
Dragonball: Goku’s Legendary Son

What if when Gohan was born, he had a twin younger brother? And what if that younger brother was a legendary Saiyan? But he’s a half-Saiyan. So what does that mean for his emotional scale? A Legendary Half-Saiyan. This will start off at Kami’s house, like the beginning of Z, and continue on into Super I hope. I do not own anything related to Dragonball, Z, Super. I only own my OCs. I definitely can’t draw so the art used isn’t mine either.

Quade_The_Unknown · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Ch. 1 Reunions


A woman's voice shouts through the forest of a mountain.

A small and cozy looking home is in a clearing surrounded by forest with a river nearby. It's atop a mountain with other mountains around it.

The woman has black hair tied in a high bun but still had her hair coming down on the sides of her face. She wore a purple dress that has an orange cloth tied on the top and a yellow sash around her waist. She also had a red bracelet on each wrist.


The woman calls to her twin sons.

"It's time to come in! Gohan! Gochi!" The woman shouts into the area surrounding the house but gets no response.


I'm a forested area a man is leaping from branch to branch.

He doesn't need a description, it's Son Goku in his orange gi.

He lands on the ground and gazes up at a large tree.

"This one outta do"

He gets in a fighting stance and prepares to attack the tree.


He punches the tree and it shakes the forest around him as the tree topples over.


"Hey Gohan! Gochi!"

The woman walks around looking for her sons but doesn't get a response.

She is about to call out again when she sees her husband, Goku, walking up to the house.

Goku was carrying the massive tree above his head like it was nothing.

The woman steps to the side to let Goku walk past her. "Goku, think you got enough firewood there?"

Goku sets the log down to the side. "Yeah. This should last us a while, dont ya think?" He turns around and faces his beautiful wife Chi-Chi.

"Uh" Chi-Chi looks at her husband and reprimands him. "You're going to hurt yourself doing that one of these days"

"Oh, I'm fine~" Goku looks around for his sons. "Where Gohan and Gochi?"

Chi-Chi looks around. "I don't know" She looks to Goku who is scanning the area around their house. " it I think you better go find them, don't you? You three are supposed to be going over to Roshi's pretty soon"

Goku thinks and then snaps. "Oh yeah. That's right!"

"You better take the flying nimbus. You don't want to be late for your reunion" Cho-Chinreminds her forgetful husband.

"Ok" Goku turns around and heads back the way he came from. "Bye Chi-Chi!"

Chi-Chi cups her hands around her mouth. "Goku, be careful!"

"-ful, -ful, -ful" Her voice echos. Goku is already a long distance away.

She sighs and looks around her empty home. "I'm going to worry myself to death"


Deep in the forest two little kids around the age of 4 were walking together.

They looked similar, but at the same time slightly different.

They were Son Gohan and Son Gochi.

Gohan was born before Gochi making him the elder brother.

Gohan had their mother's light peach complexion and Gochi had their fathers light tan complexion.

They both had black eyes with spiky hair. Gohan's was well kept and relatively short, but longer in the back. Gochi had more spiky hair that was like his father but it stood up more, like it was giving the finger to gravity. A few bangs fell over his face or to the side.

They both were wearing the same clothing. They wore a green long sleeve shirt and green pants with black boots with white lacing, this outfit was covered in a Hanfu-style top that was yellow with green sleeves and on the front his family name, 'Son'.

Gohan wore a red cap with the Four Star Dragon Ball attached to the top. Gochi preferred not to wear anything to cover his hair, it felt uncomfortable.

Gochi had earbuds in one ear while the other was around his other ear and not in. It was playing music with a good beat to keep him calm. He also wore golden bracers that Gohan didn't wear.

Gohan and Gochi were walking slowly through the trees. Gohan was rubbing his eyes as he cried, Gochi was holding onto his big brothers sleeve and walking beside him. He could be heard sniffing, but wasn't bawling like Gohan.

The sun broke through the canopy of the trees lighting up parts of the forests ground.

"I want my daddy" Gohan sniffles out as they stop walking.

"Me too" Gochi says as we warily looks around. The forest was relatively dark and scary for two kids still under 4 feet tall.

