
dropped bcuz I don't like writing this

guy gets reincarnated and thrown into multiverse first story will upload a chp a week maybe two. they will not be big

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3 Chs



Those were my last words before dying on my couch,Right now all I can see is darkness that reminds of what was written in those fanfics. The one who killed me looked like me for some reason.

'Maybe I should try to comprehend the dao of nothingness or whatever I can do here to get rid of my boredom' And he will soon understand the dao of boredom instead.


'I just wanna use my phone, let me use my PHONE, LET ME USE MY GODDAMN PHONE' No.


'The dao of nothingness has been comprehended and nothing is left to do in this void' I thought to myself before again suffering this boredom 'Whoever did this to me, I will fuc-' My thoughts were cut off as my eyes were flashed.

A light as bright as the sun shined and my hope grew as the being appeared

'HELLO CHILD' said the being

'Why are you yelling' I spoke? to him with my thoughts.

'.... rude child nevermind, I have come to reincarnate you into the universe you want with a gift for my enjoyment, and yes you will be a singularity in your universe and timeline and nobody will be able to copy your genes to clone you or steal/copy/cancel your powers' surprisingly he got a little quiet.

'John wick is the universe I wanna go to.' I said with no hesitation.

'It is decided. You shall go to John wick as per your wish and you will have a system with no sentience, NOW GO CHILD' He said as a black hole appeared and enveloped me.


I woke up in a unfamiliar but familiar bed. Then I received a headache and with it, this body's memory. I am 1.5 and have a standard body. Black hair, black eyes, Really handsome. Tall height as well, 3 foot 4 inches, So all in all a common drive thru clerk.(A/N:no picture:( please comment and I will see which one is good :))

'System Online' a voice spoke in my head.

'Do you want to roll gacha?' I read the message and pressed Y.

'Got TEMPLATE[Subject 106]'(A/N:This is from a game called Trepang 2 and it's really fucking good.)

'Do you wish to assimilate this TEMPLATE'

I pressed assimilate immediately.

'Holy shit, I am gonna be stronk' I thought as I looked at my surroundings. 'Hmmm, A crib?' Then I started to panic. 'NO NO NO, WAIT WAIT WAIT I DONT WANNA SHIT WITHOUT CONTRO-' As the young man contemplated life and his luck, he saw a woman enter the room.

He saw the woman put her breasts near his mouth.' At least it's better than not having a caretaker at 1.5 years old.'

Then he saw a man appear with a black vest on him on him.

"How is he?" The man asked the woman who I assumed as my mom. "He is a little quiet, but he is a healthy child".

'Status' I thought as a screen popped up.


[Name:James Wick]


[Template:Subject 106(0%)]

[Age:5 months]







[Inventory:Beginner Gift pack 1x, Store Coupon 100% discount 3x]

[ Points:535]

'Wait what now?' I was surprised by the 100% coupons. 'This means I can buy anything for absolutely free three times. LET'S GOOOO!' I thought in excitement.

I then looked back at my name.'Holy shit, I am a wick.'That caused me even more excitement.

"Seems like he's happy to see me" said the man who I think is my father.

"No, he is just sleepy" my mom responded.

"Come on,Helen You know that you lost that bet."my father responded.

"But why did you challenge me to dye my hair, John?" said my mom.

"Because you look beautiful in it."

'Ugh, why are they flirting in front of me?' I thought disgusted at my parents flirting.

'Let's just open the gift pack'I thought.

'Beginner Gift Pack opening 1x



'Wait so I can travel omniverses now?That's cool. Hey system what does that memory card do? Does it just put techniques in my head or do I have to learn them one by one by looking through the memories in the card?'I asked my system.




'Oh yeah my system doesn't have AI, so I can only assume it's the latter.' I thought looking for answers.

'+1 Mind for thinking correctly and intelligently.' The message said.

'Oh come on, you goofy ass AI' I thought irritated at my own system mocking me.'Huh?Why am I feeling so sleepy now.Oh yeah I'm a baby.'

A day later

'Hmmmmmm, That was a nice nap, now imma roll my gacha' I thought while waking up. 'Hey system, roll 10 gacha'

'Request confirmed, deducting 145 gp.

Rolling 10x gacha

Nervous system ultra boost serum 3x

TEMPLATE[Yu(The boxer manhwa)]

MREs 2x

SKILL[Save and Load], [Spirit Control]

Used underwear 1x

Grass 1x

'LETS FUCKIN GOOOOOOOO!, My luck is TOO good' I thought in complete and utter surprise and excitement.' Ok system, please assimilate the template,nervous system boosts and skills.' I ordered my system.

' Affirmative

Assimilating TEMPLATE and SKILLS.

Be ready for extreme pain, host.'

'Huh? what the fuck do you mean pa-?'

"WAHHHHHHH UWAHHHHHHHHHH SKREEEEEEEEWWWWWAAHHAHSHSHHDHSHD" A baby could be heard screaming from the other side of the neighbor hood.' OH GOD IT BURNS HELP MEEEEEE'.