
Dream sovereign

A boy filled with expectations to get his ability got a huge shock. With a ability that gives him protection during his sleep. When he gone to sleep a huge change happened caused him to sleep for 1000 years when he woke up the whole world changes and now he was left all alone in the world. The boy ignorant of the changes caused a phenomenon on waking up caused the world's will shiver. On his 1000 years of sleep he attained something that most of the overlords of the universe may get to know of its existence. The rulers authority of dream, that made him sovereign of dream. This is his journey to the peek from where he fell down, and to go beyond and find those reason for his fall. *Hello guys this is my first time writing a story other than writing on exams. Most of my story is based on my inspiration on the novel I read and some personal imaginations on what if it happens on reality. And also English is not my language so bare with writings and comment your thoughts on it*

beymad_1804 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

3.The Knight arrives

The three knew they have involved in things they shouldn't involved. They knew that they will be dead if they were to report the news about what they found.

There is no way for them to escape from them, they will be killed by either of the party. They were well aware of it, their previous excitement of the treasure is nowhere to found.

Their only thought is to escape. They also know simply escaping will not do any good sooner or later other groups may come found their traces so they try to clean up the place as much as possible.

"Make sure there is no trace, we will be dead for sure if there is." said the Red Lion.

"You know it will only fool low level machineries if some big family or any high level machineries or organisation came you know we are doomed for sure." said the Black crow.

"I know I only tell to do that so that we can get some time to think a plan escape." rebutted Red lion.

"Why not we use the treasure as a payment for exchange our lives." suddenly Green snake said.

"It may work if they were a foo, have you we killed our men so that thed news of the treasure will not leak out why do you let you live after the location of the treasure is raveled." said the Black crow.

"Why not we check what treasure is it first it may help us to deal with them." said Red lion hopefully.

"Are you a fool ?!! Do you really think we can blindly believe the treasure we have yet to acquire to help us to escape from the pursuit of the strongest family." Shouted the Green snake.

"And also i don't mean to give the treasure to Ace family we can give its location to Carl as an exchange for sparing our lives, I heard that he don't kill people without any valid reason." said the Green snake while calming from shouted at Red lion.

"It may work but what will happen if he decided to silence us?" Red lion inquired.

"Why not we make a make a automated publish program in which if failed to turn off specifically by us three the information will be released. We can use it to get away from the problems safely" Green snake came with quick idea.

"A good idea if it was someone else but against Carl it will be worse we give him a exact reason he needed to kill us. He don't have a family in the past that others may use to threaten him, he don't have a wife or son we knew of. And more importantly he was daring enough to go against the strongest family in the world, do you think you can threaten him with a small piece of information." Black crow stopped them from doing anything foolish.

They realised how wrong their thought was and started to shiver at the possibility of what might have happened.

"HaHaHaHa" While they shivered a laughter was echoed throughout the forest.

When they turned around they saw a young man in his twenties laughing at them from the sky.

If it was any other time or any other person they would have beaten him up but now they were frozen in the place like a statue stood there without moving , they were not even blinking in fear of making so might offend the young man in some way.

But it was legit for them to fear because the young man before is none other than the Carl Daider, but he didn't look old like he usually appear but young as in the data they got from the academy.

They started trying to recollect themselves while discussing how to present themselves to him. While they are at it Carl came down to the land and looked at them.

"I knew there would be some pests come soon but I didn't expect you to kill your own men for a treasure, but what's more funny is that the treasure that you guys planned to use to escape is nothing but my sleeping master.HaHaHaHa" Carl laughed all he could while holding his stomach.

The trio froze in middle of their internal conversation because now that they knew he was present the whole time they knew he must have heard their all conversation and fell on their knees to beg for mercy.

"Please, let us live we didn't come here on purpose we came by the order of the guild higher ups, we will not tell this to anyone please let us live, please."the trio begged him to let them live.

"Ok I will let you live and also give you a data that you were supposed to submit to your guild, but your life has price are you willing to pay?" Carl given them a chance.

"Yes! We will do anything please let us go." The trio yelled in joy.

"Good, from now on you will be our spies you must get all kind of information useful."

"But the guild has placed a spell on us so that we can't leak the confidential news." Green snake said with a troubled look.

"I knew just open your soul I shall make a seal no one can sense it and no spell can affect it." Carl said with a mischievous smile.

The trio knew that he was hiding something but they were out of options so they have to obey. They did as they were told, Carl formed some hand signs and a magic circle was formed out of thin air and started to glow. Soon they experienced a pain they have never suffered.

Carl's mischievous smile widened at this sight and after a while it subsided they felt some form of connection with one other and they felt an feeling of loyalty towards Carl. They knew that now their lives are in his hands and can end them at any time.

Carl given a modified data they were supposed to submit to the guild and sent them away. Now he cleaned the surrounding and waited for his next prey.