
Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Observe how Ning Bai, big brother of Ning Rongrong aim to be at the top. ------------------------------------------------------ I don't know anything that you recognize all rights go to the author. The cover is not mine. --------------------------------------------------- This is my first time writing something and English is not even my second language so I will be thankful with the correction of grammar and orthography. Constructive comments are appreciated, plis avoid toxic comments.

picaco · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
257 Chs

Heaven Dou Imperial Academy

"I will go to... Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. It is known as the best spirit academy of Heaven Dou Empire with having the best facilities and ambient for training. Learning new things and using their resources my training will improves. Moreover the main reason is for its connections. Heaven Dou Academy is known to be a very exclusive school where most of its alumni being nobles, there I can find strong people with beneficial backgrounds for us of my age and maybe make even make some friend, easing the creation of alliances. Specially, I know that the young heir of the Blue Lighting Tyrant Dragon Clan is there, being only 2 years older and the heir of another upper clan he surely will be strong, if not at least a good connection for his clan". My father wait for me to finish and thinks for a little then saying "I think that some change of air it would be good for you, your starting to get used to our protection and going to study it will be a good test before leaving to see world. Specially you need t improve your social skills. I'll write some recommendation letter to he academy talking for your transfer. Wait until I receive a reply". I nod then leave the office saying good bye.

2 weeks later my dad calls me to come to his office. I enter his office and dad gives me a letter "I reply of Heaven Dou Academy has arrived, take it".

Reading the letter and extracting the main meaning, ignoring pleasantries and second meanings, it can be summarized in that they're very happy to accept me a rank 34 with only almost 12 years in their academy if I permit them recognizance for my part of being part of their alumni, being completely free of charge and that I can enter whenever I want.

I answer with a letter saying that their demands are acceptable and that I would arrive next months. I decided to leave next week after my birthday {If someone ask the birthday are not celebrated only the 6 because the awakening age} going through the shortest route running, that it will be traversing Star Dou Forest so I will take advantage of it and 'eat' some spirit beast.

One week after I am at the entrance of the mansion with all the necessary luggage in my bracelet storage ready to leave. At the door there are my parent, uncle Bone and sister, all of them with sad faces. I make a little smile "I will miss you very much. Look forward for our next meeting and how strong I become" I say trying not to cry. My mom hugs me saying "Take care. I know that my big boy will do great things. And don't forget your training". Then I approach my sister who is almost crying hugging her saying "I will miss you the most. Take care of the family and don't do a lot of mischief". She starts crying "I will miss you very much! When I'm 12 I also will make a trip being strong as big brother". We separate and I look at my dad eyes, they're a little sad. Then we hug dad saying a simple "Take care". Finally uncle Bone rubs my hair giving me a pagoda statue "If you have any problem I'll we always there for you". I almost crying bow to all of them saying "Thank you very much for all! I love you all! Bye, bye!" I say and start running in direction of Heaven Dou City (I new chapter of my life is starting!).

After running 3 hours I arrive at Star Dou Forest and started hunting easily 1000 years spirit beast and finally finding a 10.000 spirit beast alone a decided that it will be the main dish. It was an Armored Rhino between 10.000 and 19.999 years old known for the length of its main horn, It's a beast in form of a rhino of more than 20 m long it's main strength is its defense and power but is very slow beast so it easy to evade. I approach it <2nd skill: Wood Stamina> causing the rhinoceros to charge at me I dodging without much difficult. I move around it waiting for it to tire only attack with weak attacks when it seems to try to escape. After 3 hours wearing it it is too exhausted to even to stand out so I approach him and with a simple move pierce going through its right eye killing it instantly. Then I proceeded to eat it, I don't even need to cook it only putting it in my mouth it became so soft that it can be easily eaten. At the Oreo space Glut happily eat the rhino in 1 minute and falls sleep, after a moment he starts glowing (It seems that the glow is increasing so I think it will take some time to evolve at a 1000 years beast. Having accomplished my main objective coming to the forest I start running to Heaven Dou City quickly leaving the forest ignoring all the beast trying t attack me.

After 2 week of continuing running only stopping for eating and sleeping I finally arrive at Heaven Dou City. For all running I am not in my best appearance some ragged clothes with dirty parts everywhere (Bah, it doesn't matter at the academy surely there's some cloth to change). I walk the street toward the academy observing the big number of building even being less grand that my mansionand the crowd of people, surprised being the first time to see so many people at the same time being a lot bigger in numbers and looking around excited to investigate the city seeming a little like a country bumpkin (I never went to a city so maybe I am a little of country boy. I will go to the academy take a quick shower and when I have time do a little of sightseeing).

