
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 99 little girl can't think

He grabbed his mobile phone tenderly: "Huo tingshen, don't make trouble. Mr. Yin has a girlfriend. He even showed us a photo of his girlfriend today. Her girlfriend was with him when they were in college, and they were very emotional. OK."

Huo tingshen was disdainful: "if you have a girlfriend, you can't break up? Brother Chengshu, who you like very much, also has a girlfriend, but don't you still break up? "

"Can this be the same? Brother Chengshu is the brother I liked when I was young, and Mr. Yin has nothing to do with me. We are just colleagues. Besides, people have a good relationship with their girlfriends. Why are you cursing them? Besides, Mr. Yin Not my type, I like taller men."

Huo Ting looked at him deeply, and his eyebrows relaxed a little: "that man is short?"

"It's not short, it should be about 1.78 meters. I'm not very sure, but I think it's a little short."

He raised his eyebrows, "Then what do you think of my height?"

Looking at him tenderly, he smiled: "it's very good."

Seeing her answer so bluntly, Huo tingshen was a little worried: "you're not trying to perfunctory me."

"I perfunctory what you do, isn't Gao Muran a good example, you two are about the same height."

"I'm a little taller," Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply: "so, is it better than him?"

Warm and speechless, she rolled her eyes. She is ill, why is Gao Muran mentioned here: "yes."

She found out that Huo tingshen, a man, is actually very easy to coax. Two kind words can go to heaven.

So, since he can be happy for a long time as long as she says a good word, why should she not do it?

But It's very strange. Before, Gao Muran would be happy for a long time knowing that she said a good word, but she never wanted to do it.

People will change. In the past, in Gao Muran's place, she was unwilling to pay, but in Huo tingshen's place, she could easily do it.

It turned out that she was also slowly and subtly changed.

Friday afternoon was as lively as the previous Friday.

Although Mr. Liu is gone, Mr. Li is still excited to see Huo tingshen in the afternoon.

Although Mr. Yin is a new member, because he is also a counselor of the Department of Business Administration, he has naturally replaced Mr. Liu's position.

Because of the privilege, in the afternoon, Teacher Li suggested to go early.

Teacher Yin agreed, but Wenqing firmly opposed it.

Last time she went to stand for an hour early, was she very tired?

Huang Ya also waved her hand: "I'll be there at 2:40."

Li Beibei and Yin Dacheng made an appointment. As soon as two o'clock arrived, they left first.

At 2:40, Wen Qing and Huang Ya walked to the basketball court hand in hand.

When passing the girls' dormitory, Huang Ya pointed to the crowd surrounded not far away: "did something happen over there? Why are there so many classmates."

Warm and wondering: "there are still mostly girls. Shouldn't girls be on the basketball court at this time?"

Huang Ya took her wrist: "go over and have a look."

The two walked around from the side of the girls' dormitory building, only to find that there was a girl sitting on the edge of the roof in a daze.

Huang Ya was anxious, "what's the matter?"

Someone in the crowd heard Huang Ya's voice and hurriedly said, "Mr. Huang, this girl was cheated on by her boyfriend. She can't think of it, she seems to want to commit suicide?"

When Wen Qing and Huang Ya heard it, they looked at each other and ran upstairs to the girls' dormitory together.

Wen Qing ran to the door of the apartment, stopped, and shouted to the students who were watching: "hurry up and call the police, and the students who live on the first floor immediately go back and get their bedding out. All the men present come out in groups of four and pull one each Before the police and fire officers and soldiers arrive, help as much as possible, and if there are not enough boys, call."

Some nodded, some called, and some ran upstairs with them.

When Wen Qing and Huang Ya came to the top of the building, there were three girls on the roof, standing far away, leaning against each other, persuading the girl opposite to commit suicide.

The girl shouted: "Chu Yan, don't be impulsive, we are really afraid."

The two walked to the three girls, and Huang Ya asked, "what's the situation?"

"Teacher, she doesn't talk to us or let us get close. She's in such a bad mood now that we really don't know what to do."

Wen Qing tried to take two steps forward: "Chu Yan, I am Wen Qing, can I talk to you?"

The girl didn't look back, just looked up at the sky and said leisurely: "None of you should come over, no matter how fast you run, you can't be faster than me jumping."

