

A boy who never had the chance to do anything thanks to his illness always spent his time in the hospital. The only thing that brought colour to his life were Marvel and DC comics. NOTE : THIS IS AN AU ( ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ) [This World is a Bridge between the DC and Marvel multiverse, all the possible information you know about the characters is totally useless since there is a possibility that it will never happen or it will happen differently] Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of it's character. I own my own elements and my OC(s). --- WARNING : English's not my Mother tongue So there will be grammar and paraphrasing mistakes Hope it'll be readble -- UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX

Xuefang1 · Anime e quadrinhos
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67 Chs


While in another place we can see how Monica was walking without any concern looking at a tablet and sliding it, watching the video of the explosion of one of the Ambrosia satellites nodding in satisfaction believing that both Tony and Cap were dead..

So she decided to get out of there but just as she was about to leave the port of the room closed, behind her was Tarleton.

"This was your regenerative formula?" said Tarleton as he looked at the holographic display.

"George it's not what you think," said Monica.

"How long have you experimented on me?" he asked her in a calm tone.

Monica : "I knew you would react like this, you would rather die than need help from them" she answered him.

Tarleton : "I trusted you Monica and you just used me."

Monica : "I saved your life... look at you you can control machines with your mind your intellect increased to an incredible degree. Just think of all the possible..." but Tarleton didn't listen to her.

Tarleton : "You infected me with his blood, that could have killed me" he said angrily.

Monica : "But it didn't, just remember our dream George" and as if it was the straw that broke the camel's back one of the mechanical arms of Tarleton's floating mechanical chair grabbed Monica.

Tarleton : "How could you turn me into one of them!"

He yelled at her as he put more pressure on said limb and to show how angry he was his eyes began to emanate purple energy along with the room surrounding itself with said energy.

"I made you strong" Monica exclaimed.

"No you stole my hope... and now... I'm going to give you the same adversities I had" he told her as a spider with a yellow liquid like the one he used to threaten Kamala the first time climbed up until it reached Monica's neck, she knew what would happen and panicked but the mechanical spider reached her neck biting her.

"Ah! What did you... do?" asked Monica with difficulty feeling her body burning and pain all over her body, Tarleton just looks at her with disappointment

Tarleton : "I will purge the planet of superpowers... even if it ends with me".

"Ge... George" Monica tried to say his name wanting to stop him, but he just looked at her blankly and let go of her falling to the floor screaming in agony dying from the pain of the injection thus marking her end for the moment.

Tarleton : "I don't think Stark and Steve are dead and it is certain that they will come for the Inhumans we have captured, I will not wait around so I will do the countermeasures, besides I promised Derek I would make him regret turning down my invitation, good thing I have someone who hates the kid to death hahahaha" laughed in madness Tarleton showing on a screen Abomination "It's time to start with the red project".

In the Chimera you could see Steve in his Captain America suit looking at his faithful friend and companion, his shield

Cap : "Hello old friend"

he smiled as he took it in his hands and put it on his back, walking out of the room where his shield was he walked through the door he ran into Natasha who looked at him wistfully "Steve".

Cap : "Nat, it's good to see you, as always."

Natasha : "I'm sorry if I had investigated further, I would have known they had you locked up..." she said regretfully.

Cap : "Nat, it's not your fault, Tarleton didn't know Monica had me either"

Nat hearing what Steve said connected dots

Natasha : "A-Day... The coup, Monica hired Taskmaster to steal the Terrigen crystal."

Cap : "Her men activated security protocols and initiated the Chimera's autopilot... but what doesn't add up is that... that thing in the bay... No one expected it" expressed Cap.

Cap : "The heat signature must have been what caused the quake that destroyed the city, but what was it?"

Cap : "I don't know... Until now I wonder, I can't stop thinking that... if I hadn't... maybe all those people..." seeing how agitated and bad as he felt Nat put her hand on his shoulder trying to reassure him

Natasha : "No, it wasn't your fault, in fact that ship shouldn't have taken off. I would have done the same thing" but they were interrupted by Kamala and Derek behind her.

Kamala : "Uh, hi Cap it's nice to see you, we haven't had a chance to meet or talk my name is Kamala and this is Derek the spider robot on his shoulder is Lucy"

Kamala said pointing to her and Derek along with Lucy who derek had a machine gun on his shoulder that he had created himself with the plans he bought from the system and Lucy on his other shoulder.

"Uh hehe sorry if I interrupted you guys it's just that I was overcome with emotion" apologized Kamala.

Cap smiled when he saw Kamala remembering what Bruce and Tony said about her then he looked at Derek Nat's protégé and with whom she opened up, who was also looking at him but in a more analytical way which reminded him a little of Nat (You got it right Nat) thought Steve

Cap : "You didn't interrupt anything, I must say I'm glad to meet you guys without you all this would not be possible" smiled steve and congratulated them, but at that moment Tony spoke to them from the command room.

Tony : "Guys I'm going to need you all to come to the command room I need to inform you of something" before that they all went to the command room

Derek for his part made the weapon disappear keeping it in his inventory and making Cap look at him in surprise, Nat seeing Cap's look smiled.

