

A boy who never had the chance to do anything thanks to his illness always spent his time in the hospital. The only thing that brought colour to his life were Marvel and DC comics. NOTE : THIS IS AN AU ( ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ) [This World is a Bridge between the DC and Marvel multiverse, all the possible information you know about the characters is totally useless since there is a possibility that it will never happen or it will happen differently] Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of it's character. I own my own elements and my OC(s). --- WARNING : English's not my Mother tongue So there will be grammar and paraphrasing mistakes Hope it'll be readble -- UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX

Xuefang1 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs


In a subway part of the ambrosia base a group of synthezoids were patrolling and protecting a laboratory where the scientists that Nat had to rescue were locked up.

Inside you could see how the scientists were making calculations and working on experimental formulas based on Gamma radiation, but what stood out the most was the giant capsule, inside it was the subject Emil Blonsky better known as Abomination, tied with metal supports, totally sedated with needles in his body which injected him with a yellow liquid.

The once corpulent and horrible body was no longer there, what was there was his former figure, the human one, which was trembling and curving leaving to appreciate in his spine bony spurs, from which you could see how they began to grow and strengthen abruptly and monstrously.

"Subject A is starting to respond to the red serum" commented a blonde woman that if Natasha saw her she would be surprised and as if fate was playing with her a voice spoke making everyone stop

"So for this AIM kidnapped all these people and that explains why Maria loves them so much, Bruce is not going to like this at all" said Nat while pointing at the blonde woman in charge of watching the scientists.

Not realizing the woman Nat was pointing at her eyes began to glow with purple energy indicating who is or has control of the body "Looks like you found out my little surprise Natasha" said the person in a male voice recognizable to Nat "Tarleton".

Turning while smiling small nanobots came out of her body covering the body, transforming into a black suit like Natasha's with her traditional widow sign

"Yelena" said Nat totally surprised remembering her sister although not by blood, but the only person she didn't go crazy for when she was in the Red room.

"So you still remember after you abandoned her Natasha, you know I promised the Red Room people that I would create them the best Black Widow one better than Natasha Ramanoff and they gave her to me without hesitation" smiled Tarleton on Yelena's body

Tarleton : "So let me introduce you to the first human and Adaptoid the first prototype Superadaptoid" boasted George.

Nat : "You!!! how dare you use my sister as your toy" shouted Nat shooting at him

Tarleton reacted the same creating two pistols mated to Nat's firing and colliding the bullets with Nat's denying any damage

"Everyone run to the wall behind me if you don't want to die in the crossfire" shouted Natasha and the scientists listened to her at the same time the doors opened and a group of synthezoids entered

She reacted fast and launched a special bomb which upon contact with a synthezoid released an electromagnetic field knocking out all the robots except for the Superadaptoid.

"What are you up to Tarleton?" asked Nat.

"Tell me don't you recognize a weapon after all that's what you were created for right?" said Tarleton at Yelena's body walking in circles with Natasha looking for an opening to attack the other

"Your sister matches your moves, her counter attacks is yours, she is one of my surprises for you Avengers, it is you that are in the palm of my hand" smiled Tarleton making Nat worry for her teammates and Derek.

He lunged giving a knee that Nat blocked being pushed by the enhanced strength of it, using the strength of the enemy and taking distance but the Superadaptoid followed it with a hook

Nat ducked doing a handstand grabbing it with her legs in a headlock throwing it to the ground, Yelena (Tarleton) using her enhanced reflexes did a handstand countering the damage by doing a somersault, at this the human adaptoid opened her hand, forming from her hand a metal staff, which turned red with sparks coming out of it.

Nat on her part took out her batons updated with absorbing metal by Derek, with her batons completely blue with sparks coming out of them, as if they were Thor's lightning bolts, the two launched themselves to fight again, the moment Nat and Yelena's batons collided they released electricity, Nat was barely reacting to the adaptoid's movements without counting the strength of this one surpassed her she was making it difficult since she could not aim at the vital areas for not wanting to hurt her lost sister.

