
Dragon ball Z: A True Saiyan

A lot Dragon Ball Z fan-fics are usually thrown away. So I made one, and I did try. I didn't want to make a wack novel so I really tried. first time writing so useful critics would be nice 1 chapter a day, every chapter is 1,000+ words will probably make this summary better one day Also I don't own the Dragon ball story. And I will never have claimed to have owned it NO HAREM. :) Also in the first Volume mc won’t be OP and thats because he is still a child, and his body hasn’t reached its peak.

Ozonelayer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
169 Chs

Chapter 20

In outer space, you can see the space pod that Sage and Nala are sleeping in. They are currently close to the coordinates that have been inputted into the space pod.

A few days later, you can see a green planet in the distance that has many spaceships entering and exiting its atmosphere. The space pod continues getting closer to the planet before entering the planet's atmosphere.


[..Beep..Entering atmosphere..Beep..] [..Beep..Entering atmosphere..Beep..]

Waking up to the constant beeping, I try to move around when I'm suddenly hit with waves of pain from all over my body.


Looking around all I see is pink scales and barely any of my body, finding Nala laying down I wake her up so she can control the space pod to land.

Sage-"Nala! Wake up!"

Nala-"Give me 5 more minutes."

Getting annoyed at her lackadaisical response, I yell right into her face.

Sage-"WAKE UP!"

Nala-"What happened!? Owww."

I yelled so loud that not only did she wake up she hit her head against the top of the Space pod in the process.

Sage-"We made it to our destination now just press that blue button and it will land on the ground, ok."


After she presses the button we start falling to the planet, a few minutes later we hit the ground causing a small crater. Nala, seeing that we landed, presses the green button and the hatch is opened. Nala slithers out first, uncoiling herself in the process, her tail almost slapping my face. Nala seeing as I'm too injured to move my body wraps her tail around me and picks me up

Nala-"Let me help you, you haven't healed from the fight with Ice."

I snort in response and let her do what she wants. Looking around, finding nothing but vegetation, I use my ki sense over the planet. After using it I notice while the ki I sense are far weaker than what I'm used to I can tell most of them are all bunched up together, as if there were a few giant groups.

Sage-'For this many different ki signatures to be so closely grouped together, I'm willing to bet this place has intelligent life and they are somewhat advanced.'

Informing Nala of my theory of advanced intelligent life.

Sage-"Be careful Nala there seems to be intelligent life here."

Nala, hearing what I said, stops for a second before she becomes happy.

Nala-"Isn't that good? We might be able to find a place to live, that 'cave home' wasn't good at all."

Sage-"It depends, are the inhabitants here friendly or not? But then again it's not like it matters, everyone here is weak. If they try to give us problems I can just kill them."

Nala-"*Sigh* you can't just solve all your problems with killing and violence."

Sage-"That may be true but I like to live by one of my favorite quotes. [Violence: If it's not solving all your problems, you simply aren't using enough of it.]-Kenpachi Zaraki."

Looking at Nala who seems annoyed by my response, argues back.

Nala-"That's a stupid quote, who would actually believe in such a stupid quote?"

Sage-"Hmph. Whatever, so where do you plan on taking us or do you just want to stand in front of the space pod?"

Nala-"I don't know what to do, I would like to explore but what If we forget where the space pod is?"

Sage-"Don't worry about it I have a scouter, with that, we can find where the space pod is located at. So go to the left if you want to find intelligent life or not. I don't care."

Nala, hearing about intelligent life, hurriedly starts slithering to the left, along with her holding me up into the air with her tail.

But what those 2 forgot to think about was if they were the only ones who knows they landed on the planet.


Somewhere far away from Sage and Nala, in a giant tower, a conversation about those 2 is taking place currently.

Boss-"What do you mean they didn't respond to our transmission!? If they didn't, why were they not captured!?"

The boss angry at his subordinates' lack of competence slams his fist down on his metal chair, crumpling it in the process. The subordinate who reported his failure to his boss tried to give more information.

Subordinate-"B-Boss when they didn't respond to our transmission I sent our men to capture their ship but they moved so quickly that the ships didn't have time to capture them."

