
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Eastern
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117 Chs

Chapter 98 jealous

The warm eyes turned cold: "I can't decide what this face looks like. It was given to me by my mother. Why do you deny my efforts because of this face. You said you worked hard in school. , but what I see is that you play with your mobile phone, browse Taobao, and play games during work hours.

Say it yourself, how many times have I posted the notices of your class for you? The classmates you brought have difficulties, and you instructed me to run errands for you. Obviously, I am also very busy, but have I rejected you?

I am fully qualified to stay in the school. I stayed by my own efforts. Why do you think I am not qualified because of your own thoughts? Why do you let me go? If you want to get out, you get out. "

Warmth is a person who rarely quarrels with others, but she really can't accept others slander her.

She really works hard, even if others can't see her, she is willing to work hard, but this really shouldn't be a reason for others to humiliate her.

Seeing that the two of them could fight at any time, Li Beibei hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Mr. Liu, Mr. Wen, please stop arguing, this kind of thing, as long as we sit down and talk about it, okay? …"

"Shut up," Liu Shu looked back at her: "Li Beibei, what qualifications do you have to be a peacemaker here, do you think you are a good person? Back then, when warmth was assigned to our department, who was the first to dislike it? ?"

"Liu Shu, are you crazy, you..."

Before Teacher Li finished speaking, Liu Shu had already opened the door and went out.

Now, Li Beibei is embarrassed.

She looked at Wen Qing and said with a guilty conscience: "when you first came, I often talked about you secretly, because at that time, you were the man of the school and had a lot of topics, and I liked gossip very much, so , in front of Mr. Huang and Mr. Liu, I said a lot of scandals and bad things about you, I'm sorry, at that time... we didn't get along, I shouldn't slander you behind your back."

Looking at Li Beibei, who was inexplicably set on fire, she said with a silent smile, "Mr. Li, you are really unlucky. You can still be affected by pulling a fight."

Seeing that Wenqing was not angry, she said depressedly: "who said no, I was just afraid that you would do it, so I would fight. If I knew it earlier, I might as well stand aside."

Li Beibei continued: "By the way, Mr. Wen, I dare to swear to God, since the last time we had dinner together, I have never spoken ill of you again, not once. If you don't believe me, ask Mr. Huang."

Huang Ya nodded: "reluctantly give you a testimony, you really didn't say it recently."

Mr. Li naturally held his tender hand: "you little girl, the more I look at you, the more I like it. So, don't worry about what Mr. Liu says. She may be jealous of your beauty."

He breathed tenderly: "forget it, the past is over. I don't care about it. I won't talk about this topic anymore. Let's go to work."

This afternoon, Liu Shu did not return to the office.

When he came home from get off work in the afternoon, Butler Tong said that Huo tingshen had come back and was infusion upstairs.

She trotted upstairs, entered the room, and walked to the bedside: "How are you today, is your stomach any more uncomfortable?"

Huo Ting reached out and grabbed her wrist, dragged her to the bed, and held her in his arms.

With a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, his voice was ambiguous, and he exhaled in her ear like, "Oh, this little woman cares about me so much, I'm really flattered."

White him tenderly: "can't you be more serious?"

"Where am I not serious, I have a good man written all over my face."

"How the hell are you doing, has your stomach still hurt?"

"No, the infusion is just to consolidate it."

Seeing that he didn't mention the school, he pursed his lips tenderly and said, "today I'm at school, and you helped me again. "

"Well, yes, it seems that Huo Tingren didn't take the credit for me," he said, raising his eyebrows: "Aren't you very touched?"

"If you are so rude again, the emotion will be cancelled out."

Huo Ting listened deeply to what she said and said with a smile: "the first time I heard that the emotion has been offset, so how worthless your emotion is."

She smiled tenderly, and shrugged: "today, you gave me a helping hand. If it wasn't for you and Tingren, I might have been scolded badly today."

"Do you need me to help get rid of that woman in your office?"

After hesitating for a moment, she said, "it should be difficult for me and her to continue working together in the future. After all, it's already been like this. "

"Then I'll find someone to fire her," he said, and started to touch his phone.