"Yelena, you have to respond, you have to take control, don't let that idiot control you" shouted Natasha hoping her sister would hear her

Yelena kept attacking taking advantage of the fact that Nat wasn't attacking her vital points, she used that to aim at a blind spot, taking her against a wall kicking her hand making her release this one, wanting to end this she moved her baton about to collide with Nat's head

But suddenly Nat's suit lit up with blue lines all over her body as if they were circuits, surprising Yelena (Tarleton) as Natasha grabbed the baton inches away from her head with her hand taking it from her and kicking her making her skid from the force of the kick.

Natasha : "Yelena please react, you're my sister, I'm sorry for abandoning you, I...I thought you were dead when I was forced to kill you, never forgive myself for that" Nat pleaded with her.

"How cute, it even makes me feel sorry for you Ramanoff, let me tell you your sister who you thought was dead was saved to use as a chain against you if you ever turned against those who created you that's why they subjected her to the same experiments they subjected you to, so much to the point that she came to hate you" replied Tarleton in mock amusement.

Nat was shocked by what Tarleton said and knew that what he said was true, she knew very well what the Red Room was capable of "And you took advantage of that"

Tarleton just smiled from Yelena's body

Natasha : "Yelena I am truly sorry for what you had to go through because of me and if you want revenge for what happened to you I will not deny you your revenge but do not let an idiot control your body" said Nat releasing the bastids waiting for something to happen

Tarleton smiled and walked towards Nat but without noticing the purple energy in Yelena's body began to flicker barely being noticed by Natasha, who applied a judo throw when Tarleton still in control attacked her to which the human adaptoid used it's legs to fall down holding Nat's arm throwing a kick from it's position connecting but without releasing her she threw more kicks.

Until Nat managed to free herself, she grabbed her wrist twisting it behind her back in a headlock, putting her leg against Yelena's

She made her lose her balance making her fall face first to the ground mounting on top of the Superadaptoid

Natasha : "What's your plan Tarleton, why do you have Emil in that capsule for, what do you want to do".

Tarleton : "Nothing special, just preparing a surprise for your dear boy, you wonder what would happen if we turned Emil into someone capable of absorbing gamma energy along with the ability to adapt to his enemy's fighting style to such an extent that he can become stronger than a full raging Hulk hahaha" laughed like crazy Tarleton making Natasha have a bad feeling.

The adaptoid's suit began to swell as if it was becoming more muscular, Nat who was still holding the adaptoid noticed that the adaptoid's strength increased again surpassing hers

Tarleton : "Ha and you forgot that now your sister is part machine" he said making her frown, from her back a metallic arm was formed which pointed at her and shot an energy beam at her.

Nat had narrowly dodged the attack but was not so lucky as it had managed to wound her in her shoulder which was bleeding, with blood coming out of her lip along with a deep bleeding wound in her shoulder Nat, getting up with effort looked at Yelena who was now completely wrapped in metal except for her mouth and hair, where her blades were before they were now wrapped by something like a mask with three yellow lights focusing on her.

Nat had no idea how to save her sister and the scientists she just had no idea how to do it without either of her two targets dying, if she focused on saving her sister who was fighting for control of her body Tarleton could take advantage of that to kill the scientists behind her and if she focused on saving the scientists Tarleton could wake up Emil or so she thought since something told her that was what Tarleton would do at that moment, as if someone wanted to give her a third option from her communicator Lucy spoke.

Lucy: "Natasha I'm sorry for not being able to communicate with you until now but AIM has been prepared against us, I could barely get rid of the interference in the communications and I'm sorry to report that we are not doing well, Cap's team is fighting against four adaptoids which have managed to copy their powers and abilities, besides you are not doing any better."

"And Derek, how is he doing?" Natasha ask impatiently, dodging Tarleton's energy shots using her hook to grab the ceiling and narrowly dodging the shots, sometimes she used the dagger that Derek gave him cutting or absorbing the energy of the shots using it, leaving cuts on the body of the Superadaptoid Yelena, but these barely did anything.

Lucy: "He's fine, luckily his group is the only one that hasn't had any problems, Derek is already taking the Inhumans out of there only that a group of synthezoids without any adaptoids are trying to stop them without success but the number coming towards them is making them delay."

Nat was pleased and reassured by what Lucy said.

Lucy: "Nat from what I could notice and analyze through the cameras where you are is that the human adaptoid has a weak point, which is its chest."

Natasha : "Excellent finally good news, I would appreciate if you could tell me a way to stop it without killing it."

Lucy: "I..."