"I wanna go home~" Gohan moves his tail slightly.

Gochi squeezes Gohans sleeve tighter. "Me too~"

"Daddy!" Gohan yells.

Gochi let's go of his sleeve and covers his ear that Gohan practically just shouted in.

Gohan stops crying and looks around. He looks at his brother holding his ear. "Sorry…"

"It's ok" Gochi let's go of his ear.

The twins look around before taking off while crying. They run as fast as they can together until they get to a flat stump of a giant tree. Both boys sit against the tree next to eachother.

Gohan looks up and sees something fly overhead and gets amazed by it. He stops crying and stands up, Gochi was still sitting down and sniffling.

Gohan then sees the thing that flew overhead land on the other side of the huge stomp. He taps his brothers shoulder and points at the beautiful black and blue butterfly.

Gochi kneels and turns around to face the butterfly, his eyes barely poking over the tree stump.

"Hi Mr. Butterfly" Gohan tries to get on the stump but it flies away. "Wait, come back"

"Gohan, wait up!" Gochi runs around the stump and follows his brother.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. I just want a hug" Gohan says while he runs with his arms extended out towards the creature.

The butterfly lands high up on a tree.

"Aww cmon. Do you want me to climb up there?" Gohan asks as he approaches the tree.

Gochi catches up and is slightly out of breath. "Gohan, we aren't supposed to climb up trees. Remember?"

Gohan either doesn't hear his brother or he ignores him. He gets a running start and leaps through the air. He slams into the tree and grips it's bark with his tiny fingers but slides down.

Gochi watches his big brother slam into the base of the tree. He didn't get higher than a few inches off the ground.

"Mr. Butterfly, are you sure there isn't an elevator on this thing?" Gohan goes around the tree a few times.

"Why would there be an elevator on a tree?" Gochi asks.

Gohan stops circling and turns to Gochi. "I don't know, it would make climbing it easier though"

Gochi points at Gohan. "So you did hear me! We aren't supposed to climb trees remember?"

Gohan slouches. "Yeah, I just wanted to hug Mr. Butterfly"

They both look up at the butterfly. Gohan backs up to get a better look but falls over a root.

He gets up and watches the butterfly fly away.

He dusts himself off and looks into the distance.

Gohan and Gochi begin walking around to try and find home. But then they hear rustling in the bushes near them.

Gochi gets scared and slinks back. But Gohan instead walks forward. "Uhhh, hello? Mr. Butterfly?"

"Gohan, I don't think that's Mr. Butterfly" Gochi grabs Gohans sleeve again.

Both boys jump back when the bush right infront of them shakes. But curious it's gets the better of them and they try to peer into it.


""Ahhhhhh!"" The boys shout as they run away from a wolf that jumps from the bush.

Gohan ends up tripping and falling down. He rolls over to his back and looks at the creature that just jumped at them.

Gochi runs back to his brother and stands infront of him with his arms out wide.

The boys get a better look at their attacker and it's not a wolf. It's an orange creature that has two long fangs like a saber tooth. It growls at the boys as it salivates and crouches down, ready to attack.

"N-nice kitty" Gohan says trying to placate the wild creature. "I know! Play dead!"

"What?! No" Gochi says as the creature creeps towards them.

Saliva falls from its mouth as it goes to lick Gohan after going around Gochi. It licks Gohans ear before thinking about the taste. It then growls and goes to attack the defenseless boy.

"NO!!" Gochi's golden bracers glow green and he closes his eyes as he punches the creature in its face.

Tree branches can be heard breaking and the leaves rustling.

The bracer's glow fades away as Gochi slowly opens his eyes. He doesn't see the creature anymore and falls to his butt. He feels really tired now as he breathes heavily and holds his arm that he punches with.

Gohan slowly opens his eyes and looks around. "What happened to scary kitty?" He then notices Gochi trying not to fall asleep and not to cry at the same time.

"Gochi! Did it happen again?" Gohan crawls to his brothers side as tears threaten to fall from his eyes.

"Mhm" Gochi nods.