Hold his hand tenderly: "don't, don't do this."

"Could it be that you still want to forgive her? Indecisiveness is stupid."

"I don't have such a bad memory, and I don't plan to forgive her. I just don't want to, because she dirty your hands. I think, in this situation, staying in school is the biggest punishment for her. And torture, after all, the whole school now knows what kind of person she is."

Huo Ting nodded in deep praise: "yes, Wen Xiaoqing, you're not bad. I always thought that you were a good little sheep. I didn't expect you to be black-bellied and compete with my little master."

"Are you complimenting me? Or are you hurting me?"

"Of course it's a compliment, but after the compliment, I'm still worried. I don't feel relieved that you are in the same office with such a person. Otherwise, you resign and come to my company. I promise, I will spoil you as a flower of the emperor's emblem. , let you walk sideways in the Emperor Hui Group, eh?"

"I don't want it, the crabs are walking sideways."

Hearing her say that, he laughed heartily.

She said: "I know you are very good, so you can help me transfer her out of our department. Anyway, there are so many counselors in our school. As long as they are not in the same department, there are very few opportunities to meet each other.

In this way, I don't have to worry about seeing her upset in the future, and I can let her accept the punishment she deserves. After all, it's quite miserable to think that Lin Jiayin was really hacked by her. "

Saying that, she pursed her mouth and said, "This matter is also your responsibility."


"Yeah, didn't you reject people that day and say so many ugly things?"

"If you don't reject her, do you take her as a child? I don't plan to enjoy the blessings of the people. Woman, one is enough. Too many will easily cause trouble."

Warm face blushed: "I mean, if you refuse others, you should also find a secluded place to chat alone, okay? It's because you refused too hard in public that you gave Liu Shu a chance."

Huo Ting's face is arrogant and arrogant: "if you have to chat like this, I can only say that this matter has something to do with you."

"Me? What does this have to do with me? It's not me that Lin Jiayin is chasing, and it's not me who rejects her. " Staring at him tenderly, he can even put the blame on her for this matter?

"You don't even think about it. Who am I doing this for?"

As he said, he reached out and poked her between the eyebrows: "If I take her to a place where no one is alone, I'm afraid some people will lose their teeth with acetic acid. Besides, I am an open and honest person. Since I refuse, of course I have to be frank. Dang, rejecting her in front of my beloved woman, I am showing my loyalty to you, so you say, is this your responsibility?"

His analysis made Wen Qing feel dumbfounded and speechless.

What is a clever tongue.

What is rhetoric.

She really saw it today.

"If the capitalists are like you, the earth will be blackened." She shook her head: "Also, don't make me look like a jealous woman, I'm not as exaggerated as you said."

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "well, no."

"Look, your tone, I really won't be jealous because of this kind of thing, if you are a man who can be settled by such an announcement, then you are probably married long ago, and you won't wait until now, after all, There are so many women who like you."

Huo Ting stared at her deeply: "there are so many women who like me, why don't you like me? It's true that other women's confessions can't handle me, but if you can, do you want to try? A man who is soft and easy to push down."

Hearing him say this, she blushed: "Turn around, why did you turn to this topic again."

"Because I'm curious, why are you a woman I can't take."

Nuzui tenderly, staring at him.

He didn't think he could get her.

But she always felt that her heart seemed to be more and more out of control.

"Let's stop talking about this," she said, getting up from the bed.

But he pulled her and didn't let her go: "accompany me to infuse."

"I know, I'm going to get a book and read it. Is it possible that the two of us are going to lie here and stare?"

"It's a good idea. Someone has studied it. After two people look at each other for a minute, it's easy to cause waves in each other's hearts. Think about it carefully, have you never looked at me properly? That's why you don't have any feelings for me. Yes? Come on, let's try."

"I don't want it," said with a warm smile, "you are a dignified capitalist, how can you read all the messy things."

"Is it a mess? You can't tell if you try it with me once? Maybe what people say is the truth."

"I do not."

"Why, is it possible that you are afraid that you will fall in love with me because you look at me?"

Looking at him tenderly: "well, yes, you are such a good man, you don't need to look at you, you can fully fall in love with you."