I arrive at the academy's entrance seeing the over 20 m majestic gold doors I can't help to become excited. Arriving at the door some guard stops me ordering "You are entering the territory of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy step out if you don't want t receive a beating!". He is a man of what it seems 40 years old and its rank is only spirit grandmaster (Trash! But is only a guard, a servant doesn't need to be strong only to be useful). I decided that is not worth beating him so I decided to take the principal's letter but I'm interrupted by 4 boys, they seems to be 3-4 years older than me and are wearing what it seems to be the academy uniform being all of them spirit grandmaster and having an arrogant face. One of them come forth saying "How can a such lowly class country bumpkin come to our academy? Your mere presence is dirtying our elegance! Maybe we can forget your audacity if you prostrates before us and clean our shoes with you tongue!" causing the other boys to start laughing. My only response is a incredulous look quickly changes to view them like seeing trash (How can they be so arrogant being so weak!). Seeing my face the boy says "How you dare!" approaching me and throwing a punch. I easily see it coming (Woah, if it's more slow maybe it will stop) I tilt my body to the left easily dodging the punch, I charge a little of spirit power in my right hand punching him at his face hearing the sound of a broken nose and throwing him 20 m away. Then I look at the other 3 boys and showing my rings yellow!yellow!purple! I press with all my spirit pressure causing all of them to fall to the ground scared shitless showing wet marks in their intimate parts.

I stop my pressure and approach the guard, his face quickly changing from a surprised one to a terrified one. I give him the principal's letter saying "Guide me to the principal's office" he needs 5 second to calm himself and actual seeing the letter then respectfully bowing to me and start guiding me. I follow the guard leaving behind the group of scared boys.

Arriving at the principal office the guard nock the door, bows to me excusing him and leave. "You can enter" listening it I open the door and enter the office there there are 3 people. One of them being a tall white bearded old person, the other one being very fat seeming to be equally in length than width and the last one seeming a very ordinary old person. The tall person signals me to sit saying "I am Meng Shenji the principal of this academy, at my sides they are the academy elders" he signals to his left pointing at the fatty "Bai Baoshan" then turns to his right "and Zhi Lin". Then he turns to look at me "All of us being spirit Douluos we are the highest position in this academy. We are very pleased for your incorporation, it is not every day that we have a transfer student of one of the upper clan, specially being so gifted being rank 34 at the age of 12. We want you to slowly adapt to the academy live so we prepared one of our students as your guide so that she can show a little of our school. After some time when you're finally adapted we will have another little talk about the future" He then inspect me and gives me an uniform "It will be best to change your cloths before anything, you're a little bit rugged" I smile at them and a maid guide me to a changing room. It's a big room with a big sofa, a round table with 4 chair and a bathroom with a 4 meters long bathub.

I take a shower (Finally! After 3 weeks a can finally clean with warm water) and change for the uniform being a white suit with gold lines. Finished dressing I return to the principal's office, this time being inside a beautiful girl seeming 2 years older than me with deep purple short hair with a pair of brightly green eyes giving a strange feeling with a kind of bewitching charm.

"Oh, It seems you are ready" Meng Shenji turn to the girl "This is one of our most talented students and she will be your guide if you have any question don't doubt in asking her". The girl steps forward doing a courtesy presenting herself "I am Dugu Yan. Is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Ning". I approach her taking his hand and kissing it "The pleasure is all mine miss Dugu, is not everyday you can see a great beauty like you. And as your junior you can simple call me Bai" I say smiling at her. She blush a little but quickly returning a calm smile "In this case do not doubt to call me Yan. Come this way I will show you the most important facilities". I leave the office following her.

We go for all the academy while she shows me and inform about all the facilities, seeing the different kind of environment creating the best mimicry effects to cultivate and the most innovate training machines at the different training room. There's also some club where the people focus in a main area, even having a sword club. While walking I tell her "Before a cross some students at the door and they were extremely weak and arrogant, are they all like them? Because is this is the level of this academy even with so resources I am very dissatisfied I was waiting for the best". At that she looks a little of content but say respectfully "In this academies the majority are nobles so it's normal the arrogancy, for the level of strength they surely are tiny heaven rank. This academy divided their students and teachers in 3 levels, tiny heaven, reaching heaven and finally Heaven Dou level being the last the strongest the other groups are kind of ignorable. Of course with your strength and status you will be put at the Heaven Dou level having access at the majority of resources and facilities. There also another distinction in the Heaven Dou level that will be the Emperor level where the strongest and the representatives of the academy are. By order of the principal now we will go to the Emperor building when only Emperor level students can enter, there we will do a little combat test to see if you arrive at the rank.

We walk to a grand building with a huge garden seemingly a lot more expensive of any other facilities. At the entrance two Ancestors rank guards seeing Yan bow and open the doors. Entering she guide me to a luxurious room with sofas all around and its own bar. Inside there are 6 people. Yan looks around saying "It seems that Mayi is not here" she sighs "That girl is always at her leisure" receiving my questioning gaze she answer "Here there are the strongest students of our age group the actual Emperor team, we are all here only missing one of us. She is Tai Mayi and is always at her leisure ignoring everyone, doing things forced and very rarely showing any change of expression".

At this moment the same entrance's door open entering a beautiful brown haired girl. She looks around the room with an iced expression until she sees me. Crossing our sight her eyes illuminates and makes a big smile. Then she jump to me and hugs me tightly saying happily "I love you! Big brother!" making me surprised and all the people around staying with the mouth open and finally saying "EHHHHH!!!!".

So the new waifu. This novel there's only two, Renxue and Mayi. I not decided yet if he will only make his female lead one of them or both.

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