
[Reality] Déjà Vu

My dream and real worlds used to not collide with each other.

But then I kept getting déjà vu. I started to see the places I had only seen in dream also showed up in real world.

Then I started to see the boys I saw in dream came out in real world. The tan skinned older boy I met in dream the night before, crossed path with me and looked into my eyes in real world the following day. I felt both frightened and excited.

The long distance boyfriend who broke my heart in real world, showed up in dream and came back to me. My two worlds got mixed up.

Then I encountered a boy in real world who had the same demeanor and semblance to the long haired fragile boy in dream. He also chased after me. I was 18 then. Melted by his tenacity, we started our six years of on and off relationship.