"It's ok Gochi, you can rest. I'll stay by your side until daddy comes to get us" Gohan sits beside his brother.

Gochi lays down. "Really?"

"Really" Gohan nods.

Gochi closes his eyes and instantly falls asleep.

Gohan looks at his sleeping little brother and wipes his tears away. He looks around but only sees trees and bushes.

A few minutes later.

"Gohan?! Gochi?!" Goku calls out. He felt Gochi's ki spike and speeds through the forest. Goku knows that whenever that happens it hurts his son greatly and leaves him defenseless afterwards.

"Daddy!" Gohan calls out after hearing his dad.

Goku turns towards the direction of his eldest son's voice. "Gohan!"

He lands in a small clearing and sees his sons together. But Gochi is laying still on the ground.

"Gochi!" He lands beside the young boy and checks on him. He checks and makes sure that he is only sleeping. "Phew, I don't know what if would've done…"

"Daddy?" Gohan stands up and hugs his dads arm.

"It's ok Gohan. He's only sleeping" Goku picks up his sons in his arms.

"Flying Nimbus!" Goku shouts and a golden cloud that was hovering over the forest shoots down through the canopy and floats beside goku. "Thanks" he says to the cloud as he jumps on it.

Gohan clings to his daddy.

"Let's go get you two cleaned up. Then we can go meet my friends at master Roshi's" Goku says to cheer Gohan up.

And it works. Gohan smiles and looks at Goku.

"That's my boy" Goku sits down on the cloud and let's Gohan sit in his lap. He then lays Gochi across their laps. "Let's let Gochi rest while we go back"

And so the cloud slowly and smoothly flies through the trees until they get to the open skies.


Gohan and Gochi were laughing and giggling as the golden cloud they were on was flying around between the clouds in the sky. Goku joined them in laughing as he steered the cloud. Then he makes it dip down and glide just above the vast open ocean.

They fly back up into the air and after some time they see a small island below with a house on it. "Here we are boys!" Goku begins to descend as the near the house.

The house is fairly big. There is a lawn chair and some type of vehicle outside the home.

As the nimbus cloud flies past the island Goku jumps off it and lands with Gohan and Gochi in his arms. "Hey, is anyone home?" He calls out to anyone in the house.

Muffled voices and noises can be heard from inside the house.

"Goku~!" A feminine voice calls out as the door to the house swings open.

A blue haired woman and a short and bald man walk out followed by a bald, bearded, old man and a big sea turtle.

Goku puts Gochi and Gohan down. Gochi and Gohan instantly move behind Goku's legs and peak around the side. Goku raises his left hand to his friends in greeting. "Hey guys!"

"Hey, whose kids?" Asks the blue haired woman named Bulma. She has her hands in her jackets pockets.

The short and bald man named Krillin looks at his old training partner. "Did you earn some extra cash babysitting or something?"

Goku smiles and pats Gohan and Gochi's backs. "These are my sons"

The others are shocked hearing this and don't try to hide it.

"You're sons?!" The bald, bearded, old man known as Roshi shouts.

Goku stand up. "Pretty wild huh?"

The others calm down and look at the two young boys.

"Oh Goku, they're adorable" Bulma says as she looks at their cute little faces. Even if Gochi's is a little mean looking. But on a kid it just makes him look that much more adorable.

"Gohan, Gochi, say hi" Goku says to his sons.

Gohan moves out from behind his fathers leg and bows. "Hello everyone"

Gochi sees his elder brother bowing and he does the same but doesn't move from behind Goku. He bows, "Hello"

Krillin, Bulma, Roshi, and the turtle all bow and greet the kids.

Goku points to the one wearing a hat. "This one is Gohan"

The turtle looks at the small boy and smiles.

Everyone gets up from their bow. Roshi looks to Goku, his student. "Gohan? I see, you named him after your grandfather. Did ya?"

Goku nods. "Uhuh"

"Well that's wonderful. A fine looking boy. You're grandfather would have been very proud" Roshi states.

"Thanks" Goku scratches the back of his head. He then points at his other son. "And this guy hiding over here is Gochi"

"I'm not hiding" Gochi says and moves out from behind his father's leg. He then turns to face the others and trembles slightly before clinging back to his fathers leg.

