
Douluo Dalu: Legend of the Cat Douluo

Mao Xingyun has been a loner since he's a kid and it's not because he wants it but because people who got close to him suffers from bad luck, even his parents don't like him and tries to stay as far away as possible from him the closest he got to them was when he's still a newborn. Everyone who knew his complications tries to stay as far away from him, except for his cat Blacky who since the time he got him, never left his side. He never had a friend or even a girlfriend, basically he's alone so when his cat died of old age he also followed him to the afterlife.

dreammyyy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Chapter 10 - Soft Boned Cat and Destiny's Favor

Xingyun and his party of 4 has been roaming the inner parts of the Star Dou Forest for 12 hours now and they just decided that if they still didn't see a suitable beast after an hour more of looking, they will find a village near Star Dou Forest and spend a night in an inn there. Though, it seems they wouldn't need to find a village anymore after Xingyun saw a white cat in front of them.


Species Name: Soft Boned Cat

Age: 10004 years

Spirit Skill: Soft Boned Physique


Soft Boned Cats are well known 100 year spirit beasts, not because they are strong or have a strong bloodline, but because they are so slippery(figuratively), 100 years old soft boned cats can literally escape an encirclement of 5 spirit grandmasters by just relying on their super flexible body and relatively fast speed, but they don't have any fighting capabilities at all, escaping is all they can do. They are also a relatively famous first spirit ring candidate for many beast spirit spirit masters because of what they can get as a spirit skill, which is Soft Boned Physique, it can make a spirit master's body have very very flexible body, which is a very much needed attribute of many beast spirit spirit masters.

Soft Boned Cat spirits don't have the capability to fight at all, so it is baffling how this Soft Boned Cat survived and even reach 10000 years. 100 year Soft Boned Cat spirit skills already gives a very very flexible body to a spirit master and this Soft Boned Cat is for sure gonna give him an exaggerated amount of flexibility, which will make his Cat Battle Style more unpredictable because of the extreme maneuvers he can make with an extreme flexibility.

"Grandpas, I'm not confident I can keep this one here if I fought with it, so I'm leaving this one to you two", even though Xingyun can stall a 10000 year spirit beast, he is not confident that he can keep the Soft Boned Cat here if it really wants to escape from him it might even run away, even before he got close from it so he left it for his 2 grandpas to handle, which they approved of. In their opinion, no matter how extraordinary Xingyun is, unless he has a way to kill it in one shot, it's impossible to keep it here and given how slippery of a spirit beast it is, it might even escape their grasp.

Grandpa Chen pounced on it so fast that the poor spirit beast didn't even have a clue what hit it before it passed out. Xingyun then run up to it then decisively stabbed it's heart, after it died, a black spirit ring floated above it, Xingyun then sat in a lotus position and absorbed it. He didn't feel any difficulty absorbing the spirit ring in the start but when he's about to fully absorb it, the spirit shock hit him, but because of his extraordinary mental fortitude, the impact he felt is not so much, the pain it brought him just made him shout in pain, but the pain is just an instant, it didn't last at all and he finally finished fully absorbing the spirit ring, however when Xingyun finished the absorption he didn't relax at all because he knows that, what will follow will bring him unimaginable pain and he didn't wanna be caught off guard by it again, just like the last time he experienced it.

True to his expectation, unimaginable pain overcame his and Blacky's senses, the pain is even worse than the last time he formed a blood ring. The pain he felt kept increasing until 30 minutes later, 2 black spirit rings floated from his body, then he passed out because of exhaustion. At the same time, Blacky was unsummoned automatically.

Two of the three people watching him is so shocked by what they saw right in front of them. Grandpa Chen is enjoying their expressions right now, because that is exactly what he felt when he first saw Xingyun form a spirit ring on his own.

"C'mon stop dawdling, let's move we have to reach the clan village before night arrives", grandpa Chen brought the two out of their reverie, because the sun is gonna disappear soon and they need to reach home before night arrives", grandpa Fang just absent-mindedly carried the absent-minded Bao'er in his arms then flew off, following grandpa Chen.

After a day, Xingyun woke up feeling weird, it's as if his body is not his anymore, "Looks like I bit more than I can chew", he murmured. He speculated that what his feeling is because of his Soft Boned Physique spirit skill, because his body felt so flexible right now. He sat up with difficulty on his bed then summoned Blacky, who grew a bit, if before he's only a palm sized he is now two palms sized, immediately after Blacky is summoned he went straight to his throne, Xingyun's shoulders.

Xingyun checked his status next.


Name: Mao Xingyun

Age: 10 years old

Spirit Rank: 27


[Destiny Cat(Blacky)]:

Spirit Abilities:

1st blood ring: Clairvoyance(10000 years old)

2nd blood ring: Destiny's favor(10000 years old) - the user's attacks can bend destiny and hit enemies more accurately, attacks diracted to the user will also have a very high chance to miss.

Active Ability: all attacks that reaches 5m from the user will deviate from their path and stay away from the user, the user can also do the opposite of it, attracting all attacks and hitting the user. Note: the user can apply either one effect on himself or his target.

[Spirit Cat Body]:

Spirit Abilities:

1st spirit ring: Lightning Speed(1084 years old)

2nd spirit ring: Soft Boned Physique(10004 years old) - the user will have an extremely flexible physique permanently.

Spirit Bones:

Martial Arts: The Way of the Cat, Shadow Cat Steps, Cat Imitation, Cat Battle Style


Even though his Soft Boned Physique spirit skill is giving him problems right now, he knows that the moment he manages to control it, the benefits he will gain from it is huge. He is satisfied with the Soft Boned Physique, but when he saw his Destiny's Favor spirit skill he blanked out, 'isn't this too OP? Am I really allowed to have this? I feel like I'm cheating. He then planned his new training method based on the new abilities he had, one thing he decided on is practicing their clan's hidden weapon wielding technique the 'Cat's Hidden Lethality' to maximize his usage of Destiny's Favor spirit skill.