
Dragon ball : Echoes of the Void

Dragon Ball: Echoes of the Void transports readers into the thrilling and perilous world of Dragon Ball, where danger lurks at every corner, and exhilaration awaits those who dare to seek it. In this captivating fanfic, we follow the extraordinary journey of Renji, a lost soul who unexpectedly finds himself in the vibrant and treacherous realm of Dragon Ball. Awakening in this world of superhuman strength, breath-taking battles, and limitless possibilities, Renji is both exhilarated and apprehensive. He quickly realizes that he possesses a unique opportunity to forge his own destiny and become the strongest being to ever grace the Dragon Ball universe. As he traverses this dangerous yet exhilarating realm, Renji encounters iconic characters from the Dragon Ball series, both friend and foe. Through intense training sessions, fierce battles, and the forging of deep connections, he learns valuable lessons about power, sacrifice, and the true nature of strength. Along the way, he unearths long-lost Saiyan techniques, taps into untapped reservoirs of power, and faces unimaginable adversaries that push him to his limits. With determination in his heart and the echoes of a forgotten past urging him forward, Renji sets out on an epic quest of self-discovery and transcendence.

Ashlin_17 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

First mission

After reading the chapter, Please take a moment to read the author's note.

Happy reading!



The blaring alarm abruptly rouses Renji from his slumber, causing him to yawn and stretch. A surge of momentary panic courses through him as he realises the potential lateness of the hour.

"Oh, shoot! Did I oversleep again?" He mutters, swiftly reaching for the alarm and directing its glowing face towards himself.

A sigh of relief escapes his lips as he realises he still has ample time. "Phew! Luckily, I set the alarm earlier than necessary. Thank goodness for that."

Renji had diligently scheduled the alarm to ring two hours before the planned mission launch, determined not to let tardiness befall him. With a sense of purpose firmly rooted in his heart, he sets about his morning routine, fully aware of the thrilling adventure that looms on the horizon.

"In the spirit of embracing change, let's whip up something different for breakfast. How about Shakshuka?" Renji muses to himself, his eyes scanning the surroundings for the necessary ingredients and culinary tools.

Immersed in the task at hand, a bittersweet wave of nostalgia washes over him, conjuring vivid recollections of his father's reassuring presence. It was during moments of despondency or sorrow that his father would skilfully craft this soul-warming dish, bestowing a profound sense of solace and comfort upon Renji's weary soul.

"I really do miss you, Mum and Dad," he whispers, a pang of longing tugging at his heartstrings.

Skilfully utilising eggs sourced from a peculiar swamp-dwelling creature found on a nearby moon, since more conventional ingredients were not readily available, he began the dish.

Surprisingly, the resulting dish tasted much better than he expected and tantalised his taste buds, providing a burst of flavour and the sense of satisfaction he so desired.

He indulged in a warm and invigorating shower and relishes the fleeting luxury of such comforts, knowing that they will be absent from his foreseeable future.

Putting on the meticulously crafted clothes tailored by the skilled seamstress, he admires the dark hue of his Saiyan-like battle Armour. The contrasting black against the golden strip exudes a sense of mystery and strength.

Fully prepared and adorned in his battle attire, Renji flew off towards the pre-assigned rendezvous site.

As the sun approached, its gentle light cast a faint glow upon the city, with the sun still ascending in the sky. Renji, soaring through the open air, directed himself towards the mission launch site, the brisk morning breeze caressing his face.

Descending gracefully, he surveyed the bustling scene that unfolded before him. Even at this early hour, the site teemed with life as individuals arrived and departed, engrossed in their own missions and tasks.

Setting his sights on the designated mission spacecraft, Renji embarked on a purposeful stride towards his awaiting teammates.

"I initially anticipated the use of attack pods, but this option seems more appealing," Renji mused aloud, contemplating the advantages of their current mode of transportation.

(Attack pods: image for reference)

Nestled in a secluded corner of the launch site, the spacecraft stood proudly—a majestic-shaped craft, as sizable as he had anticipated, spanning a remarkable width of approximately ten metres.

A thought crossed Renji's mind as he arrived at the assigned location, the first to reach the rendezvous point. Standing amidst an empty expanse, he observed the spectacle unfolding before him—the launching of various capsules and spaceships.