Now Gohan and Gochi were grabbing Goku's pants from the side instead of behind. Gohan was getting scared by the turtle that moved closer to him.

Bulma crouches down infront of the two boys.

Roshi looks at Gochi. "Gochi? Is that a combination of you and your wife's name?"

Goku tilts his head. "Yeah, we weren't really expecting twins y'know. And we just liked the sound of it"

Krillin scratches his nonexistent nose. "Isn't that, I don't know. A little feminine?"

Goku looks at Krillin. "Hehehe…. Chichi said that it's fine. And I don't think that matters too much anyway"

Krillin shrugs as Bulma looks between the boys.

"Hey Gohan, Gochi. How old are you two?" Bulma asks.

Both kids count on their fingers before holding 4 out. ""Four and a half""

"Are you going to grow up to be a brave fighter like your dad?" Bulma asks

Goku is the one to answer this one. "Well, Chi-Chi doesn't let them train"

This catches Bulma slightly off guard. "Oh. No martial arts huh? So what do you two wanna be when you grow up?"

"An Or-tho-pedist" Gohan states.

Gochi thinks a little. "A doctor"

"Wow!" Bulma looks between the kids and Goku. "An Orthopedist and a doctor, huh?"

The turtle gets closer to Gohan which makes the kid cling harder to Goku.

"He's just saying hi Gohan" Goku says to ease Gohans worry.

Bulma looks behind Gohan. "Hmmm. A tail"

"Yeah! He was born with it like me! Gochi also had one but Kami had to remove it" Goku tells everyone. "He wants you to pet him Gohan" he tells his son.

Gohan then pets the back of the turtles head. Gochi mover behind Goku and moves next to Gohan. He also starts petting the turtle.

"Really?! Man, Goku. Has anything…y'know strange ever happened to Gohan at night?" Bulma asks in a concerned tone. She knows why Kanu would remove Gochi's tail, but not why only his and not Gohan's.

"What do you mean" Goku asks.

Roshi slides next to Goku. "She means, has Gohan ever looked to the moon at night when it was full?!"

Goku ponders it for a second. "I don't think so…"

"Hmmm?" Roshi extends his neck.

Goku looks up. "Well, we all go to bed pretty early"

Everyone then looks at Gohan and Gochi who are now riding the sea turtle.

"Why do you ask?" Goku looks at his master and friends.

Bulma and Krillin laugh it off. Roshi pats Gokus shoulder. "Oh, no reason! No reason at all! Haha!"

Gohan and Gochi get off the turtle and run towards the water. The turtle moves between them. Both boys jump back and move behind the turtle as a wave washes up the shore.

Krillin watches the two kids. "They sure seem different from you when you were a kid Goku"

Goku looks at his sons as they hide behind the big turtle. "I know" He sounds down. "Chi-Chi can be pretty over protective when it comes to Gohan. And especially Gochi. She also makes them study all the time. She says martial arts are a waste of time"

Gohan starts playing rock, paper, scissors with a crab that crawled on the turtles back.

"Oh yeah? Then what does that make us then?" Krillin complains.

Roshi shakes his head. "Now, now. Settle down boys. You can't expect everyone to agree with what you're doing. It'll be all too easy then"

Gohan throws rock while the crab throws scissors since that's the only one he can choose. The crab gets mad and blows bubbles into Gohans face. Gohan opens his eyes as the bubbles stick to his face.

"Hahaha" Gochi laughs.

"Hehehehe" and Roshi laughs as well. He remembers being young way back when. "Watch out! He might punch you Gohan! That's a mighty sore loser!"

Gohan and Gochi run back to the adults with the turtle following slowly behind.

Bulma notices Gohans hat. "Oh neat! That's a real Dragon Ball on your hat! isn't it?"

