
Dragon Born, Second Calling

Life was a Struggle. Isolated with no one but his long time caretaker. He spent most of his life bedridden. Till one day he fell asleep and everything changed. Now he has friends, parents, and a mentor. And most importantly, Magic. From bedside medicine to combat and competition. Due to his excellent awareness and desire for adventure, home becomes too small. With a new world to explore, who knows what he will find. Who knows where he will go. Who knows to what heights he will climb. Supreme Sorcerer Etanali. Dragon Born, Dungeon Conqueror. His Adventure Begins.

cluelessauthor · Ação
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24 Chs

Chapter 3, Eyes of Gold

The name given to me by my father was Etanali. Since I received my name somehow I've been able to understand the language of my parents.

But why do I know this? It shouldn't be possible that I could learn it that fast.

Could it be due to my dragon form?

But knowing the language doesn't change anything, I can't do anything in this body, not even open my eyes.

What I also don't understand is why my parents keep talking about eyes.

Then I recalled my wish for Sharingan. Will I get a power when my eyes first open?

I must have been born into this world's version of the Uchiha.

Having still not developed speech, I could just listen to my parent's talk.

"I hope Etanali awakens more than we have. It would be great if he could help us move up in the clan." a soft voice spoke. I knew this one to be my mother.

My father's voice sounded after. "However many he receives he will be well cared for. Regardless if he has yellow eyes or perfect eyes, we will still love him the same. Although I can still hope he can increase our status."

Following this Etanali heard a thump sound, before hearing his mothers voice again. "Don't ask for too much, you might jinx it."

To this his father just laughed in a deep warm tone, "you worry too much, I am sure our boy Etanali will be bound for greatness"

Following this were sounds that made Etanali wish he didn't understand what was happening.


It has been 5 weeks since I was born in this world as Etanali.

During this time I came to an understanding that my family's standing is not bad.

We are not quite the leader but second place under the elder position for the 2 cross eyes of the Water Clan.

Today is supposed to be the opening ceremony.

Based on what I've overheard, the stage of development of the eyes denotes your position in the clan.

My parents hope for anything more than 2 cross eyes, having less than 2 would decrease our family's prestige.

Although I'm not sure what they mean by crosses yet, I assume it is something comparable to tomoe.

It seems like this clan's bloodline is different compared to the uchiha since it doesn't sound like your eyes develop past its initial form.

This could be great if I have good eyes or it could royaly fuck me for life if I have faulty eyes.

I'm sure that the giant eye or god or whatever the heck that was wouldn't screw me like that… At least I hope.

There was a large free-falling sensation before coming to a gradual stop.

Then the sound of many footsteps before they came to a stop.

Then there was waiting and waiting and then cheering along with the occasional kid crying.

Then it was finally my turn, I was passed over to someone and placed on a hard surface; what I assume to be an altar of some kind.

Another pair of hands touched my eyes then what I assume to be water hit both of my closed eyes at the same time.

It felt incredibly cold, and it seemed to seep through my eyes into the back of my brain.

This dripping kept falling onto my eyes until I felt a warm sensation radiating from my skull to counteract the cold, and I was finally able to open my eyes.

The first thing I saw was the mouth of a great toothy beast like an alligator opened wide, and inside its mouth was a great stone eye staring down at me from above.

I screamed, "no No NO NO not again, not again!" At least I tried to scream, it came out more like unintelligible garbles.

When I heard my parent's voice trying to calm me down and realized that it wasn't the crazy god eye, just a carving on the ceiling.

After calming down I was picked up Simba style and held for the room to see.

There were 40 people in the room, most holding a young child.

They were dressed in simple toga style clothing with a belt in different places.

Some had them as you would wear a belt in my past life around the waist, others wore it as sash like some kind of boy scout.

The belts ranged in how ornate they were, some had simple embroidery, some had exquisite stones embedded in them.

Only this time instead of the usual cheering response from the crowd, they were quiet with small gasps coming from some of them.

Then my mother spoke. I didn't recognize her until I heard her voice. "His eyes, they're a broken compass" my father completed "But he also has the pupil cross of complete eyes. How is this possible?"

My parents wore a gray toga with an ornate belt with blue stones throughout the embroidery.

Before the crowd could descend into mayhem, the person holding me up spoke out "This isn't unheard of, I have knowledge that this has happened before in our history. Do not concern yourselves, he will be trained as normal."

As I was being held by the man I was probably the only one who noticed how sweaty the man's hands were becoming.

This quieted the crowd down and I was passed back to my parents, who were ecstatic as I had extremely well developed eyes.

This meant that my family's status would be raised as their bloodline was perceived to be very strong.

The rest of the awakening ceremony passed without incident, and I was the only one to awaken the so-called pupil cross.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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