
Douluo Dalu: Legend of the Cat Douluo

Mao Xingyun has been a loner since he's a kid and it's not because he wants it but because people who got close to him suffers from bad luck, even his parents don't like him and tries to stay as far away as possible from him the closest he got to them was when he's still a newborn. Everyone who knew his complications tries to stay as far away from him, except for his cat Blacky who since the time he got him, never left his side. He never had a friend or even a girlfriend, basically he's alone so when his cat died of old age he also followed him to the afterlife.

dreammyyy · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 11 - Time skip and progress

2 years passed since the last time Xingyun got his 2nd spirit rings, he is currently rank 30, he just needed to absorb a spirit ring to breakthrough Spirit Elder. He could have reached it sooner but he decided to at least be able to control his body seamlessly first before he breakthrough which is a very good decision of him, now whenever he's sparring with his father without the use of spirit power, even though he couldn't win against him yet, his father is always the one that's so frustrated by the end of the sparring session, Xingyun is just too slippery even for a Spirit Saint like him, just imagine someone who is a martial technique genius and is given a physique that gives them extreme flexibility.

Seriously, just watching Xingyun dodging everything thrown against him mid air by doing extreme postures and maneuvers mid air is too awesome, you can basically feel the frustration of his enemies not hitting anything at all while he is supposed to be in his most vulnerable. Xingyun made it possible by combining his expertise with Clairvoyance, which enabled him to have a outstanding predicting ability even when he isn't using the spirit skill, the main part of his Battle Style is of course the Soft Boned Physique spirit skill which enables him to do all the postures and maneuvers even when he's mid air, and the last skill that made the stunt possible is his Destiny's Favor spirit skill, which gives him a certain chance to block most of the attacks thrown at him mid air.

Xingyun also made significant progress in his techniques. His Way of the Cat technique is infinitely close to stage 5, he is just missing something he still didn't know of, he created his own movement technique based on the Shadow Cat Steps and named it 'Soft Boned Cat's Steps', his Cat Imitation technique reached 300 circulations, which should just be 250 by his estimates if he didn't have his Soft Boned Physique spirit skill, which greatly improved and modified his physique, he is also still developing his own battle style, but for now he couldn't finish creating it, because he doesn't really have good attacking power, which he would want to solve in their visit to Star Dou Forest, lastly Xingyun's attainments in Cat's Hidden Lethality technique is very good, but in his opinion, it is still not enough progress because the hidden weapon technique of the clan is not so advanced, because their clan's spirit masters rarely uses hidden weapons, the technique isn't as good as their other techniques, but he knew what to do to better learn how to use hidden weapons, like what they say, 'learn from the masters'.

Xingyun isn't the only one who has changed a lot these past 2 years, Blacky also had improved a lot compared to 2 years ago, because Blacky doesn't need to focus much on his physique, he could use the blood rings' spirit skill way way better than Xingyun. Also, because of all his efforts and hard work training the spirit skills, het got an enlightenment and is now grasping destiny. If before, he can only use spirit skills to be able to use destiny, now he can apply his understandings of destiny to the spirit skills and enhance it's effects. When Xingyun first learned of this, he felt happy that Blacky just kept growing stronger and stronger, this event actually almost tempted Xingyun to lessen his physical training and focus on comprehending destiny, but he realized that even if he comprehended it now, it wouldn't bring as much an improvement to him, unlike his physical training which not only makes him stronger but also lets him absorb older spirit rings. So Xingyun decided that he will focus on comprehending destiny when he broke through Spirit Elder rank.

Bao'er also improved a lot this past 2 years, she can literally fight and sometimes win against their uncle in the conditions that his uncle wouldn't use spirit power, her fire control also improved by a LOT, compared to two years ago, she is now known in the village as the Fire Lion Goddess, which she absolutely hates but she couldn't do anything to change what the villagers call her, because she realized that she's being called that too late and the villagers for a month already and no matter what she does that embarrassing name is now imprinted on their minds.

Bao'er actually already reached stage 5 on her Lion's pride technique and because of the wild aura she has around her, even Spirit Ancestors is terrified of her and always prays that they wouldn't catch her eye, cause if she does they're in for a beating. Since Bao'er started challenging everyone in the village, their village actually had a qualitative upgrade in their battle power, because the spirit masters is afraid that once she challenges them, they might be humiliated by her so badly, which they absolutely didn't want to.

Like Xingyun, she is also urgently in need of a spirit ring, her physique actually from Xingyun's estimate can absorb up to 8000 years old spirit rings and with his bloodline suppression it would be possible to absorb a 10000 years old spirit ring, but her mental fortitude in Xingyun's opinion cannot take a 10000 years old spirit ring's spirit shock and in the worst case scenario, she might even turn braindead, which Bao'er understands, so even if she wants to absorb a 10000 years old spirit ring like Xingyun, it's impossible unless she had a way to train her mental fortitude like Xingyun.

Their parents also improved a lot this past years because they just couldn't just sit by and watch as their children is quickly catching up to them, Mao Feng reached rank 76 and Mao Juan reached rank 69 and one step away from Spirit Saint, their uncle is the one who really improved a lot though, he just couldn't accept that his niece can literally match his strength in the condition that he wouldn't use spirit power, and he didn't even wanna start talking about that hateful nephew of his who always frustrates him to no end, when they spar he couldn't touch him at all while he was being harrased by hidden weapons on all sides, he reached rank 67.

Sadly, even though grandpa Chen reached rank 97, but he couldn't advance anymore, unless he encounters a fruitful opportunity. Grandpa Fang on the other hand reached rank 96, but he felt that once he reached rank 97, his rank might just stay there forever.

Though, it is not all bad, grandma Huifen finally reached Super Douluo rank, just a month after Xingyun got his 2nd spirit ring.

Their clan's battle power is increasing so fast because of the two monsters' influence, Xingyun is just worried that Spirit Hall might feel threatened by their progress and annihilate the whole clan, the only thing stopping them from making their move is Mao clan's three super douluos, because they know once they start a war with the Mao clan, even if they could annihilate them, they can't avoid sacrifices and it might weaken them so much that, the two empires can just send numerous Titled Douluo to end them once and for all.