Goku nods. "Yep! The Four Star Dragon Ball. It took me a while to find it but I wanted Gohan to have it since it belonged to my grandfather. Gochi doesn't want one, he just likes looking at them. I've been collecting them for fun. I've also got the Three Star Ball and the Six Star Ball too. They're at home"

Bulma stands up after Gohan defensively held his hat after she pointed it out. "Wow, it's wild thinking about all the crazy adventures we had trying to find those things"

"Yeah, really" Krillin agrees as he picks up a rock. "So Goku, what are you guys going to wish for when you collect all seven?" He tosses the rock in his hand to the ocean, it goes just over the surface for a long distance without even skipping.

"That's a good question Krillin" Goku picks up a rock this time. "Come to think of it, I don't really want anything" He tosses it lightly into the air and catches it. As soon as he catches it he throws it out over the ocean.

The rock causes the water to move away from it just by the force of it alone. It goes significantly farther than Krillin rock. And it's much faster.

Everyone ooohs and awwws as they watch it.

Master Roshi thought that Goku would grow weaker since he had settled down. But he's still just as strong, if not a bit stronger.

"You're still just as strong Goku!" Krillin compliments.

Then suddenly Goku tenses up as he senses something powerful approaching. He looks side to side to try and pinpoint where it's coming from.

"What is it?" Bulma asks.

"Goku?" Krillin rarely sees him like this.

"There's something bad heading straight for us!" Goku warns.

Bulma looks around. "What? Are you sure Goku?"

Gohan and Gochi cling to Goku's legs.

"I'm sure. I've never sensed a power like this before" Goku gets in a fighting stance.

"Yeah, I sense it now too" Krillin confirms that something is heading their way.

Bulma doesn't believe them. "There's nothing there you guys!"

Goku can feel it. The power is just awful, and strong. "Look! There!" He points at the sky as a flying figure comes into view.

"Oh! Yes! We can see it Goku!" Roshi confirms.

Goku puts his hands over his sons. "Who is that?!"

Krillin Shields his eyes from the sun. "It's not Puccolo is it?"

The figure gets closer until it lands in the shore of the island. It's wearing some form of combat armor and it looks kinda like Goku. It's a male with long black spiky hair. And a tail wrapped around his waist. There is also a weird device over his left ear and eye. He also is packed with highly defined muscles.

Everyone tenses and flinches as the mysterious man frowns and looks at them all.

The device on the mans eye starts beeping rapidly as he glares at Goku. "Hahaha! So we meet again at last. You've grown up" He smirks.

Goku gets shocked.

The man looks at Goku like he knows him. "It's been a while after all, Kakarot"

"Kakarot?" Goku repeats.

The man stands tall and folds his arms. "That's right. It's your name"

This surprises everyone. Bulma doesn't understand.

Krillin looks at Goku. "Who is this? He must be nuts"

The man glares at Goku again. "Kakarot, what have you been doing here all these years? Your mission was to terminate all life on this planet" He then accusingly points at Goku. "Why haven't you carried it out?!"

Goku looks around confused, not knowing anything about any 'mission'.

Krillin then points at the dude. "Listen mister, I don't know who you are but you've got the wrong guy" He then walks towards the guy.

The man smirks and laughs to himself.

Krillin tries to shoo the guy away. "Shoo. Shoo. I think you've been dipping in the egg nog" He continues to walk towards him.

The mans device begins beeping again. Suddenly the mans tail that was wrapped around his waist glows slightly. Gochi looks curiously at it. Suddenly the tail strikes Krillin before he can react to Gokus warning.

Krillin gets hit and gets sent flying into the corner of the house.

"Krillin!" Goku shouts.

The bald man has his leg sticking out of the hole he made in the house and it twitches.

Goku feels his anger growing and he grits his teeth. He turns to the man but is give a surprise. "Ahh! A tail?!"

Everyone, besides Krillin, states wide eyed at the dark brown tail attached to the new arrival.

The tail moves sporadically in the air. "That's good. I wondered how long it would take for you to recognize me"

"I don't believe it! He's got a tail too!" Goku says as he tries to punch Gohan and Gochi off his legs. "What do you…. I…" He tries harder to get his sons off of him. "I've never seen you before!"

Bulma grabs Gohan and Gochi. "Gohan, Gochi"

"Kakarot!" The man shouts, drawing his full attention now. "You mean to tell me you have no idea who I am?"