Despite the escalating tensions between the Saiyan forces and the Frieza forces, duty beckoned the Saiyan's to embark on their missions.

'I think I arrived early' Renji thought as he patiently awaited the arrival of his crewmates, allowing his gaze to wander across the surrounding area.

Ten minutes passed, and finally, a figure caught his attention—an elegant Saiyan lady, gracefully making her way towards him. Judging by her appearance, she seemed to be in her mid-thirties, radiating experience and resilience.

"Ah, so you're one of the kids that have been assigned, huh?" She inquires, her voice tinged with curiosity.

The Saiyan lady, with her lustrous black hair—typical of their kind—styled in a tightly bound fashion, cascading down her shoulders. A distinct scar adorned her visage, tracing a path from the side of her neck and curving gently onto her left cheek. Clad in battle armour and adorned with a scouter, a familiar sight for any seasoned warrior of the Frieza force, she had her tail elegantly wrapped around her waist.

"Yes, you've got it right if you're referring to the mission on Alderaan," Renji replies, his tone matching her intrigue.

"Ahh, I see. You look fresh, like a novice on his first mission," she remarks, her eyes gleaming with amusement.

With a swift motion, she pressed the side of her scouter, its digital display promptly measuring Renji's strength.

"A power level of ?̸͉̥̦͖͔̑̒̿?̸̖͇̭͙͌ͬ͊̌?̡̦̬̮̽, not bad for a kid your age," she remarked, a hint of surprise lacing her words.

"Thanks," Renji nodded, his gaze fixed upon her as he expressed his gratitude.

But as their eyes met, his attention lingered longer than he had anticipated.

"She exudes an undeniable aura of badassery and coolness," his inner voice whispered, as he found himself utterly mesmerised by her captivating presence.

Every line and curve of her appearance exuded an irresistible allure, drawing his attention like a moth to a flame. His pulse quickened, fuelled by a cocktail of emotions: admiration, attraction, and an overwhelming sense of fascination.

'I wonder how she acquired that scar.' His thoughts wandered in a dance of speculation. Images of lethal confrontations danced through his mind, each scenario more thrilling than the last.

Was it a clash against a formidable adversary or a gruelling test of endurance? The possibilities entwined his imagination, fuelling his fascination with her untold stories.

Breaking the spell, she caught his lingering gaze, a sinister smile playing upon her lips. Sensing his inquisitiveness, she decided to inject a subtle tinge of intimidation into their interaction. Her intention was clear—to remind him of her formidable nature and dissuade any notion of prying too deeply into her secrets.

"What are you looking at, kid? Is there something about me that piques your interest?" Her words carried a hint of menace, an attempt to instill a sense of caution. His gaze had lingered for too long, crossing the boundaries of comfort.

A nervous chuckle escaped Renji's lips as he sought to diffuse the tension. "Haha... No, nothing like that. I just thought you appeared remarkably strong," he replied, his words laced with genuine admiration. He didn't want to initiate unnecessary melodrama at the outset of their mission.

"Relax, boy. I won't harm you unless you give me a reason to," she retorted, her tone taking on a more casual and reassuring cadence. Her smile softened, revealing a flicker of genuine warmth hidden beneath her intimidating exterior.

Realising they hadn't exchanged introductions, Renji seized the opportunity to bridge the gap. "By the way, what's your name? It wasn't mentioned when I signed up for this mission. I'm Renji," he inquired, extending an olive branch of curiosity and camaraderie.

"Ah, the name's Aspera" she replied, her voice carrying a hint of playfulness.

They lapsed into a brief silence, the weight of anticipation hanging in the air, before their attention was drawn to the arrival of another Saiyan.

As he approached, it became evident that he, too, was a child by Saiyan standards. Despite his youthful appearance, he exuded an energy and enthusiasm that surpassed his age. He seemed to be around Renji's age, perhaps a bit older, but his true age could easily have been mistaken for 16 without raising any eyebrows.

'He seems a bit too excited'

Renji couldn't help but notice the radiant smile adorning the young Saiyan's face as he glanced over at the Saiyan lady beside him. There was an undeniable excitement gleaming in his eyes, contagious enough to uplift the spirits of those around him.

"Hey there, Mum," the kid addressed Aspera his voice brimming with excitement. It became clear that his elation stemmed from the fact that he would be embarking on this mission alongside his beloved mother.

