
Dr. Megas-X

How our psycho scientist died of a heart attack at age 87 while practicing his terrible science experiment and How did our psycho scientist come to this magical world and how will he survive in this world without magic! now it remains to be seen what will happen in the story and how he will survive in this magical world because of science.

siyappa_queen · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter-4 ORAN Magical Academy

Harry says to Lucas,"so tell me why have you come here after so many years?"

Lucas seriously answers his question, "Harry, you're under arrest for not having magical aura."

Harry is stunned to hear this!

Harry says,"Lucas what the fuck are you talking?! "

Lucas reply,"I'm not joking I'm serious harry."

Hearing all this, Harry was very angry but he calms himself down and throw a ball at him and says Lucas catch it, Lucas is not able to understand anything, so without thinking he catches the ball and gets a severe electric shock.

Lucas becomes paralyzed after suffering a severe electric shock, he don't able to move his body.

Harry says in a murderous tone, "I should have killed you that day, I made a mistake by leaving you, but I will make up for it today."

Lucas thinks,"this boy is really a psychopath and nothing else, but what a murderous aura he has, he was very dangerous, I don't know who he is but whoever he is, he is perfect for my plan.(smirk)

Lucas says fearfully, "hey first let me finish my talk!"

Harry says, "so when you die you will finish the whole thing you idiot, tell me quickly what were you saying?"

Lucas says, "first you tell me what kind of Magic is this?"

Harry reply," This was not magic, there were different types of electric shocks,Low voltage which can paralyze you for a while and high voltage which can be enough to kill you. It was of low voltage, so whenever that ball touched your hand, all your cells got paralyzed except your brain cells."

Lucas says,"your words went over my mind?"

Harry reply,"To get the thing into the mind, it is necessary to have a brain, as well tell me what are you talking?"

Lucas says,"Someone has informed the high ranking magic government that a non-magical boy is hiding in the forest, so they are sending some high police officers to the forest to search for him."

Hearing all this, harry gets worried and starts thinking what to do now, then Lucas suggests to Harry,"this is the spring season of this year..."

Hearing such words from Lucas, Harry says,"So what do you want I can go with you on a picnic in spring season, you idiot."

Lucas says," first listen to my whole story, you are going to be 15 this year and from this month, admission of new students will start in ORAN Magical Academy, why don't you enroll in it and make a new hiding place."

Harry says,"you want a boy like me who does not have any magical power to go to an academy where there is a high ranked magical government and along with that there will be such powerful magical users who will recognize me in the blink of an eye that I don't have a magical aura. You are not saving me but pushing me into the well of death!"

Lucas says,"That's not the case, if you use your unique magical powers there then I am sure you will make your place there,And who knows if you are lucky then due to your unique magical powers you may one day become a part of the High ranking megical government which you will get if you live freely and apart from that you will get a lot of immense wealth."

Hearing about the immense wealth, harry understands who must have told the High Ranking Magical Government about him!

Lucas continues to say his point,"When you become the highest ranking magical government, don't forget about your brother, right?

Harry says,"Lucas you are so greedy." (gloomy)

Lucas says,"No, I'm not that greedy."(laughing)

Harry suddenly says,"that you are that mysterious person who told the High Ranking Magical Government about me, am I right."

On hearing this, Lucas becomes absolutely silent. Not a single word comes out of his mouth. "He starts thinking how did my plan fail? How did he know about me?"

Harry says,"Wait, what did you just say, a high ranking magical government position with immense wealth, ahh.... good idea."

Lucas says,"huh?! What, you agree but why?"

Harry says,"what do you mean why, did you want me to go to the academy and get that position for you? Now what happened?"

Lucas says,"yes i do, but all of a sudden?!"

Harry says,"Look, you want money and I want revenge. Did I never tell you that I love science as much as I love taking revenge on others. Those who do bad to me will have to suffer the consequences."

Lucas says,"Revenge but who do you want to take revenge from?

Harry says," it's not your business, your business is now how will you get me to admit into the academy.You know very well that I need to have a magic mana to get into the academy and that's not in me at all."

Lucas says,"yes i know that's why i bought it for you from the black market."

Harry says,"A ring?"

Lucas reply,"This is not any ordinary ring. This ring absorbs the magical mana. If you shake hands with someone or touch someone, a little bit of their magical mana gets absorbed in it. So, no one will suspect that you do not have the magical mana. Because of this ring, you can easily get admission in that academy."

Harry says,"so you mean I can do magic with this magic ring?!"(Excited)

Lucas says,"No, you cannot do magic. You will need a magical aura to do magic, but this is only for show. It will show that you have magic inside you. Apart from this, you cannot do any magic with its help."

Harry says,"oh just to show(gloomy). Ok i have no problem as long as i have science of magic i can do anything and i am going to join oran academy, and i will be part of high ranking magical government."

[ Harry describes ]

I thought it would be very easy for me to be a part of a high ranking magical government and make my family sorry my abonded family cry tears of blood but it was very very different from what I thought. My journey starts from here.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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