"I don't know who this 'Kakarot' person you're looking for but I'm not him. My names Goku!"

The man looks concerned. "What happened to you?"

Gohan and Gochi wiggle out of Bulma grip and runs towards Goku. ""Daddy!""

"Gohan, Gochi! No!" Bulma shouts as she chases after the kids.

The two boys grab their fathers leg again as Goku puts a hand on their head and tries to push them back to Bulma. "Boys, get back" he tells them.

"Kakarot. Tell me, did you ever suffer a serious injury to the head when you were younger?" The man asks.

The adults all know that Goku was found by grandpa Gohan with a bump on his head.

Goku and Bulma pry the kids away and ignore the man. Just as they succeed in pulling them away the man gets angry.

"Did you hear me?!" He demands.

Goku gets in a fighting stance. "I don't remember it very well but you're right, I did hit my head when I was a child"

The man scowls.

"I still have a scar where it happened"

The man looks from the kids to Goku. "You fool, you forgot!"

Goku steps towards the man. "Forgot what?! Tell me!"

"Goku" Everyone looks to Roshi. "There's something. Something your grandfather once told me that I think you should know. Long ago your grandpa Gohan was walking through woods when he came upon a hole that had recently been made in the ground. When he went to examine it more closely, he found what appeared to be some sort of space pod ship thingy. And next to it, there you were. Laying in a little round pod. Gohan tried to take care of you, but you were wild. Down right uncontrollable. And unusually powerful for a baby. You wanted nothing to do with Gohans kindness. Then one day there was a terrible accident. You fell into a deep ravine and severely injured your head! Your grandfather feared that he had lost you. But, somehow miraculously. You survived. Yes, any other child would have died but you recovered. And from that day on you became a happy loving boy"

Goku looks distressed. "I'm…. from outer space?"

Roshi nods. "Yes"

Bulma is holding the two kids in her arms. "Well that would explain a lot! So you think Goku has some connection with this guy?"

Roshi shakes his head sadly. "I wish I knew"

Goku turns to the guy. "Kay! You've got my attention. Now tell us who you are!"

The man frowns. "Well i wasn't expecting to give a history lesson when I came here today" He closes his eyes and smirks. "By alright. I'll tell you everything" He looks at Goku. "After all, you are going to have to be working for me from now on. And I like my subordinates to be well informed"

Krillin finally gets up and holds his head.

"You were born on the planet Vegeta. You are a space fighter, a Saiyan warrior. Just like me"

This shocks everyone. Except for Gochi. He had already drawn that conclusion and wonders why everyone else is so shocked by this fact.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Raditz, you're big brother" the man says, dropping the bomb.

Gochi stares wide eyed at Raditz. He whispers to himself. "Uncle Raditz? He's daddy's big brother? Like Gohan is mine?"

Nobody wants to believe it. But Bulma states that Raditz does kinda look like Goku. But Krillin asks why Goku would be on Earth if he was from a different planet.

Raditz laughs. "Thats simple. We sent him here. Kakarot was given specific orders to clear this world of its current inhabitants. In which he has failed miserably"

"Huh?!" Goku is sweating. He doesn't know what this guy is talking about.

"You see, we Saiyans are sort of like… planet brokers. We search for planets that would sell for a high price on the galactic market. And once we find a planet we send our warriors there to purge them of any life and make them…. ready…. for sale. It's a very, very, very profitable business and we take pride in our missions. For example, if we discover a planet with strong inhabitants we send a team of our mightiest to wipe them out. Planets full of weakling like this one, one of our babies is generally sufficient to carry out the order"

"If what you say is true, then you're just an abomination, or space pirates. That's what you are!" Krillin shouts.

Bulma crouches down and defends Gohan and Gochi. "How could you send little babies off into space all alone!"

"Tch! Trust me! They're more than capable of looking after themselves" Raditz looks at Gohan and his tail. "Well! Most of them!" He shouts and then looks at his brother. "Kakarot! You're a disgrace! You could have easily wiped out every living thing on this planet by yourself. If you had only followed your orders it would have taken 1 or 2 years at the most! Especially considering this planet has a nice and big moon"

Goku bends his knees slightly. "Yeah, and let me guess. I was probably supposed to blow that up too huh?"