"Wait, Lotan what in the universe are you doing here? You never mentioned that our missions would align," she exclaimed, a mix of surprise and playful scolding in her tone.

"Well, I thought I'd surprise you," the young Saiyan replied, a touch of mischief in his tone.

"Ah, whatever," she responded caressing her forehead with a hint of a smile, her tone softening. "But remember, during this mission, don't address me as 'Mum'."

Renji cringed inwardly, an exasperated thought running through his mind. "Damn... did I really find someone's mother attractive?" The notion of being drawn to someone older than him was not entirely unfamiliar, but the mere contemplation of someone's mother made him wince in discomfort.

"Well, I suppose it is what it is," he thought, attempting to shrug off the peculiar feeling.


The group advanced in unison, their footsteps echoing through the corridors as they made their way towards the spacecraft assigned to their mission.

The vessel bore a striking resemblance to the moderately-sized ships commonly utilised by members of the formidable Frieza Force for shorter interstellar journeys.

Unlike more distant expeditions that necessitated the use of attack pods, reminiscent of those employed by Vegeta and Nappa during their arrival on Earth, this particular mission called for a different approach. The proximity of their destination rendered such slumber chambers redundant, allowing them to forgo the confines of the pods in favour of a more direct route.

As they entered the spacecraft, Aspera took charge, her seasoned expertise shining through her instructions.

"Take note, there are four rooms available on this ship, excluding the restroom," Aspera informed the group, her voice laced with authority and experience. "Choose one of the three bedrooms for yourselves. In the meantime, I'll set the ship's course towards the coordinates of Planet Alderaan."

Her words held weight, as she possessed a wealth of knowledge and experience in space travel and missions. It was evident that she had spent countless hours navigating the intricate layouts and details of various spaceships.

Renji and the child next to him looked around the rooms; they collectively decided to leave the largest for the Aspera and argued about who got the second largest.

"Hey, I was the one who entered first, so it's only fair that I get to choose," Renji asserted. "Besides, you were gawking at your mom like a star-struck fanboy."

The Saiyan child shot back, his voice brimming with confidence. "Oh, please! That's irrelevant. My mom happens to be the strongest among us, so naturally, I deserve the second-largest room."

Renji's face lit up with an idea. "Alright, here's a proposition. We'll settle this with a friendly game of rock-paper-scissors. The winner claims the room, and there will be no arguments afterward. Agreed?"

"Fine, whatever. But how do you even play this game?" The Saiyan child, Lotan, grumbled, clearly unfamiliar with the rules.

With patience and amusement, Renji proceeded to explain the rules, emphasising that the first to win two rounds out of three would emerge as the victor.

Moments later, the Saiyan child displayed an open hand, revealing his choice of paper, while Renji confidently presented two fingers, forming a pair of scissors, triumphing over the paper.

"What the hell? How did you manage to win both rounds?" the Saiyan child exclaimed, a mix of surprise and mild frustration evident in his voice.

"Well, you see, I honed in on the subtle movements of your hand and was able to anticipate your next move," Renji explained with a hint of pride in his voice.

"Alright, alright, you can take the room. It's not like I wanted it anyway," the kid grumbled begrudgingly, trudging off towards the remaining room.

After entering the space, Renji took a glance around.

The room itself emanated a comfortable charm, and despite its small size, it managed to include a simple single bed, a few storage spaces, and a useful desk. Despite its small size, it felt suitable for a subsequent short trip, providing everything needed.

Renji started organising and sorting his possessions, meticulously organising them in order. After finishing his tasks, he proceeded to the cockpit, the ship's control centre, where he would meet up with Aspera.

"Ah, you're back," she said, greeting him warmly. "Have you chosen your rooms yet?"

"Yeah, we've taken care of that. We left the largest one for you," Renji replied, a hint of generosity in his voice.

"Ah, I see. Thank you," she acknowledged.

"By the way, I was informed that I would receive a complete mission description on the first day of our mission. Do you have that information?" Renji inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"Yes, in fact. But before we talk about anything, could you bring Lotan over here? She gave the order in a forceful but considerate tone, saying, "I prefer not to repeat myself more than once."

"Sure thing," Renji replied, setting off to find the young Saiyan's room. He approached the door, lightly tapping on it, and awaited the response.

"What do you need?" the young Saiyan inquired upon opening the door.

