
Dragon Incarnation

(TEST) RELEASE RATE INFO BELOW... Tyler has never had an easy life ever since he was in elementary school, it was even a little unfair. One day his bad luck finally breaks and he discovers AlKo online. A massive fantasy world filled with magic and mythical beasts awaits him. Numerous unfathomable threats and catastrophes stalk this world with ravenous eyes. A new powerhouse is born and the major powers can't ignore him. His great ambition, which was suppressed in the real world, runs wild and his strength expands rapidly. Absolute power... Overwhelming strength... Unshakeable influence... Vast wealth... Endless knowledge and potential... Beautiful women... His ridiculous growth speed startles the gods and devils alike as he obtains everything and anything. All who threaten or get in his way are brutally put down. All who aid him only see great benefits and a bright future. A legend is birthed... Tags: Romance//System//Action//Harem//R-18//Adventure//Fantasy//Game//Ambitious MC//Cunning & Smart MC//Comedy//Polygamy//Overpowered MC//Fantasy//Prodigy MC//Strong from Start// Non-human MC//Hidden Gem Infrequent Tags: Tragedy//Strategy//Yuri(rarely)//War//Politics//Economics//Gore(sometimes extreme)//Modern//Urban//Sci-fi//Futuristic//School//Psychological (This means they might not be frequent or will appear much later on) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ {TEST RELEASE RATE} FRIDAY: 2 chapters This is my TEST release rate to see if I can handle it. I'm still a new author so need to see what I can handle. I will try hard to abide by this release rate but I do have the stuff to do in real life so please bear with me if I’m late or I miss it. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ {COMMON QUESTIONS} NOVEL’S FUTURE: This story is quite special to me because I’ve loved reading my whole life and I thought I’d give it a try. This is my first novel and I have big (and I mean BIG) plans with a really solid storyline planned out for its future. I truly don't plan on dropping this book or leaving it alone for unreasonable periods of time because I feel like I’ve invested too much of my energy and emotions to just give up on it. FAKE WORLD CONCERN: Some people are discontent with the fact that the world that the MC focuses on is all fake and virtual, but all I can say is that you shouldn’t be worried about that!! After all, I’m a reader too..... I know how you guys tick because I’m one of you so I would have similar feelings. Just wait and see what happens. MORAL ALIGNMENT: I believe readers get a little confused on the MC’s moral alignment (at least in the beginning) and I don't blame them, he’s a complicated fellow. He usually does whatever he wants with little care for the other party unless they interest and/or benefit him and his ambitions, or his principles or bottom-line get in the way. When he makes decisions, he can respond like a ”lawful neutral”, ”neutral good”, or ”chaotic neutral”. I would say he’s morally grey… His strong views on matters such as slavery and extremely unethical organizations such as the Archaic Church stem from past experiences in real life that will be explained. I’d have to say that the MC is in between an ”anti-hero” and an ”anti-villain”. The main force that drives him is his unnaturally large ambition and yearn for power, which strengthens his end game goal… world domination. OCCASIONAL NAUGHTINESS: Concerning the (+18) scenes and chapters, I don't go heavy on them. I mainly focus on the storyline with the occasional scene or chapter as a cherry on top! They’re short and sweet and I try my hardest to not let them be lacking, but also not dwell on them. SINCERELY hope that you enjoy it!!!!! (The title image isn't mine and if the original creator wishes to have the credit or for it to be taken down, please contact me through comments.)

TitanicApex711 · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
98 Chs

Void Creatures

Kyren still had a bone to pick with this beauty. He was just trying to have a peaceful conversation with her but he was nearly killed just because of it.

There are two reason why Tyler said Kyren was a Dragon Slayer. One reason was the fact that it should be much easier to get information on dragons. He would be able to utilize the guilds vast social network to find his kinsmen.

The other reason was that if he was to ever sell dragon parts, it wouldn't look suspicious. He planed to use his advanced recovery rate to harvest materials from his dragon form.... kind of like selling a kidney only without the added danger.

The old man at the center of the group took the seat across from him and the other two stood off to the sidelines. Th old man had a long beard and a very wrinkly complexion, but despite his age, the aura around him was stifling.

"Do you have proof that you've killed a dragon?"

[Dimensional Storage]

Kyren snickered as he reached into the crack in space. He had obviously prepared for this question, so when he took out an 11 inch purple Dragon claw, it was actually him masterfully using [Gene Transformation: Focused Transformation (right thumb)] to make it appear as though he was holding an actual claw in a reverse dagger hold.

Everyone gasped at the sight of an actual dragon claw.

"May I take a look at it?" The bearded man and Krista both recognized the purple claw because they discussed it in the meeting earlier.


'Leo get ready...'

Krista was outraged at his disrespectful answer, "How dare you talk to the Guild Leader like-"

Gallons of killing intent gushed out of Kyren's body as he death glared at Krista. He didn't know how to control his killing intent yet, so he asked Leo to fabricate a serious amount beforehand.

"The reason why I said no is because this claw belonged to the dragon that killed my family..... it doesn't leave my hands ever!"

While Kyren was having an absolute riot creating a ludicrous background story, everyone was thrown off course by the immense killing intent he let loose.

Both Krista and the Guild Leader were B~grade individuals, so when they felt this immense pressure, they almost reached for their weapons to defend themselves. As for the regular human assistant that was beside Krista, she nearly wet herself despite seeing strong adventurers every day.

The Guild Leader was the first to recover, "I apologize for asking.... do you mind if I ask what kind of dragon that claw belongs too?"

