
Dragons Of The Hidden City

In a world that is full of magic,Dragons and different beasts,Royal families,Nobles,clans,and underground organizations and also not only that, this is a world where there is both magic and science. A girl's journey about how she changes her life after coming out of her family's clan, how she meets new people,and makes friends,and how she changes from a cold person to a person with feelings,and how she learns about people around her,knowing the difference between fake and real friends and how she faces challenges. Her two best friends who thinks she is a guy become dumbfounded when she turns into a girl. There is also a legend in this world which is, for every 1000 years there will be five dragons who will be coming out of the dragon gate and will choose their successors. The people who will be chosen are considered to be unparalleled. wait and see who they will choose and how it will lead us to a road of mysteries. --------‐---------------------------------------------------------------- (looking at the ice block before her, which has a person inside it.) Illuka:" Wow......What a devilish beauty. Hold tight...let me break this for you." Lucifer:"......" Illuka:My devil~ If I break this you have to marry me to pay me. Lucifer:"......." (After 10 years, When a talk came about their marriage. ) Illuka(Sweating):"Lucifer ....They are saying that we are going to be married soon. We are still young, there is no need for a marriage this soon, tell them we are not going to get married yet." Lucifer:(silently looks at illuka with his Gold coloured eyes)"We are already married the day you met me." Illuka:"What?!!!!But I didn't know how I got married." Lucifer:(Smirking)"Wife , The dragons get married by exchanging the blood." Illuka:(Remembering the day they met.) what??!!!!! Lucifer:"Wife , let's go to bedroom . we have already delayed our wedding night for a long time. Illuka:W-wh-what????.... (He princess carries her to their bedroom.) Illukas friends & Master : serves you right. At last someone is tormenting the person who torments us...ahh this feels so good. (Author: Guys, forgive me if you find any mistakes. I don't have an editor and I am typing this in a phone, so you may find mistakes. I will try to reduce them as much as possible and try to make this novel as interesting as possible.)

Shrihitha_Kumbum · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs

Elder Tao

At this time in one of the VIP rooms a heated discussion is going on between elders.

"What is Illuka doing here , Didn't we send our Butler to bring her back?" an elder wearing a black suit asked his own butler who is standing behind him.

This elder is in charge of mentoring the younger generation in the family and also he is considered as one of the important elders in the clans. They call him as Elder Tao.

The other 4 people in the room also looked at the Butler chu to hear his answer

"Yes Master , we did send but...." Butler Chu paused in his words deliberating whether he should say or not.

"But what?" the elder asked him impatiently.

"Butler Gao has been kicked out of her home by her bodyguard." Butler chu said.

"What?" Everyone in the room who are present know Who Illuka is , as 'he' used be the 'son' of the first wife. They also known recently , that she has not been dead at the cave where they sent her for the mission. According to the information they got , they have seen her in the city and also sent a person to bring her back.

No matter what she is such a good seed they can use , they don't want to loose her if they can use her.

They had been busy in preparing the younger generation so they didn't check on her.

Now when they got this news they are very much shocked.

They didn't expect that the brat who used to work for them has started to bear his fangs on them.

They are furious.

"What? she dared to do that?" the Elder tao shouted in rage.

"Yes , master. It seems that she also has a bodyguard with her who is very powerful and also from the people we sent , they told that they can't measure his strength." Butler replied.

"What? Bitch , she is just like her mother. seducing who knows what man while still in her small age." a other elder from the side butted in.

All of the elders in the room mostly have bad opinion regarding Illuka's mother.

"Why didn't you mention this to me at first only , I would have dealed with it myself. tch.

Can't worry over spilled milk , go over and tell our men to bring her here immediately."

Elder Tao ordered.

After butler chu went out to carry out the instructions , the people in the room fell silent.

"Elder tao , did you see which level he is at? Its better if we bring him back forcefully even If he doesn't agree , we can try to brain wash him , we can't let him grow bigger If he doesn't grow under our wings. Who knows whether he holds a grudge against us , it would be troublesome If we let him grow without our control." elder 3 mentioned.

"That's true , but we can't brainwash him , it doesn't work on him. we tried this when we he was small.

Anyways , If he doesn't cooperate we can always kill him." Elder Tao mentioned with a sickly smile on his face.

At this time butler Chu already carried out he instructions and went back in.

He sent 5 Men with Martial level 17 for Illuka and told them to bring her back.

Too bad , the men searched everywhere but they couldn't find her anywhere.