"Your mom's calling you. She wants you to join us as she explains the mission's full details," Renji informed him, his words laced with a sense of urgency and importance.

"Alright," the Lotan acquiesced as they both made their way to the cockpit room.

Aspera welcomed them and immediately began to go over the details of the operation. Although she spoke with authority, there was also a hint of softness in her voice.

"Our mission takes us to the planet Alderaan," she explained, her words laced with a sense of purpose. "We will join forces with members of the Frieza Force to eliminate any apex predators with power levels exceeding 75."

Renji's curiosity stirred as he sought to comprehend in greater detail. His voice was a blend of intrigue and earnestness. "May I inquire about the specific types of creatures we should expect to encounter?"

The Saiyan lady explained the wide range of beasts that might come into contact with them with great patience and attention to detail. She reassured Renji that the essential details would be given to their scouters, equipping them with knowledge for the conflicts ahead.

Lotan sat silently next to them, his eyes gleaming with an equilibrium of excitement and expectations.

The Saiyan youngster abruptly questioned, "Do any of us have to remain in this room to control the ship?"

She addressed their concerns by reiterating, "We don't need to because I've already established the location of arrival and the ship will be in pilot mode; if it senses a problem with the spacecraft, I will be told through my scouter." She assured them, addressing their concerns.

She dismisses their worries with a casual shrug and assures them that they will arrive on the planet in about a week. She warns them against taking any foolish action and reassures them that she will be in her quarters should they need help.

"Roger that, Captain," Renji replies with a relaxed salute, his demeanour at ease as he made his way to his own quarters.

Aware of the potential risks posed to the spacecraft by rigorous Ki and power level training, Renji opts for a more leisurely approach. He reclines on his bed, indulging in a few carrots as a light snack, their crisp texture providing a satisfying crunch.

"So, what should I do?"

As he sank into a comfortable position, his mind went on an introspective excursion, finding other uses for his time and energy. He explored the huge field of possibilities, contemplating the different things he could get involved with if training were not an urgent priority.

Reaching for his trusty scouter, Renji immerses himself in a digital realm teeming with information, reminiscent of a virtual iPhone brimming with knowledge and insight.

He had access to a wealth of knowledge beyond his wildest dreams thanks to the scouter, a portal to an endless supply of data.

Delving into the depths of the Frieza Force archives, Renji devotes his time to unravelling the secrets of the upcoming star system and acquainting himself with the unique creatures that reside within. The scouter becomes his guide, his compass, offering him a glimpse into a cosmic encyclopaedia of knowledge.

He was startled at the extent of the scouter's functions. "This is incredible! I had heard whispers about its capabilities, but the sheer volume of information it holds is beyond comprehension," he proclaims, his voice tinged with astonishment and excitement.

It's as if he now had access to Google on a cosmic scale, with an endless supply of knowledge at his disposal.

While others may ignore the significance of these data troves, Renji recognises their significance with fervour. Every fragment of information had the power to influence his path and provide him with an advantage in his endeavours.


Hey, everyone!

I wanted to give you a heads-up about the first few chapters of this story. They might seem to progress at a slower pace, and that's intentional. Why? Well, I wanted to take the opportunity to delve into the protagonist's thoughts and emotions, allowing us to truly understand their journey. It's important to establish a solid foundation for the story's development.

I want to acknowledge that some of you might have observed a few discrepancies between this fanfic and the original source material. I've taken the liberty to introduce some changes, such as adding extra functions to the scouters and incorporating elements like the mission control area that may not have been present in the original story.

In my view, as a device provided to all members, the scouter should offer more than just power level readings. However, if you prefer to stick to the traditional functions of the scouters, feel free to disregard those modifications and continue with the story as you normally would.

PS: I need your help with something important. I'm looking for new names for two of our characters: "p" and the Saiyan boy. I've been thinking about using traditional Saiyan names based on vegetables, but it's very limiting. I want names that not only sound nice but also capture the essence of these characters.

So, I'm reaching out to you to help me brainstorm some unique and snappy names for these characters.


Hey guys!

Just a quick note to let you know that the first few chapters may progress slowly as I focus on developing the main character's thoughts and emotions.

With your feedback and my dedication, we can create an amazing Dragon Ball fanfic together. Thanks for your support!

Ash out.

Ashlin_17creators' thoughts