"I didn't go, I just wanted to chat with you. How did I survive after I found out that I was cheated on."

The girl was silent for a moment, then slowly turned her head to look at her.

She pursed her lips and smiled tenderly: "do you want to get down from the top first, after all, it's very dangerous."

She turned around on the edge of the rooftop and sat facing her, so that if she leaned back, she would be crushed to pieces.

"Mr. Wen, I know you want to save me, it's good intentions, but don't bother lying to me,"

"I didn't want to lie to you. I know that it's not worth giving up my life for a scumbag."

"No one understands how I feel right now."

"Whoever said no one understands, I understand. You should have heard about me. In this school, is there anyone more famous than me who was cheated on?"

"However, after your boyfriend cheated on you, he kept chasing you, but my boyfriend told me that he could find a better one if I left, but that bitch would have nothing without her. Why did they break up, but it was me? I gave her three years of youth, and in another year, we will graduate. He promised me that he would marry me after graduation. "

"Yeah, you also know that he was the one who cheated, and he was the one who did the wrong thing, so why is it you who is going to die? This shouldn't be the final result of this matter. You should live better, Let him regret, instead of one hundred and one hundred, to fulfill him in this way.

When a man doesn't love you anymore, your death means nothing to him. Because he won't remember you at all, and he won't feel distressed at all. But in this world, there are a pair of parents whose white-haired people send black-haired people, and there is no way to sleep peacefully in this life. Why do you have to pay such a painful price for the scumbag behavior of a scumbag? "

Said tenderly, took two steps forward and extended his hand to her: "Chu Yan, if you can calm down and think carefully about the consequences of your current behavior, you will be able to know how stupid your choice is. Come, give me your hand, and I'll take you down."

She just finished speaking when a roar came from downstairs: "Chu Yan."

Hearing this voice, Chu Yan's body froze and turned to look downstairs.

At this time, Huo Tingren was also going upstairs with several school security guards.

Seeing the people downstairs, Chu Yan was obviously agitated.

Worrying tenderly, it won't be her boyfriend coming.

"Li Enhao, you bastard, you have failed me."

She raised her hand tenderly and stroked her forehead, as expected.

This man is probably the nemesis in Chu Yan's life.

"Chu Yan, I beg you, stop making trouble, give me some time, I don't want to make things like this, but when love comes, I really can't stop it. I worked hard for you."

The man was at the bottom of the building, shouting piercingly.

"If you are in love with her, then what am I," Chu Yan cried, crying very sadly: "When you were chasing me in the freshman year, you said that I was the most beautiful girl you have ever seen, you I want to hold my hand for the rest of my life. Two months ago, I asked you, and everyone said that college love is a curse, and you will break up after graduation. Do you believe it, you say you don't.

Because you are going to marry me after graduation. In the future, the wind and rain will be mine, and the touching will be mine, but why... only two months later, you have a new love, and you have been immersed in this false love What am I in here. "

The warmth behind her, thinking of Gao Muran's oath to her back then, and the day she saw Gao Muran and Song Ruo with her own eyes...

She frowned slightly, this would not work, Chu Yan's emotions would be affected.

After she turned around and gave Teacher Huang a wink, she walked forward quickly and hugged Chu Yan, but Chu Yan was stimulated and struggled like crazy.

Because she was sitting on the edge of the rooftop, as she struggled, her body also fell.

The warmth was brought down by her. Teacher Huang, who had run to the front, exclaimed. When she was about to reach out and drag her, there was a figure beside her. She grabbed the warmth faster than her and almost fell. ankle.

Mr. Huang was still in shock, and looked at Huo Tingren, whose feet were under the edge of the roof, his hands were desperately holding his tender ankles, and his body was leaning back.

He pulled up a few times with warmth.

But because of Chu Yan, who was held by the warmth, he has been struggling, and he has been unable to succeed.

Chu Yan struggled too hard, her tender hand couldn't bear the weight, so she had to let Chu Yan get out of her arms.

But her eyes were quick and her hands were quick, and she grabbed Chu Yan's arm.

Chu Yan's whole body vacated, and she suddenly realized that she was going to die.

She panicked for a while and suddenly pulled her desperately and shouted, "Wen...Mr. Wen, I don't want to die."

