
Dr. Megas-X

How our psycho scientist died of a heart attack at age 87 while practicing his terrible science experiment and How did our psycho scientist come to this magical world and how will he survive in this world without magic! now it remains to be seen what will happen in the story and how he will survive in this magical world because of science.

siyappa_queen · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Chapter-3 No Magic No Life

Harry says with his scientific attitude,"There is no need to erase my memorys sir because even if I leave this hell, I will not tell anyone that you are my parents and you are my older brother, I have no hobbies tell everyone you are my disgusting parents, so don't worry, I just need permission to get out of this hell."

Hearing such an answer from his mouth, everyone gets surprised even his mother also starts looking at him with surprise?!

Harry notice his mom and thinking,"Finally you notice me."

Alorse says,"?!....watch your mouth... what disgusting..... you,you are disgusting, you little bret."

Alex says,"calm down alorse and you,*sigh* I know you're leaving this house so you are sad.....

Harry thinks as he makes a disgusted face,"Who's Sad?! what's he talking about, sad my ass, you damnass."

Alex continue his talking,"But stop talking nonsense, it's important for us to erase your memory completely so we don't want to take the risk."


"After that that's bastard erased my memories and left me alone in this forest,

but but but, how do i still remember everything even though they have erased my memories.... it seems their magic hasn't worked on a brilliant and amazing scientist.

At first I thought this place is nothing without magic.... *sigh* In simple words this place is not made for me, but it is said that where there is hope, there is a ray, similarly science can happen anywhere. Similarly, in this place, the materials of science are everywhere, be it a forest or a city, but the people here consider it a garbage, so they do not pay attention to these treasure things.And in these 10 years, after hiding it from the whole world, I have also built a small science laboratory in this forest and now I am happy in this life."

Then someone knocks at the door of his hut...

Harry says,"Who the hell my peaceful life disturbing?"

He makes a magical mark on his face with black ink and he open the door, whenever he have seen that person?! He makes a annoying face and says,"what are you doing here lucas, get lost."

Lucas says,"After so many days we should ask about each other's well being and you should not chase the guest away from the door itself my friend, And you don't need to make this fake mark it when I come."

Harry says,"First of all we are not friends secondly I didn't know you were coming. So how did you remember me after so long?"

Lucas Carson, he is a cop from the Magical Government Police, He doesn't care about anything except money, he can do anything for his benefit, he can trap anyone he even joined the police so that he can earn a lot of money but his bad luck is that he is nothing but an ordinary police officer. To be honest, he was made a police officer for some tax work or even some other small works...

so he can go to any lengths to earn a lot of money.

This is the only person who knew the whole truth about me but still didn't hand me over to the High Ranking Magical Government.

I met Lucas when I was 12 on my way back from town Lucas was lying injured in the forest.

At first I was shocked,"Ahhhh..... a police cop.... there is no star on his uniform, he seems to be an ordinary police employee, so there is no need to be afraid of him, seeing him it seems that he needs help, but it does not matter to me, so congratulations you're going to die."

At first I tried to avoid him but he caught hold of my leg and said,"pleas~ save~m...."

After saying two word he falls unconscious,

Harry says,"what the hell happened to him, don't tell me.... did he die! no he just fall unconscious like this. *Sigh* Let's save him, it will be useful for my experiment later."

He takes Lucas to his hut and strips him of his wounds....

When Lucas regains consciousness at midnight, he is a little surprised to see bandages on his all body and then starts looking around. Then someone's says comes from behind, "have you woken up." Lucas tries to look back but his wound is causing him a lot of pain,"ahh~"

He says "don't move, you are hurt, take some rest." Lucas couldn't see him clearly in the dark....

Lucas says "who are you and what is all this tape?!"

Harry reply,"Umm...me, I am the one at whose feet you were begging for help, to put it simply, I am your savior"

On hearing such a arrogant response, he gets very angry but calms down and says smilingly, "Thank you, what can I do for you in return?"