"You fool! You know as well as I do it's the key to unlocking your true potential! I'm sure at least once in your life you looked at the full moon!"

Roshi and the others are shocked. They witnessed the Great Ape transformation first hand in the past.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Goku states.

Raditz is taken aback. How could Goku not know? "Ahhh…." He looks at his brothers waist and doesn't see his tail. "What happened to your tail Kakarot?!"

Goku looks at his ass. "My tail? Why?!"

Raditz stomps his foot. "Answer me! Now!"

Gohan cowers a bit and Gochi grabs his hand.

Goku stands up tall. "It was removed, permanently a long time ago"

Gochi looks at Gohans tail. He wonders why he had his removed.

Raditz looks away in frustration before glaring at Goku. "Do you have any idea what you've done?" He shakes in anger. "You're true power is gone now! Without your tail you've lost your ability to transform under a full moon. Now I see how you're on good terms with these weaklings"

"Listen! This is my home, and these are my friends so it doesn't matter what you say I am. And you sure don't act like any brother I'd wanna have"

Gochi wonders how he would act if Gohan suddenly became mean like Uncle Raditz.

Gochi looks at his fathers back and sees how cool he looks.

"My name is Goku. And I live here. Now leave us alon!" He shouts.

"Yeah! Just leave us alone" Bulma mimics.

"Even if you are brothers, that doesn't mean Goku has to destroy peaceful planets like you do ya big creep!" Roshi shouts.

"That's right!" Krillin points to the planet. "Goku even saved this planet once mister! Go away!"

Raditz begins walking past Goku. "So baby brother wants to be left alone. Well it's a pity that's not going to happen" He walks to the house and turns around.

Bulma picks up the kids and drags them out of the way of the big scary Saiyan alien.

"You know, at this point I'm afraid you are far too valuable for that. See, three years ago our home planet Vegeta was met with an unfortunate accident. When a hug comet slapped into its surface! The planet was vaporized. And the Saiyan destroyed along with it" Raditz looks at Goku. "There aren't many of us left brother. In fact, as far as we can tell there are only 4. Including you. We were the only Saiyans away from home when the planet exploded. Like you, the rest of us have been sent off to perform…. a few hostile take overs. And now we found another world we would like to conquer. It should net a very high price. But unfortunately the jobs a little too big for only three of us to handle. We were almost afraid we'd have to pass it up. Until I remembered you Kakarot" Raditz walks towards his baby brother. "You're not as powerful as I hoped, but still. With you're help we should manage, nicely"

Raditz towers over Goku and makes him back up. "Well now, what do you think. Excited? You should be. I've come to take you back into the fold"

Goku swipes his hand to the side. "I've heard enough! I'd die before I joined a gang of pirates like you!"

"Hmph" Raditz folds his arms across his chest and stands up tall and looks down at Goku. "Interesting" He then looks around Goku to the small children in Bulma embrace. "I have been meaning to ask you Kakarot. I couldn't help but notice only one of your sons has a tail"

"Leave them out of this!" Goku exclaims.

"Hah. I'll decide that! If you refuse to join us… I suppose I'll have to settle for taking the boys in your place. 50 plus 50 makes a hundred after all. Even if they're still only kids"

Bulma holds onto Gohan and Gochi even tighter.

"We'll see. Hyah!" Goku gets in his true fighting stance.

"I see the fire in your eyes brother" Raditz drops his arms and walks towards Goku. "You should come with us. It's in your blood, you want to fight. Now!" Raditz doesn't even put up a guard as he approaches Goku.

Just as Goku was about to attack, Raditz disappears for a second. Goku reacts as quick as he can and changes the trajectory of his punch.

But it isn't fast enough. Raditz drives his knee straight into Gokus stomach and makes him go flying through the air.

Goku couldn't react at all. He lands back in the sand as everyone just watched Earths strongest fighter get tossed back like an unwanted toy.

"Gaaahhh!" Goku rolls onto his back and holds where he was kicked.

"Daddy!" Gohan shouts as she and Gochi run to their father.

