
Dropped His Dime

Yasmin Wilson is stuck between being in love with her current boyfriend Kevin who carries drama of his own interfering in his relationship choices. While Malik comes in trying to be her night and shining armor being problematic himself. Will she choose to be with Kevin or Malik.

ValenciaAvail · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter 12

Malik came to get me from the hotel to spend time with me after my meltdown. I was beyond pissed that I let Kevin get the best of me. Kevin's return only added fuel to the fire when he even asked to have sex knowing he was fucking Olivia. And I know because the more curious I got the more light seemed to be shined on the situation. It so happens a day before arrived home I sat and cried my eyes out over thinking about Kevin when the maid caught me in the act. She reassured me that she wouldn't tell anyone before assuming the reason I was crying was Kevin. She insisted on making me a hard drink before she returned. When I drank a bit I slowed my tears but was still saddened. When we talked I got to know her better before her telling me that she admired me. Wishing that if she was in my shoes how she would have been hurt, Kevin. Lost at her reason I asked why when her words been to flow out of her mouth.

"Well, what I'm about to tell you will get me fired even though I don't care. So I'm going to say it anyways Mr. Kevin had that lady from dinner in your bedroom. The day you were out of town I was sent home early. As I went to get the last of linen I saw the lady and him kiss as she went out the door. On the other hand, I saw that young man come around again I knew that he'd tell you."

"And how do you know that," I said finishing the last of my drink handing it to her.

"I overheard but when yall began to do it I left and the day of your birthday I knew someone made you smile."

"You know what? You do a lot of observing to say you the damn maid you know a lot of shit" I joked.

"Well, I got to yall life are like my soap operas."

Walking off I began to sit and think to figure out what I wanted to do. I vented by taking all of my emotions out by speaking to Malik because he listens. I was nothing like the woman he knew I was a blessing.

Entering Malik's house we talked about our day before I told him about Kevin. His response was for me to dump Kevin not to proceed with marrying him. In exchange, I told him that while my business was thriving while Kevin was in school he helped my career. Kevin was the one who connecting me to all these big rappers and singers as he blew up the way he did. Then when Olivia scouted him he thought he was hot shit after getting a good job. Sitting down Malik told me to stop talking and to go to his bedroom to take off my clothes so he could massage me down. Without hesitation, I stripped before heading to his bedroom down the hallway. When I got to the door he told me he'll join me in a second just let him grab a bottle of wine. Suddenly the front door opened when I got up to peak listening to a loud conversation.


It sounded as though the footsteps were leading to his bedroom. I got up to peak when I saw through the hallway mirror Olivia coming my way. She came to the bedroom as I went to hide underneath the bed. I was hiding because right now we didn't need to be exposed. Followed by Malik speaking up running behind her.

"Yeahhh what you want? Didn't I tell you not to show your face?"

"Why you think I don't know what's going on! You got a little hoe in here and fucking using my money at that to impress her when we both know she a quick fuck. Yall enjoy each other and she's here somewhere but I'm sure she's listening. So tell her the truth so she can be on her way."

"Mom I'm not using your money when I got my own. And don't even think my drinking addiction got the best of me. Plus my father gave me that money doesn't shit belong to you."

"Well guess what smart ass you're fired. That money was made by me and your father the hell you mean. You used the company studio time and money for this artist. That show you put on was a fucking mess. I don't know who she is but she got you feeling yourself. Look at you out here thinking you run shit. But if it's good just know you're blowing my money big time. Next time you want to impress a bitch let her know that you ain't got shit. And about your addiction being the reason after school you had to come back here."

He grabbed her by the arm leading her out as I heard a slap. Her heel pranced the floor before he appeared in the room. He didn't try to hit her back he just got mad flipping everything over insight. I waited till she left to walk over to him. At that moment I felt played as I slapped him on the other cheek. I was hurt because he lied to me like he earned it and didn't have shit. Every time he told me something belongs to him he made it seem like he works for it. Now I was the fool to ride around and stay in Olivia shit. Then for him to have a past drinking addiction he didn't mention I was through. I was numb when I headed back to my hotel on foot.

A few weeks went by and I was back home. Kevin was back to his loving adoring self. The way he went about doing things made me feel like a new woman. My mind stopped running on Malik for a while. Then my sister's birthday came and she invited me to North Carolina. Begging Kevin to go but he denied still feeling guilty for hitting me. I still went to celebrate her day at a venue Trey purchased for her. It was a big brunch when we all sat down to eat sushi since my sister is a vegan. I sat down to eat at a creme-decorated table runner when I felt the need to throw up. I got up to rush to the bathroom as I reached the toilet puking nonstop. Followed by Lisa rushing in asking was I okay.

"Girl I'm fine I think I got a bug or something."

"No bitch your pregnant trust me I've had that scare before. Well, congratulations to you and Kevin."

I began to cry hard as females came in when Lisa kicked them out left and right. Everyone was catching an attitude till she locked the door. Coming over to push my hair back out my face she assures me I'll be fine. Lisa went over how happy Kevin will be to know he was having a little one. And the fact I was marrying the man of my dreams making it better because the baby wouldn't be born out of wedlock. Images in my mind played of me and Kevin fucking and it's been a while till the time Malik and I fucked in the studio crossed my mind. The tears began to form when more food came up for me to hurl. When I was done I asked her to make me a promise to not tell anyone where she agreed.

"The baby isn't Kevin it's Malik. Between us, I want to raise a family with Kevin because Malik isn't responsible enough for a baby."