Lucy was silent, making Nat worry fearing that she would have no choice but to kill her sister again.

Lucy: "If what you want is to save her you will have to be very precise, so you will have to follow my words to the letter, the main thing is to use the Kunai in your hand and aim it where the heart should be, that's where the nanobots are attached to Yelena's body, you must aim at five millimeters from the heart, so with your bracelet you can send an electric shock to her head at maximum power and at the end use one of the electromagnetic pulse bombs taking Tarleton out of her body, but a simple mistake will kill her."

"Leave that to me not for nothing I'm an Avenger and a Black Widow" Nat replied smiling.

Already with a plan Nat continued cutting the energy bullets running towards Yelena entering a melee, to Nat's disadvantage since with one arm she could barely protect herself when she could she aimed at the legs of the now muscular Yelena making her stagger.

Taking advantage of that she threw a bomb with her wounded arm, timing the seconds she used the new function of her hook which now could become sticky in part as if it was spider web (Thanks to Derek), the claw split into three lines of Absorbent metal sticking to it preventing it from moving, without wasting time she pierced the chest with the Kunai where Lucy had told her.

Tarleton : "So in the end you didn't hesitate to murder your sister again haha."

Natasha : "I don't believe that, but I'm disappointed that you don't know the weaknesses of your own creation" answered Nat

"What?" asked Tarleton but he had no case, because Nat turned the Kunai taking out of line the nanobot that kept the other nanobots in order, with her wounded hand she hit the head of Yelena (Tarleton) releasing one of her most famous attacks, the sting of the black widow at the same time the bomb that she had thrown exploded.

The second later Tarleton in Yelena's body screamed in pain with a mixture of his voice with Yelena's feminine one, Natasha watched all this with concern until little by little the purple energy and Tarleton's voice disappeared from Yelena's body, who was now on the floor on her knees panting, Nat approached her.

"Ha... ha..." gasped Yelena as she processed all the memories that came to her mind even of how Natasha apologized to her and put the weird-headed pervert out of her mind.

"Yelena..." knelt Nat making her look at her

Natasha : "I won't hurt you sis, I just want to help you" Nat said trying to reassure her

Yelena : "Relax Natasha I'm fine, you don't have to worry I won't try to kill you" smiled Yelena standing up but almost fell but for Nat who grabbed her hand helping her stand up.

She put her sister's arm on her shoulder and helped her walk "We have to get out of here, follow me" she shouted towards the people who were looking at them with fear, Yelena just snorted as she noticed the scared looks some of them were giving her.

"I just want to get out of here and have some vodka" said Yelena making Nat smile and look at her while they were leaving

"I also need one if you want I have one in the ship we could take it and talk about what happened to you", Yelena looked at her for a few seconds and sighed "I think it's a good idea we have a lot to talk about sister".

When everyone left the laboratory no one noticed how a small spider robot approached the panel that controlled Emil's capsule

The small robot activated the whole procedure where you could see how the capsule was covered with green energy being this Gamma Energy and a yellow liquid began to circulate through the tubes connected to the needles in Emil's body, the human figure began to grow up to 2. 5 meters, his skin became khaki, muscle tissue began to strengthen, ribs began to protrude and there is a joint axis in the calf turning into an abnormal and brutal monster.

But as if entering a second phase the yellow liquid began to enter his veins, giving a strong reaction in his body, the bone spurs that protruded from his extremities shrank a few centimeters

All these genetic changes were fed by the Gamma Energy that entered his body turning his whole body Red making him grow up to five meters and as if all the changes were over he opened his eyes, He tensed all the muscles in his body, the bony spikes on his back also tensed slowly as he slowly stood up straight, his spikes pierced the capsule as if it was nothing, getting angry as he saw how they were holding him he hit the two huge arms destroying the capsule where he was finally free.

He breathed a few times with unbridled rage and finally roared.


His roar was heard by everyone in the base, especially Nat and Yelena, elsewhere Tarleton with blood coming out of his eyes, nose and ears smiled watching the video where an Abomination with unbridled rage was running around the base not caring about his height heading to where Nat and Yelena were headed to.

"I hope you like my surprise, what will you do when your heroes can't save you, I want to see your face when the thing you love the most is taken away in front of you... hahaha"

Up to here


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