"What's it too you?" Kyren quickly "stashed" the the claw into his storage and changed back his thumb.

"There was a recent sighting of a dragon with similar purple features in the nearby forest."

Kyren utilized his masterful acting skills to change his demeanor from calm and confident, to startled and alert.

"That's not good.... I'll eliminate it for a price."

"Before we get to that, we want to know it's element so we can properly assess its threat."

Kyler paused for a second to add to the suspense before saying in a low tone, "Void...."

"A-a void monster!" Looks of horror appeared on there three's faces.

Krista paled considerably when she thought back to their encounter. She didn't want to even think about the consequences if she actually managed to engage a void creature in combat.

Any creatures that mastered the void element were absolute terrors among their species with insane amounts of power, much less an actual god damn Void dragon! They were so scarce that even she hasn't actually seen a void creature or a dragon ever.

"I'll need a considerable reward if I'm going to exterminate it..."

The Guild Leader ordered the still frightened assistant to draft up a request with the best rewards they could offer. The situation has turned grave so he didn't care about the size of the reward.

"While she's getting the mission description ready, why don't we finish your registration?"

Kyren agreed and they continued registration. He signed some contracts and answered a couple questions about what he would do in certain situation. After they finished, he was given a paper with some of his basic information that he needed to take to one of the main hall counters.

The combat capability crystal said he was at the E~grade and the Guild Leader didn't dare believe such nonsense! The result for either tests could be faked so he thought Kyren was trying to hide his strength.

However, growth potential results could be decreased but not increased. The Guild Leader knows that Kyren's growth potential was at the very least in the A~grade.

After half an hour of waiting passed, the assistant came back with a magic imbued parchment.



Exterminate the Void Dragon

Hidden Epic Mission




A highly intelligent Void Dragon has appeared in the Keslar Forest and the higher ups of the Adventurer Guild want it gone before the church finds out about it. Void monsters are feared across the land and if this Youngling Dragon is allowed to live, then there is a high possibility that it will grow up into an absolute monster.


B~grade strength (or higher) and Dragon Slayer abilities

{Hidden Requirement}

???> Have contact with the Void Dragon

{Objective }

- Bring back 'proof' of its death.

- Sell Dragon remains (optional)

{Time limit}

10 days left


- Social Connection> Krista//Fabian

- Minimum of 200 gold

- Adventurer Guild Reputation/Contribution: +2,000 points

- Kassio Reputation: +1,500 points

- Alvestine Reputation: +100 points


Fail to bring back proof within 15 days


- Lose Adventurers license

- Kassio Reputation: -150 points

- Alvestine Reputation: -10 points


"This is a walk in the park!"


'I agree, this is money in the bag!'

<You're still mad at that Krista girl right? Use this opportunity to propose a master-servant pact. It would be good to have her as an ally.>

"Hehe, there's one more thing that I want if I'm going to kill this thing..."

"As long as it's within reason, anything."

"I think it's perfectly reasonable..."

Kyren took off his hood for the first time to reveal his god like appearance. The silver mask perfectly matched his deep purple eyes, giving him an ethereal vibe. He looked young, no older then twenty six.

He stared at Krista with a mysterious and flirtatious expression. The passive ability started doing its work and both of the girls blushed.

"I want you~"

<You have discovered the proficiencies [Flirt] and [Charm].>

Tyler acted quiet and confident usually, but when it came to beauties, he was even more flirtatious then Andrew.

"What do you-!?!"

"Of course I mean a master-servant pact for one year... nothing dirty. Unless you wanna~"

"Sh-Shameless!" Krista was trying to keep a straight face but her burning cheeks flared up under his gaze, 'Just because you're talented and a little handsome doesn't mean you can do whatever you want!!'

The Guild leader chuckled, "That's not up to me..."

"Lady Krista, what do you think?" His seductive voice made her stoic personality crack.

"I-I guess you can if you don't do anything vulgar..." When she realized the submissive words coming out of her own mouth, she flinched as she didn't even recognize herself, 'Did I actually just say that!!!'

"I'll try my hardest~"

"You think you can actually beat a Void Dragon? If you can even find it in 10 days then I'll become your servant for eternity!!!"

Thankfully she didn't believe he could find that Dragon in a ten day at all, it was just to intelligent to get caught so easily. She believed it would take around thirty people with tracking and hunting abilities to find it within even twenty days.

Krista had to admit that Kyren was quite the piece of eye candy, but that didn't mean she was going to play easy to get.

"Alright, I promise to come back in 3 days time to cash in my... reward~" Kyren put his hood back on and exited the room with his papers.

"Hmph, scoundrel!" Krista puffed out her cheeks and looked away from him as he exited.

"Haha, we've been friends for a long time and you've never even looked at another man. You can tell me if you're interested in him."


"Anyways, do you really think he can complete the task in 3 days?"

"Absolutely not."

"Why do you say that?"

"I scoured the whole entire area, it's as if that dragon vanished. It either perfectly hid its presence so even tracker abilities couldn't find it or it has a teleportation ability like other void creatures I've heard about."

Fabian's went silent. The thought of a dragon with teleportation abilities gave him a headache.


Kyren arrived back at the main lobby and went to the front counter and handed the employee his paperwork.

She put the paper into a stone box and waited a few seconds. She then grabbed a blank ID card and placed it on top. Words started etching into the ID and it was filled up like a driver's license, only without the picture.

"Here is your ID and and your badge which indicates your current grade. You will be able to update your information at any time."

After he left, he asked for some directions to the largest library in the Common District. He wasn't to concerned about the mission but he lacked too much information on this world so he needed to fix that.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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