The warmth and sincerity can't drag this girl who is heavier than herself, so she can only hold her teeth.

Mr. Huang and a few people who came with him came forward to help, but they couldn't find any clue, so they could only drag Huo Tingren in a tug-of-war behind him.

Teacher Huang shouted from behind: "Everyone, make some effort."

Huo Tingren closed his eyes and roared, "I have sweat on my hands, I can't hold it anymore."

Hearing this, Chu Yan shouted in fear, kicking her legs in the air: "Mr. Wen, don't let go, please don't let go."

She had a bad premonition in her heart. She heard Tingren's voice and felt that Tingren's hand was moving back because of sweat at her ankle.

Just when she felt that it might be over, suddenly another hand bent down a lot, grabbed her belt, and lifted her up.

Because of this leverage, Huo Tingren has a buffer in his hand.

He shouted: "I'm calling one, two, three, everyone together, one, two, three..."

Everyone worked together to pull the two people who almost fell from the building.

She didn't see Huo tingshen with a cold face on the opposite side until she sat back on the rooftop limply.

Huo tingshen was really about to be annoyed to death by this woman.

Just now, he got off the bus at the entrance of the basketball court. Seeing that Wenqing was not there, he asked the female assistant he saw last time, why there were only two of them.

The assistant said, "Mr. Huang and Mr. Wen should be here soon."

Huo tingshen didn't think much about it, just glanced at the male teacher on the side, who was average in length, slightly fat and not tall.

He was sure that this person could not be a warm dish, so he was relieved.

When he was about to enter the basketball court, he saw a classmate running out of the basketball court.

Seeing that it was a student of his own department, Li Beibei hurriedly stepped forward and said, "The class is about to start. You guys are leaving now, but you won't be able to come in in a while."

"Mr. Li, there are girls in our school who are going to jump off the building. Our monitor is calling for the boys in our class to help with the quilt."

Huo Ting frowned deeply: "someone jumped off the building, are you kidding me?"

"Yeah, the firefighters haven't arrived yet. Teacher Wen gave the solution."

Teacher Li wondered, "Mr. Wen from our department?"

"Yes, the warm teacher in your office."

Huo Ting was deeply surprised, and the warmth was there?

"Yes, she went upstairs with Teacher Huang to save people."

Hearing this, Huo tingshen couldn't calm down immediately.

When he rushed to the rooftop and heard Tingren say that he had sweat on his hands and was about to lose his grip, there was only one thought in his mind.

He wants to seize the warmth, and even if he sacrifices his life, he must save her.

He must never let the warmth fall, never.

Thinking about it now, he was afraid, what if he didn't come in time?

What if Tingren's hands become more and more sweaty and his hands become slippery?

This woman... how can she be so uneasy.

Aside, Chu Yan reacted, lying on the ground, crying.

Huo Tingren stood up, walked to Chu Yan, and said angrily, "if you really want to die, find a place to die quietly and don't harm others. Do you know that you almost killed Mr. Wen just now."

Looking at Huo Tingren tenderly, "Tingren."

She was quiet and shook her head at him.

"Mr. Wen, don't stop me, such a person deserves to be scolded. Doesn't she want to die? When she just fell, she shouted that she didn't want to die. She is not responsible for her own life, not even her parents. If you don't care, if you are dumped by a man, you will find life and death, isn't she more than dead."

Warm and silent, without speaking.

In these few words, what Tingren said was very reasonable and relieved.

Originally, the attention of this matter should be on Chu Yan.

But because of Huo tingshen, several people who went upstairs all turned their attention to Huo tingshen. They probably didn't understand how Huo tingshen came here.

Hearing other people's muttering, he looked at Huo Ting's deep and stern eyes tenderly and felt guilty.

After all, after living with Huo tingshen for so long, she still knows him somewhat.

He is angry now, and very angry.

Huo Ting squinted her deeply, and she lowered her eyes.

He turned around and walked in front of Huo Tingren, and scolded: "you understand the truth. Why did you just dare to risk your life to save people? What's the point of this kind of person who doesn't want to live? Help, if something happened to you just now, how can I explain to my deceased parents?"

Huo Tingren looked at his brother in a stunned manner.

What's the situation, how did the third brother sell him?