
Dream Door

Miswat Siddarkk the only princess of the darkk kingdom who gained fame because of her overwhelming strength looks to overthrow her own father to become the first queen to lead the nation "I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com," - cheeby_4

Cheeby_4 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Beauty and Anger

Miswat Siddarkk finally arrives after a 5 day long trip and she's standing on the south side of the ocean surrounding the devils land,as you stand close to it,it's like you can smell,hear and see the world through it. An ocean as far and close as the eye can see with blue crystal clear water that appears to an injured person or healer that with just a drink it can heal all injuries.

Two huge figures from the ocean are moving towards miswat at an incredible speed,the water slowly rises up and a blue transparent shell is coming out of the ocean,as soon as the whole shell is up the water a green transparent head and tail come out, it's a Barrier tortoise a monster believed to be so tough that it can block 60% known techniques in the world of Aura.

The princess stands on top of it's shell,it slowly descends into the ocean while covering the top of it's shell with a dome like blue barrier that keeps miswat safe from drowning. Traveling under the ocean blue and yellow lights are lit every step of the way,as they close the distance between themselves and the island more monsters join them until their number in total reaches 50.

All the monsters open their mouths wide "Roar" they all roar at the same time creating sound waves that travel at a fast speed "bang" the sound waves clash with an invisible force,as the invisible force vibrates due to the sound waves a red transparent barrier is slowly visible, more of the red barrier is visible as the vibrations travel up,the vibrations leave the ocean and travel up the sky a red cube barrier the size of a 200 feet building pointing up the sky is revealed.

"Roar" a loud rumbling is resonating around,an eye the size of human with a gold pupil is visible from the purple poison fog surrounding the island,with one flap of it's wing's the fog that was surrounding the eye is pushed back and a monstrous Black and Gold dragon is shown "Hreee" a loud blood boiling roar vibrates through the 200 feet red cube barrier crumbling it into pieces.

The dragon flies towards the ocean and at the same time the barrier tortoise launches the barrier that the princess is in up the sky the dragon flies next to it turning upside down and letting the barrier latch unto its back,as it turns back to normal waves are created on the ocean. The dragon with miswat on it's back flies towards the purple fog "Hreee" it's roar splits the purple fog apart making a pathway for them to passthrough.

The ride on the back of the dragon is a relaxing one as you get to see a 2000km high magic crystal piercing through the clouds surrounded by an island with white sand and golden grass all over the island. It's a place with a population of ten thousand people

The dragon slowly descends next to the princess mansion, once she's off the dragon it takes off. "Welcome back princess" she's welcomed by 5 servants wearing black and red uniforms with a cloak of a red door that looks like a stone on it.

The man in the red and black uniforms are her personal army,after she's has gathered enough soldiers through the mercenary groups and other influential people out there,every single of them is gonna be wearing the same uniforms with the red door.

The five soldiers escort her inside the mansion, her and two other soldier's named Luke & charmaine walk into the office with her . "Status report" she says as she sits down, Luke and charmaine pulled up a blue screen with faces of people by injecting magic into blue orbs.

One of the people on the blue screen starts speaking and the scene changes to a man sweating and stuttering. "So what's the problem?" A voice coming from figure with a scar running down his neck. The man kneeling and sweating on the ground shallows saliva down his throat "Gulp, um sire the important duty you assigned to lady frose failed,the army you bestowed upon her was also defeated,the enemy was a powerful one as they cut her head off in one move and she was in her evil form"

"Her power in the evil form breaks through another stage,meaning the anime was a stage 5 aura user or magician and to defeat 100 stage 4 death knight's the enemy had one powerful army,tsk but that's a small loss to our great army that's steadily rising.

"Do you want me to look into the matter King Siddarkk!?" A man with one eye closed and a devious smile walks next to the throne. The man with the scar running down his neck and sitting on the throne is revealed to be Blake Siddarkk. Blake Siddarkk a man with brown hair,a half circle crown on his left head side with one spike pointing out,a face that makes him look likable by anyone who knows him and a muscular body.

"Rage now why would i send you to do a trivial thing like that,you and Drave braveheart are my most trusted subordinates" the king says with a smile on his face. "You are right my lord i shall remain by your side" Rage slowly bends with his hand on the chest. "Where's drave still hasn't come back from increasing our forces?" The king asks proudly "yes my lord his been gone for 12 days,he must be on his way" the word's come out of rages mouth with a face full of anger.

Drave braveheart hailed as a stage 7 magician,the second strongest in the Siddarkk kingdom behind the King. Unlike the left hand of the king Rage his actions speak louder than his words,people call him a dangerous man saying that with one word from the king he can kill his family or even anyone the king tells him to.

30 kilometers away from the Siddarkk kingdom 7 feet tall with a black hoodie walks through a gate of a small village,two men guarding the gate try to stop him but he kills them simultaneously. He walks into the village realesing a yellow light. Anyone who came across him fell victim to his magic,once the people of the village saw this horrifying scenes taking place they took off running.

Children crying,dead bodies at every step he takes,people begging for their lives to be spared. Once the man is in the center of the village he releases a fire spell circle that surrounds him,the spell is launched all around him getting bigger and destroying everything it touches. "Whoosh boom,ahh" the whole village is destroyed killing over 1000 people.

Only the man wearing the black hoodie remains standing around a blazing fire,he slowly takes his hoodie off and to a suprise it's drave braveheart. "Hahaha he knows how to quickly take care of his duties,look at the amount of sacrifices we obtained at least he will be able to summon 20 death knight's" the king says while a servant is holding a red orb showing the whole scene happening around the village.

A large volcanic hand appears from the ground of the village,the lava on the hand slowly flows down spreading across the whole village. "Grrrr" loud growls are heard and 20 purple flames across the village are shown,metal helmets with a flaming top slowly ascending out of the ground are seen.

Tap tap "neigh" a horse carriage stops outside the village,drave walks to it and gets in as the carriage walks away 20 death knight's are following the carriage. Two soldier's walking alongsidethe carriage too are discussing about the death knights.

"20 death knights,that's a number that's increasing our forces" .."hahaha you our right,their pathetic lives are being put to good use,for every 50 lives sacrificed one death knight is summoned" the man laugh and continue on talking

"The king will reward us handsomely for this job well done,we have destroyed 10 villages in the past 12 days i can't wait to get back home and celebrate,haha" Drave bangs on the carriage,the two soldiers quickly go quiet.

Drave reaches inside his hoodie pocket taking out a purple orb,a big smile on his face he looks up and says "The item worked again". The scene changes to King Siddarkk's throne room. "Braveheart i should reward him big for his hard work,what do you think we should give him Rage?" Rage with a disgusted face tries hard to put a smile on his face "I don't know my lord,your decision is the always the utmost rule,so everything you bestow upon him will be perfect" the king looks over his shoulder "mmm i guess your right,i will let him pick something in the royal treasury"