The boss, hearing that gets a little less angry but still mad, he yells at him again.

Boss-"I don't care about your excuses! You have 1 week to find their whereabouts and capture them, and if you fail I will throw you into the gladiator pit. Now go!"

The subordinate hearing his boss talking about getting sent to the gladiator pit goes pale before standing up and hurriedly leaving to capture them.

Subordinate-"Y-Yes boss!"

After leaving the room he goes to a computer and presses some buttons before a woman's face appears on the screen. Greeting him the woman asks why they are being called.

Woman-"So why are you calling me Howard?"

Howard-"A spaceship didn't accept our transmission and is now somewhere on the planet, I want you and your team to find them and capture them."

Woman-"That's fine, but it's going to cost you."

Howard-"Tsk. Fine woman, you have always been greedy. Here's half the payment now. And I'm sending over the last known spot of the spaceship."

Woman-"To think you're so cheap that you only paid half when you know I have never failed, you make sad"

Howard-"Hmph. It may be true you have never failed, but there's a first for everything."

Woman-"Whatever, I'll call you when I have completed the mission."

After she says that the screen blurs before turning black.

Howard-"I just hope she can finish in time."


It's about to turn to nightfall, which is good timing considering Nala is exhausted.

Sage-"Nala you're exhausted and it's night, just find somewhere open and quiet for us to rest the night."

Nala-"*Sigh* I guess you're right, we will get there tomorrow."

Sensing a couple of ki signatures somewhat close, I inform Nala.

Sage-"Nala, head towards the right, there's something close by."

A few minutes later we are directly in front of the ki signatures I sensed earlier. Seeing that we arrived there, I start sniffing the air trying to smell if anything is close by.

Sage-'This place smells almost the same as those horned wolves I hunted before, this is probably a wolf den.'

As if this was all staged, several wolves came out of their den, looking at me and Nala like we were food. Nala, seeing the beasts, gets a little scared, and was about to run when I stopped her.

Sage-"Nala, turn around and let me face them."

Nala-"What no! You're not fully healed yet."

Sage-"I don't need to be fully healed to defeat these little dogs."

After saying that Nala looks at me annoyed before turning around. Now that I'm facing the wolves, I open my palm, pointing at the wolves, and fire a ki blast at each of them. Of course, it's weak, I don't want my dinner to be vaporized into nothing. Sensing no life from them, I tell Nala.

Sage-"Nala, they're dead. Come on, let's rest in their den for tonight."

Nala slithers past the wolf's corpse into the den, finding a spot to let me down. Setting me down, I try to put my back against the wall, clenching in pain from my torn muscles. Nala brings the corpses into the den, and she starts skinning them skillfully.

Quite the scene, to find a former Princess taking shelter in a den while skinning a corpse skillfully. Several minutes later, she finished the skinning and went outside to collect some firewood. Now that I am alone I start thinking about my situation.

Sage-'I don't like this! I can't fight. I can't walk. I can't move. I CAN'T DO ANYTHING! And I hate it. To have to rely on someone else to get anything done, which makes me feel angry at myself.'

Sage-'If I was stronger I could have prevented this from happening to me, If I was stronger I could've prevented the planet from exploding, if I was stronger I could have saved my parents!'

Sage-'If I don't want to ever feel this way again I must become stronger, stronger than anything!'

While I was going through my Inner monologue Nala came back with some firewood, after putting them together she looked at me expectantly. Seeing this I just raised my finger and fired a tiny ki laser that set the wood on fire. Now that there is fire she adds some more wood, making it almost the size of a bonfire. Putting the wolves next to the fire we sit in silence, enjoying the peace.

Several minutes later Nala takes the food off the fire to not get burnt. she gives me a whole wolf while she cuts smaller pieces for her. Moving my arm in pain, I grab the wolf and start ripping pieces of meat off with my mouth to make it easier to eat. Several minutes later I have finished 2 wolves while Nala seems full off only one leg.

Snuffing the fire out I lay down about to go to sleep when Nala comes from behind and snuggles with me. Before I go to sleep I whisper something to Nala, not knowing whether she heard me or not.


yolo whats up?

Thxs for any feedback :)

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