
Dream Door

Miswat Siddarkk the only princess of the darkk kingdom who gained fame because of her overwhelming strength looks to overthrow her own father to become the first queen to lead the nation "I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com," - cheeby_4

Cheeby_4 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Plan

"Tap tap"

Only footsteps fill up an empty long hallway,the footsteps come to a stop and a hand is placed on a big silver door. The hand shines with a golden colour that's quickly spread around the door like veins. The door creaked as it slowly opens.

"Choose wisely"

King Siddarkk says to a quit Drave who only nods as he walks into the treasury. He walks by all the magical items only focusing on a red colour emitting large amounts of magic,he grabs the red light that quickly knocks him down to his knees,filling his mind with fast moving memories.

"Ugh what was that!" Drave stands up with a face full of questions looking at the item in his hand.

"Ohh i knew you was worthy but i didn't picture you overcoming its control that fast"

"My lord do you know what just happened to me?"

"Well it's really simple, the staff of force is a magical item that contains a lot of magic,those who proclaimed themselves worthy of it's power fell victim to it,losing control over their Mana Heart and exploding"

"What!?no way surely you jest my lord"

"Haha,now why would i do that,i mean think about it who wouldn't want a staff that has a 40% chance of bypassing an enemies defense?"

"Gulp" drave braveheart takes a look at the staff , he can't believe he has a tier 3 weapon in his hand.

(Tier 3 weapons are the third strongest magical weapons under tier 4 and 5)

"Status report"

Miswat says while looking at the blue screen displaying five figures . The commanders of five most famous mercenary groups.

(Ty kedd - Commander of the minotaur mercenary group)

(Hew Ruu - Commander of the silver dragon fang mercenary group)

( Dara Callum - Commander of the destroyer mercenary group)

( Rayna Kedd - Commander of the stampede mercenary group )

(Destrey Flame-Storm - Commander of the Sword pillar mercenary group)

Ty kedd reports first

" Princess miswat the minotaur mercenaries have been fighting a civil war between the 1st and 2nd son's of the pittsin family, we have joined hands with the 2nd son as he is defending himself from his older brother who wants to remove him as a potential pick for the succession of the pittsin family"

Dara callum reports immediately after Ty

" The Destroyers have been pushing back monster waves at the port of Wave the trading city of blue crystal kingdom,we have also been assigned 50 new members as porters and monster dismantler's so they can get used to the battlefield "

Hew ruu looks at Rayna kedd and it looks like they have agreed on something

" Master Miswat, the stampede and silver dragon fang mercenary groups because both our headquarters are situated in Cyclops the floating kingdom. We have collaborated together and conquered a village ruled by an Orc chief. We found a magical crystal and used half of it to each recruit and train a 100 soldiers. We have used the other half to build and open up 5 more branches in other towns.

Destrey Flame-storm looks a little hesitant to report

" what's wrong destrey , why are you keeping the princess waiting, Report" charmaine reacts to the quietness of destrey angrily.

"Watch your tone charmaine,even if you have a high rank than him there's no reason to act like that"

"Excuse my rude behaviour princess"

"Excuse me for not speaking up as quickly as everyone Master miswat ,hearing everyone talk about their good progress i just felt ungrateful coming to the meeting with only disappointing news" with him facing down destrey talks at a low tone.

"Look at me destrey a good competition is needed. But we are family we will never set you aside just because you have stumbled upon a wall, weaknesses are there for us to grow stronger"

" Yes i understand master miswat,the thing is 5 day's ago the whole sword pillar mercenary group at our headquarters accompanied me on a mission to fight against a dragon,we had investigated prior to the mission and found out that it was a stage 5 monster and it was guarding a great size of magical crystals"

"The fight with the dragon went well until it was nearly defeated , it started acting weirdly and digging a hole in the ground,it quickly ate a red glowing light,screaming up the air a red aura covered it's whole body"

"The weird behaviour continued and it charged forward like a boar killing 2 soldiers, wrapping it's body around one soldier like a snake and crushing him to death, it returned to fighting like it's usual self using it's fire breath,tail and claws to attack"

"Killing 30 of our members within a minute and dogding every move we unleashed on it,we knew that whatever the red thing it ate, boasted it's power to the sixth stage.

"I gave the order for the soldiers to run away while i try to hold it off but they stayed behind with me,as we was about to attack a huge blast was formed inside it's mouth,closing our eye's waiting for death we only heard a "boom" and a warm liquid drenched our clothes,slowly opening our eye's we found the dragons body gone with only it's red blood painting the walls of the dungeon".

(Indistinct chatter) the commanders ask each other about what occurred as they never heard or experienced what Destrey explained.

"Since we don't know what happened, release information regarding the incident to the official's and let them investigate ,while you and the Sword pillar members rest and later restore your strength".

"That will be all go back to your duties and be safe "

"Yes General Luke "

As the blue screen is been turned off, a scene of destrey looking down is zoomed in,his in a room alone. He smashes the table.

"Damn,i promised master Miswat that i will be one of her strongest soldier's,but im too weak"

Destrey starts crying

"Has nothing changed!?"

A scene of young destrey running with two people,who are his mother and little sister haunts him in his confused mind.

"Waah mommy where is dad, he said he will be back after distracting that monster,waah where is he,waah"


A head flies next to their feet tripping destrey ,as he turns around to look at what tripped him. They simultaneously yell out loud

"Waah no father(husband)"

As they are yelling and crying over their father's death,they see soldiers with a half gold spiked crown on their red and gold uniforms and call for help

"Over here sir's,please help my husband was killed by a monster and it's still causing rampage"

Destrey is happy that him and his family are saved by the Siddarkk kingdom knight's that he grew up admiring,but in a second his put in a confused state as one of them pulls out his sword and attacks them.

"Clang" "slice"

The soldier is quickly killed by a figure wearing black clothes a door crest,the other one is killed too. The one's who did it are young luke and charmaine.

A month later after the incident,young destrey and his family have been recovering both physically and emotionally after they were saved by princess miswat and she helped them and other families bury their loved one's.

Because of the passing of his father destrey has been keeping himself locked up, his mother who was working as a farmer to feed their family and his sister who was attending school were the only one's active

As he is walking outside and getting fresh air like his mother asked him to do,he hears loud noises coming behind a tall wall,he climbs the wall and is astonished by the scene.

Kid's his age and above sitting down with their legs crossed and absorbing a strange blue light he never seen into their bodies,while others swing their weapons up and down.

Destrey watches until the sun goes down,when the kids finish training he runs back home laughing and smiling.

(Door opens)

"Mom, mom can yo-"

"Where have you been all this time we have been worri-"

"Mom can you please enroll me to be a soldier"

"What are you talking about?"

"Please mom i saw other kids my age training behind that tall wall,please".

Destrey's mom agrees as she has never seen her son this happy since his father died.

"Everything is possible if you don't stray away from your chosen path"

"Thank you princess i swear i will work hard to become one of your strongest soldier's"

That's the last word's said before the memory that destrey visited motivates him to get up, wipe his tears and walk out of his office to the training grounds to train and get even stronger so he can fulfill the promise he made to princess miswat.

"Prepare my stuff,we are moving with our next step of the plan in 5 days"

Luke and charmaine kneel with a big smile on their faces ,they are happy that they get to fight alongside the princess.