With a warm and calm face: "I never thought that I would not fall in love with you. I just said that I have no sense of security, because you are so good and there are too many women who love you, so standing by your side, Insecurity, it's not your problem, it's my problem. So, you don't have to test me this way, OK?"

After she finished speaking, she got up and went to get the book.

Huo Ting looked at her back deeply and hooked his lips: "Wen Xiaoqing, you are in love with me, right?"

The tender hand holding the book from the bag paused: "I refuse to answer this question."

Now, she herself can't understand her own emotion.

This action was not ignored by Huo tingshen.

He raised the corners of his lips, there were some words, no need to ask more, she actually had the answer in her heart.

Getting her heart is just around the corner.


Huo tingshen has always been a high-efficiency person. He only talked to Wen Qing last night, and it was implemented the next morning.

When Liu Shu was called to the director's office and came back, he began to quietly pack his things at the desk.

In the whole office, three people were looking at her, but no one spoke.

Liu Shu packed up his things and left without saying a word, carrying the box.

After she went out, Li Beibei wondered: "what's the situation, is Teacher Liu quitting?"

Huang Ya shook her head: "who knows, we'd better not mind other people's business."

Li Beibei looked in the direction of the door, pouted, and said nothing.

But ten minutes later, when Teacher Li was about to go out, someone suddenly knocked on the door outside the office.

Li Beibei took advantage of the opportunity to open the door, and a male counselor from another department stood at the door, holding a cardboard box in his hand.

Seeing Li Beibei, the other party smiled and said, "Mr. Li, long time no see."

Li Beibei was surprised: "Mr. Yin, why are you here?"

"I'm transferred," the boy walked into the office and greeted the three of them: "Hello, my name is Yin Dacheng. I used to be a senior counselor in the Department of Civil Engineering. Sophomore in business administration."

Li Beibei walked up to him: "So, Mr. Liu didn't resign, but just changed departments?"


Li Beibei turned back and looked at Wen Qing and Huang Ya: "are you scared?"

Huang Ya shrugged and smiled: "I'm not scared. The school's arrangement is actually quite good. Otherwise, it would be very hard for the three of us to face Teacher Liu every day."

Li Beibei nodded: "Well, it makes sense, Mr. Yin, that's Mr. Liu's desk."

"Okay," Yin Dacheng walked over and put the document down.

Huang Ya hugged her arms and said, "so strange."

The three looked at her at the same time, and Huang Ya said with a smile, "the office used to be full of women, but now there is a man suddenly, and I feel a little awkward."

Yin Dacheng nodded: "I'm also feeling the pressure. After all, in the past, there was a balance between men and women in our office. I wonder if a rare species like me will become a group pet in this office?"

Li Beibei and Wen Qing nodded and smiled at the same time: "Yes."

Warmly smiled and said, "Tuan Chong teacher Yin, I am Wen Qing, please take care of me in the future."

"I dare say that in this school, there should be no one who doesn't know you, a beautiful Wendy. It's an honor to have an office with you."

Huang Ya pursed her lips: "Mr. Yin, I'm Huang Ya."

"Hello, Mr. Huang."

In an office full of women, suddenly a man appeared, inexplicably harmonious.

In the evening, Huo tingshen heard that Peng Aiguo had arranged for a male counselor to enter the warmth office.

I don't think his face turned pale.

"This Song Aiguo, has his brain flooded?"

Wondering tenderly: "what's the matter?"

"Is it appropriate for a man and a woman to be in the same room?"

"It's work, don't you think too much?"

Huo Ting held his arms deeply: "such a beautiful woman as you can attract bees and butterflies anywhere. I'm not at ease. No, I want to talk to Peng Aiguo."

He said, to get the phone.

Staring at him tenderly and speechlessly, "are you praising me or scolding me?"

"When you say you're beautiful, do you say I'm praising you or scolding you? As for attracting bees and butterflies, this is your own attribute. I don't blame you, but this Peng Aiguo, I have to find it."

He was very upset, and he helped him to ascend, not to let him come to block himself.

Looking at him tenderly, this guy has a straight face. It can be seen that he is really angry.