
Dream sovereign

A boy filled with expectations to get his ability got a huge shock. With a ability that gives him protection during his sleep. When he gone to sleep a huge change happened caused him to sleep for 1000 years when he woke up the whole world changes and now he was left all alone in the world. The boy ignorant of the changes caused a phenomenon on waking up caused the world's will shiver. On his 1000 years of sleep he attained something that most of the overlords of the universe may get to know of its existence. The rulers authority of dream, that made him sovereign of dream. This is his journey to the peek from where he fell down, and to go beyond and find those reason for his fall. *Hello guys this is my first time writing a story other than writing on exams. Most of my story is based on my inspiration on the novel I read and some personal imaginations on what if it happens on reality. And also English is not my language so bare with writings and comment your thoughts on it*

beymad_1804 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

2. The millennium sleeper' knight

It looked like surreal and mysterious.

They were mesmerized by it. They came to their senses only when they heard noises at their sides only to find more people have arrived at the place. To be precise two groups. They are just like them machineries. They were surprised to find these two groups not because they don't know them but they knew them well, after all they work for the same machinery guild but they are not the best partners for missions they were fierce competitors.

Now it looks like the were taken the same job but issued by different party. From the look of it the guild dispatched these three teams without their knowledge so that even if two teams failed they can sell the information they get from the single party to all others and make a gain. Even though they knew that they are not going to let go of these chance because it was a huge opportunity for them to settle in their life.

"Oh, It looks like you guys got the same mission, what a coincidence?" said the leader of the first group to arrive.

"It looks like you Black crow have arrived first." said the leader of the group on the left.

"So what it will be us the Green cobra will finish the mission, so you should give up. The same goes for you too Red lion you can't compete with us." grinned the leader of the team on the right Green cobra.

"We can see that at the end, but don't you guys find it strange that the place that is said to be confusing and filled with illusions that is easy to get lost but we manage to get here without any difficulty and obstacles." said the Black crow.

"I think it must be related to the glowing thing before us." said Red lion while narrowing his eyes and observed the object at the center.

"True, compared to the reports the mist here looks nearly non existent. It must either absorbed the mists or must stopped producing it either way it will be a valuable treasure." analyzed the Green cobra.

"But it may also possible that it was used to seal the origin of the mist." protested the Black crow.

"Then it will better, sealing treasures are rare and a treasure capable of sealing the mist me very powerful." elated the Green cobra.

"If that's the case then we can just report the mission when completed and hide the information of the treasure." said the Red lion with a thoughtful expression.

"True we can really make a profit by making a team, but it shouldn't known by many persons and we also have to get rid of the rats of the guild" Green cobra said while grinning evilly.

As soon as he said that there was a explosion from his side only to find the bloodied Black crow surrounded with the corpse. They all surprised by his action.

He grinned at them and said"I already take care of my side it's your turn.'

The other group members began to realise what is about to happen but it was already too late their respective leaders killed them. They never once thought their leaders whom they believe with all their heart will do something like this to them for a treasure.

"Good now that we got rid of the pests we shall take the treasure." said the Red lion with a excited look.

"No we must verify the surrounding is safe and look for the information we came for before thinking about the treasure. The higher ups will suspect us if we go empty handed." said the Black crow.

"I shall verify the surrounding Black shall look for the information and Red shall clear the evidence and make it look like a animal attacked us while we are in the middle of battling for the information." said the Green cobra.

As he finished talking his eyes changed like a snake as it was quite common on the middle grade people used to inject monster bloods into their bodies to forcefully improve the strength. Since his ability is snake senses his green mountain snake blood boosts his ability, he uses that to survey the surroundings.

The others also started to do their part, Black crow summoned a group of crows and sent them throughout the academy ruins to search for data server, in minutes they found that in a half destroyed building within a full protected safe.

By the time both the others completed their work he managed to get the data they required to complete the mission.

Out of curiosity they checked the data only to find the most shocking fact.

"I can't believe there can be such an ability." Green cobra shocked to his core.

"It was truly an eye opener to know the extent as someone's ability can be." said the Red lion with an look of admiration.

"Hey guys did you read where it says he was a servant of Ace family, one of the strongest families in the world and from what i know there was rumors that his true enemy is Ace family and he just attacked the others just so because he can't go against them.

Then the other two realised this detail and shivered to find the information they have is concerned about the strongest family and an individual that was dare enough to go against them.


Name : Carl Raider.

Class : F3 Lower class.

Grade : Average.

Family : Orphan.

Background : Servant of the 3rd young master of Ace family. Not connected to main family. The third young master' father was said to be kicked out of the house for some unknown reason after the death of his mother.

Ability grade : SSS

Ability : King's Knight.

Description : A loyal knight serves the king with his life in exchange of his loyalty he gains immortality(partial). The knight shall bypass his capabilities and go beyond his level to be worthy of his king's knight.

" As long as the king remains the knight shall live to fulfill the king's command."

King : Arthur Ace.