Bulma tries to stop them but is unable to. "Gohan, Gochi! No!"

Raditz snickers as he snatches the two boys.

"Hey!" Gohan shouts as he flails and tries to go towards Goku.

"Bad Uncle Raditz! You aren't supposed to hurt your brother!" Gochi shouts as he glares at Raditz and attempts to get free.

"Haha! Like I said. I'm taking your sons. And if you want to see them alive again I suggest you listen closely" Raditz looks down at Goku.

Goku stops grunting from the pain and keeps it in. He looks up at Raditz holding his sons. He tries to get up but just can't.

"Now then" Raditz holds Gohan and Gochi up in the air as Gohan cries and Gochi flails and kicks. "I'll give you one day to think about my offer. Although, let's be realistic Kakarot. I'm not giving you a choice. When you decide to join us, well. There's something I want you to do. You can start by eliminating 100 of these pathetic Earthlings. Bring them back to a beach and I'll be back for a head count" He waves as he turns around.

Goku widens his eyes at the demand his brother has made. Everyone else flinches at the demand as well.

"So what do you say Kakarot? I do hope you'll come through for me on this one. After all, these are my nephews. It would be a shame if I had to hurt them" Raditz holds the boys up to his eye level.

"Help me dad I'm scared!" Gohan shout between his cries.

Gochi continues wiggling to try and get free.

Goku reaches out a shaky hand towards his sons. "Gochi, Gohan" He croaks out through the pain.

"Let's recap and make sure you heard me Kakarot. By this time tomorrow you are to eliminate 100 Earthlings. Do you understand.

Goku rubs the spot he was kicked in. "Mhm.." Goku grunts.

Raditz looks at Goku mockingly. "That's good. Do this little job for me and you can join us. Fail? And I'll see to it yours sons meet a most unpleasant end"

Gochi feels his heartbeat rise. The bracers on his arms are covered by his sleeves and cannot be seen but the begin glowing slightly.

Raditz's device beeps once but that's all.

Gochi focuses on listening to the music in his ear and calms himself down. He doesn't want to pass out when he is with scary Uncle Raditz. He also wants to see his dad get up and rescue him and Gohan.

"You coward! Hiding behind two kids!" Krillin calls out.

Bulma and Roshi agree. Roshi says Goku isn't capable of killing a living being.

"He is a Saiyan. You'd be surprised what we could do. But in the end it doesn't matter. After all, after we finish our current job, I've decided that Earth will be our next target" Raditz grins at the frightened Earthlings shaking in their shoes.

"Y-you what?!" Roshi can't believe his ears.

"Even without Kakarot. 3 Saiyans should be more than enough for the job. We could conquer this puny planet in our sleep. So you see brother. Whether or not you kill 100 Earthlings in the end. The results will still be the same"

Raditz was about to walk away but Goku gets the energy to grab his ankle.

"Leave Gochi and Gohan out of this" Goku pleads.

"I'd love to. But you see I need to give you a little incentive to do what I asked" Raditz mocks.

"Please just let them go"

Raditz looks at Goku as the tide washes around him. "Just look at how pathetic you are. Please brother, show some 'pride'" He kicks Gokus hand off his ankle. "Until tomorrow try to enjoy it"

Raditz floats up into the air laughing as Gohan cries out and Gochi himself begins crying as he sees his father and new friends get smaller and smaller.

"I'm expecting great things from you brother! Don't let me down! Hahaha"Radits puts Gohan and Gochi under his arms to get a bitter hold of them so he doesn't accidentally drop them out of their clothes.

"Gohan! Gochi!" Goku shouts to his sons.



What will Goku do? What will Raditz do to Gochi and Gohan? How will Chi-Chi react to her baby boys getting kidnapped by their Uncle from outer space? How will she react to Goku being an alien? Will Goku comply to Raditz's demands? Just how strong is Raditz?

Find out in the next chapter!

6314 words

This was longer than I expected, but I like it so far.

This will be a slow burner and will follow the plot to only slightly deviate at points.

If you decide to continue reading, I hope you enjoy!

Quade_The_Unknowncreators' thoughts