"You'll get used to it in time, Derek is a box of surprises" Nat smiled as she said it making Derek smile approaching Steve showing his hand to shake it to which Cap responded, while Lucy waved one of her paws in greeting

Lucy : "Nice to meet you in person Cap, although I already saw you when you came back with Tony, but we didn't have the chance to meet".

"Yes I understand, they took me to the doctor for exams the moment I left the ship although now I'm at a hundred haha" laughed Cap remembering that there were already doctors waiting for him when he left the escape pod.

So the minutes passed and they arrived at the command room where Tony, Hank, Bruce, Thor and the youngest being Theo, Cassie and Dante, surprising Derek that they were here too.

Jarvis: "I know I speak for everyone in saying it is a joy to see you again and in good health."

Cap : "Thank you Jarvis it's good to be back."

Jarvis: "Since the Chimera almost crashed in Manhattan, the situation has become more complicated, so I fear that AIM may see that as an opportunity to pursue the Inhumans more aggressively."

Cap : "That's something we can't allow. The world needs the Avengers more than ever" steve said looking at the group and young men inspiring them.

"Alright guys since you got to hear a little of Cap's inspirational speeches now I'll tell you what I found out in ambrosia and where they have the Inhumans captured, plus a little surprise not Hank" said Tony.

"Yes, actually I have managed to contact someone unexpected who will provide us with important information" said Hank so that a face was projected on the holographic screen.

?? : "Hello Avengers" a female voice was heard.

"Hill" commented Cap in surprise as did the rest.

Maria hill : "Hello Cap glad to see you alive and although I would like to talk more I will have to get to the point, what we have discovered is that AIM is spying on global communications thanks to their satellites that coordinate with communication networks around the world which is connected to a satellite you know very well."

"Ambrosia" said Derek with Lucy on his shoulder making them understand where it was all going.

Maria : "Yes, that is why I am offering an alliance, we will help rescue the inhumans from other AIM bases but I also request your help in destroying the satellite plus one of my spies informed me that a group of human enhancement scientists have been kidnapped a few days ago by AIM and they are in a base under Ambrosia and I also want them rescued."

"That's more than perfect it's like killing two birds with one stone, with that we would stop the lies that AIM is spreading about the resistance and the inhumans" explained Bruce.

In the command room next to Hill was shown the AIM satellite network, these were connected to the planet's communication networks with Ambrosia as the hub and also a video about the kidnapped scientists

Maria : "With Ambrosia eliminated we would have enough time to be able to show about how AIM has experimented on the Inhumans and what are the origins of the Adaptoids".

Hank : "But we don't have a weapon powerful enough to destroy him, unless we send Thor into space and he takes care of that, but the number one problem is the rescue of the Inhumans along with that of the scientists" explained Hank.

Tony : "Ah, that we don't have to worry about that, the satellite is connected to earth by a huge space elevator."

Tony : "So we will go up and destroy the satellite from the inside while another team is in charge of the rescue of the Inhumans and another of the scientists, plus we have two very talented teleporters to take out the rescued, plus I already have the launch codes" smiled Tony.

"Alright then we have an alliance and a plan when will you'll be ready?" nodded Hill and asked.

At the question both Tony Cap, Bruce, Hank, Thor and Natasha looked at each other in agreement "In one hour we will start the attack on AIM" they said surprising Derek who didn't know why but he had a bad feeling as if his instincts were warning him.

"Alright boy and boys you heard him go get ready it's time to hit the big head hard and put us one step ahead in this" shouted Stark making his friends and young men smile who was still in thought about what he was feeling.

Time went by and all the avengers along with the group of youngsters were flying in a Quinjet towards their objective, through the window they could see big gray buildings with the AIM logo on them implying that they arrived at the UTAH Wastelands.

Once the ship landed, everyone got out Steve told them the plan

"Alright you all know what we came here to do so now I will explain the plan, first we will divide into four teams, the first team will be formed by Tony, Bruce, Thor and I, the second will be Derek, Kamala, Cassie, Theo and Dante, the third will be just Natasha and the last one will be Lucy and Cerise" named the Cap to the teams.

Then he said what each team would do

Cap : "The first team will be the one that will use the space levator to destroy AMBROSIA from the inside, the second will be in charge of rescuing the captured Inhumans."

Cap : "the third will be in charge of rescuing the scientists and the fourth team will be in charge of keeping us informed as well as looking for where they have the captured Inhumans and scientists, once they are captured they will send them to the Chimera" everyone nodded in agreement to the plan.

The first ones to leave were the first team directly towards the space elevator, then it was Derek's team who still felt bad because for every step he took that bad feeling increased.

Derek looked at Natasha and saw how she became invisible disappearing without a trace, except for him since he used his thermal vision looking in which direction he was going, then he looked at Cerise and Lucy who nodded in agreement and entered the ship which also became invisible thanks to the camouflage system integrated in it.

He still in doubt he communicated with Lucy on a private channel he made so as not to be overheard by the others

Derek : "Lucy I want you to keep me informed about anything that happens with Cap or Nat".

Lucy: "Understood Derek, leave it to me."

Up to here


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