Her sister came in with Malik who staggered in drunk wearing a tux that looked better than mines with matching shades sipping from a flask. When they sat she looked at me saying nothing before telling the reverend to hurry up. After we were walking to the limo police arrived to put handcuffs on Malik.

"Stop it what are you doing to him yelled Yasmin's sister."

The officers back her up before Yasmin ran over to get her. They read him his rights before throwing me in the back of the car. I asked Yasmin was she ready before she told her sister she'd call her. I smiled knowing that Olivia was the cause and that could mean I'm going to get paid more for helping her. After Malik was fired Liv came into the office wanting to press charges saying she wanted to get rid of him. We set up a plan to put him in jail for federal time. Therefore we can set him up forging his signature on documents to get him in jail. Riding in the car Yasmin didn't say too much as I began to try to comfort her.

"Yasmin it'll be okay your sister will be alright if Malik in jail long as everybody knows who he is that all that matters."

"What you mean know who he is. Like what you know about Malik?"

I grabbed her hand to get closer to her. Caressing her arm I kissed her shoulder and neck repeatedly. When she insisted I slide over. I did answer her question.

"Baby why we talking about some spoiled ass dude when we can be making love. I need to enjoy you before you push out the baby."

"Wait how you know about the baby Kevin?"

"Because of your mail that's why I was so pressed about getting married and now we have."

"See there you go again doing things for yourself and why are you going through my mail? You in a rush for the baby I know that's why you did all of this!"

"Duh, Yas I don't need our baby to grow up in wedlock like you."

"Know what get to this damn honeymoon place so I can fucking clear my head because right now you stressing me out."

Angrily I went through my phone messages. When I scrolled through everything making sure there was nothing that needed to be completed work-wise. Arriving to get on the private plane I went to get Yasmin's door instead she got out before I got there. When I went for our bags out the trunk I looked up to see Yasmin passing out hitting the ground. I rushed over to pick her up to have the driver take us to the nearest hospital. We arrived as they placed her on a stretch as I ran side by side with the workers. When they reached some swing doors telling me I wasn't allowed to go inside I went to take a seat holding my head crying. I began wiping my tears when her sister and Lisa came inside the waiting room. Then Jordan came as I explained everything to them before Lisa tried to hit me again. In response, her sister ran after me as well before Jordan told me to leave. Explaining that he'll keep me updated with her condition.