And because of lucas's magic, many brightening fireflies appeared in his hut and give light... Seeing so much light, Harry hides his face and angrily says what the hell are you doing?

Lucas replies very calmly, "It was very dark inside your hut, so I was unable to see you properly, so I used my magic to turn on a lot of lights inside your hut."

Harry angrily says,"Who told you to do this idiot, quickly turn off the light or magic whatever or else I will kick you out of this hut."

Lucas says,"cool down dude I am just help you!"

Harry says,"Who asked for your help?"

Being a police employee of the Magical Government he became a little suspicious of Harry So Lucas releases all his magical aura inside his hut, but he shocked when he doesn't feel any magical aura inside Harry...! He is convinced that Harry has no magical power at all.

Lucas says,"So you don't have any magic power inside you."

Lucas thought he could blackmail Harry by saying this but he did not know that he was messing with the biggest psycho scientist who sacrificed so many people to complete his experiments.

Lucas says, "you know, not having magic in this world is no less than a sin but don't worry I won't tell anyone, after all you helped me, but I will take something to keep my mouth shut, understand?"

Harry says with a smirk on his face,"If you are not alive then how will you tell anyone."

Lucas is stunned to hear such words from him and says," will you fight with me without magic, you know who I am?!"

Harry says,"I don't know who are you, but I know who I'm."

Lucas becomes angry and is about to cast a spell with his wand to attack harry, "spar...." before his spell is complete harry pulls out a wooden gun from behind him whose bullet is made of something sharp stone and he shoots his hand?!

Lucas starts screaming loudly in pain,

harry says,"Stop yelling, I haven't even killed you yet. That's the problem with you magicians; to do something you have to first recite a spell."

Lucas says," who are you and what kind of magic do you have? no wait, I have seen it myself you don't have any magical mana so what is it?"

Harry is a little confused and says, "Magic?!" Then he looks at his wooden gun and smiles and says, "Oh it is, it's the magic of science."

Lucas says,"is it the magic of science? Is it like black magic?"

Harry angrily says,"no idiot this is not black magic, its science,sigh *whisper* Leave it, anyway how are you people going to understand things related to science."

Lucas is thinking deeply about something,"He looks like a 10-11 year old kid but his magic is very different, messing with him can be very dangerous and anyway I'm very weak now so I better be nice to him and get out of here alive."

Lucas says,"let's make a deal umm... What's your name kid?"

Harry angrily says,"what kid I am older then you."

Lucas says,"then how old are you?"

Harry compares the age of his previous life and the age of this life and proudly says, "I am 99 years old;kid."

Lucas makes a dumbass face and says,"so what's your name?"

Harry says,"my name Harry."

Lucas says,"what about your surname?"

Harry thinks about the things that happened between him and his family and says, "I don't have a family, I am living alone in this forest since my childhood."

Lucas listens to him and thinks about his past

We are shown Lucas's past where a woman tells him "why are you like this why are you so weak why is your magic so weak,why were you born."

Lucas cries and says,"i am sorry mom"

Lucas mom continues her talk,"Our clan has no need for useless children like you."

I am a failure, people kept saying that nothing is in my control. I was not even able to speak for myself and there was no one for me who could speak for my rights. I was tired of always hearing failure, failure, failure, so I ran away from home to live my life comfortably, but when I went out, then I understood the reality about life and I made money my life. I thought that I will earn so much money in life that people will start following me around,but this kid is completely different. Despite not having any magical powers, he still performs very unique magic tricks.

He takes pity on harry and proudly says,"from today and this time I am your friend, no wait I am your elder brother" and hugs harry.

Harry thinks to himself,"what the fu** this bastard pitying on me."


Harry says to Lucas,"so tell me why have you come here after so many years?"

Lucas seriously answers his question, "Harry, you're under arrest for not having magical aura."

Harry is stunned to hear this!

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