
Douluo Dao : Soul Archer: The Bow of Destiny

In the world of Douluo, Feng Xuan is reborn with a rare and powerful martial soul, the Golden Bow Vijaya, a legacy intertwined with ancient myths and celestial prowess. Guided by Shivarjuna, a mentor from the epic Mahabharata, Feng Xuan embarks on an odyssey of self-discovery, rigorous training, and epic battles. Driven by a thirst to uncover the secrets of his reincarnated heritage, Feng Xuan navigates a realm where martial arts prowess and spiritual enlightenment reign supreme. As he harnesses the celestial energies of his Golden Bow, he embarks on a quest to master its unique abilities, testing his resolve against formidable adversaries and ancient mysteries that threaten the balance of Douluo. Along his journey, Feng Xuan allies with familiar faces from the Douluo Dalu universe—companions who share his quest for mastery and stand with him through triumph and adversity. Together, they forge unbreakable bonds, facing challenges that test their strength, honor, and loyalty. As Feng Xuan confronts the shadows of his past and embraces the destiny laid before him, he discovers the true essence of his martial soul and the legacy it carries. Through epic battles and soul-stirring revelations, he unveils the interconnectedness of his past life and his present existence, shaping his identity as a hero destined to transcend the boundaries of legend.

Grategoku · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
67 Chs

Bibi Dong's Test

Feng Xuan approached Bibi Dong, his demeanour respectful yet resolute. Bibi Dong, sensing the weight of his thoughts, looked up from the scrolls she was studying.

Bibi Dong asked "Feng Xuan, Is there something you want to tell me?"

"Yes, there is but I don't know how to tell you. So, I was in dilemma in what to say." Said Feng Xuan with his gaze down respectfully.

Bibi Dong frowned but then became happy that he was this respectful and that he cared about her opinion.

"Xuan, you are a good child and you can tell me whatever you want to tell me without worrying about my anger." Said Bibi Dong.

"There is something strange in this child. Just his aura gives me peace of mind, after getting Rakshasha's trial, my mind is in a mess but whenever I come near this child my mind becomes calm. Does his martial spirit also have the power to calm my mind or is it another thing, I need to go deeper into this. If he has the ability to calm my mind then he can help me." Thought Bibi Dong.

"Thank you for giving me freedom of speech. I want to go to Heaven Dou Empire." Requested Feng Xuan.

Bibi Dong is shocked by Feng Xuan's sudden request. She said with a frown "Is there something that Spirit Hall lacked? Or did anyone bully you during your time here or did someone ask you to go?"

"No, it's not that I don't want to stay but my martial soul is a weapon so I needed practical life experience which I can't get here. I can learn every theoretical knowledge but I needed to get real experience." Said Feng Xuan.

Feng Xuan stood before Bibi Dong, his request to return home and further his studies in the Heaven Dou Empire met with her thoughtful gaze.

After a moment, Bibi Dong nodded "It's good that you want to go outside but the outside world is not calm, you need appropriate strength to venture outside. Heaven Dou Empire has a noble spirit master who is not on good terms with a commoner spirit master. So, If possible delay your journey till your strength is appropriate, now is your time to focus on increasing your spirit power. You are exceptionally gifted in soul power cultivation so when you break through to spirit ancestor you can go outside without worry."

"I will be cautious outside, Please give me permission to go." Requested Feng Xuan.

Bibi Dong considered Feng Xuan's request thoughtfully before nodding. "I will allow you to leave for the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy," she said, her voice firm. "But there is one condition."

Feng Xuan nodded, awaiting her terms.

"You must fight someone from the Golden Generation team," Bibi Dong stated. "This will not only test your abilities but also allow me to gauge your growth and readiness."

She is a little worried about this new discipline. So she asked demanding task to give him permission.

Feng Xuan accepted the challenge without hesitation. "I understand, Master. I will do my best."

Bibi Dong arranged for the match to take place the next day. "Prepare yourself. This is not just a test; it's an opportunity to prove your worth."

Bibi Dong asked Hu Liana to come to the hall.

Bibi Dong looked at Feng Xuan and then turned to Hu Liena. "Hu Liena, introduce Feng Xuan to the Golden Generation. Tomorrow, he will face one of the members of your team in a match."

Hu Liena, with her striking beauty and confident demeanor, stepped forward. "Of course, Master. But master, Junior has just joined the hall and in my team, we have three spirit ancestors."

"He wants to go out so this is my test. If he clears my test he can go outside. Go, prepare the arena for tomorrow, and make your team ready. If your team member loses then the training of your team will be double."

She nodded and then gestured for Feng Xuan to follow her.

As they walked through the grand halls of the Spirit Hall, Hu Liena began the introductions. "Feng Xuan, meet my team: Yan, with his formidable fire control; Xie Yue, a master of the Moon Blade; and myself, with my fox-like charm abilities. She then introduces other members."

She then said to her team, "This is Feng Xuan, Master's new discipline. Master gave him a test to fight one of us, if he failed then he would not be going outside, and if he won then our training would be double."

All of the team members hearing about double training shiver and are determined to win the match.

Yan who has feeling for Hu Liana said, "NANA, He is much younger than us what is his spirit power?"

"Don't call me NANA, we are not that close. And yah Xuan what is your spirit power, I didn't ask before." Said Hu Liana.

"Not much just level 33 spirit elder much less than spirit ancestor. It will take some time to reach spirit ancestor." Said Feng Xuan humbly.

All members even Hu Liana shocked.

Yan cursed

"Not much my foot, What's your age?"

"12years." Said Feng Xuan.

"Oh my god, Xuan, How do you train? Give some tips to senior sister." Said Hu Liana with flirtatious gage.

Yan became jealous and said, "So, What if he is Spirit elder, He is not my match."

"Oh, so tomorrow I will fight you." Said Feng Xuan.

Hu Liana stopped him and said "No Xuan, you can fight others, Yan with his spirit ancestor power can rival even the spirit king. His element is lava which can harm you."

Feng Xuan felt warned when Hu Liana cared for him but said in a firm voice, "No, senior sister, I needed to fight him."

"Hump, Not caring about senior sister's opinion. Do as you please." Said Hu Liana with a puff.

Yan also became jealous seeing Hu Liana making a Puffing face for another man and said "Be ready, I will not show mercy."

"As you say senior. We will meet tomorrow in the arena." Said Feng Xuan and left. Hu Liana also left leaving other members shocked.