
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 91 Don't Make Young Master Wait For A Long Time

When he came home tenderly, Huo tingshen was watching financial news in the living room.

Seeing the pleasant expression on her face, he hooked his lips: "It seems that the problem has been solved very well."

Warmth came to the sofa like a happy little rabbit and sat down beside Huo tingshen.

"I'm going to tell you a very magical thing. Do you know how much fate I have with Mr. Huang?"

Huo tingshen turned off the TV and looked at her intently: "let's talk."

Warmly told Huo tingshen what happened in the cafe just now.

After finishing speaking, she hugged her arms, "That was really the first time I saved someone after I learned first aid. At the time, I felt a sense of accomplishment, but now I feel that I saved a life, which is equivalent to saving that person. Half of the family is happy and proud, right?"

Huo Ting rubbed her head deeply: "well, very handsome. It seems that this Huang Ya is on your side."

Nodding tenderly: "she helped me many times before. Last time, when there was a hickey on my neck, it was also the first time that Mr. Huang found out and lent me her scarf," she said , put his hands together: "It feels good to have someone on my side."

"I've always been on your side, and I've never seen you so happy before."

He smiled tenderly and glanced at him: "you don't understand. Men's support is different from women's support."

"It's different."

"Your support is mixed with lust, but a woman's support is just pure. I think you are a good person, so I support you, it is different."

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply: "I only heard people say that the most common thing women say is fire, theft, and girlfriends."

Warm pouting: "the heart of a villain."

"I'm doing this for your own good. In the emotional world, men and women are the same, whether it's love or friendship, no one will treat you unconditionally, like me, it's for your sake, but that teacher Huang is right. The same has a purpose, she is to repay her kindness."

She raised her eyebrows tenderly: "then I still have a best friend, Tong Hao, why is she a good friend to me?"

"Because of your trust and friendship with her, after all, in this world, it's hard to find someone of the same kind who trusts you and loves you unconditionally."

Huo Ting rubbed her head deeply: "I said that, right?"

Nuzui tenderly, shook his head, and shook his hands away.

How could his words always be so irrefutable and yet they feel that they are all false.

"If you think my words are reasonable, can we eat? After waiting for you for so long, I'm very hungry."

"Ah? Why are you waiting for me? I ate with Teacher Huang outside."

Huo Ting's face flickered: "so, I waited for you at the school gate for more than an hour today, and at home for more than an hour. I can't even eat with you?"

Warm and hurriedly smiled: "look, it's all this time. If I don't come back, you can eat earlier. Why wait."

"Wen Xiaoqing, do you still have any sense of responsibility?" Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply and slanted her.

Feeling guilty and pouting: "I mean, in the future, before I come back at mealtime, you can eat it first, don't wait for me. Anyway, even if I come back to eat with you, it won't change anything, you still have to take a bite of the meal yourself. Eat it, and I can't feed you, can I?"

"Well, that's a good idea. For dinner tonight, you can feed me. This is the punishment for letting you release my pigeons twice in one night."

Staring at him tenderly: "are you kidding me?"

Huo Ting looked deeply at Butler Tong who was on call not far away: "you all go down and do your work. You don't have to come in if you don't have any orders."

"Okay, third master."

Butler Tong took people away. Huo Ting looked at the warmth deeply and picked the direction of the kitchen.

"Go get the meal, I'm ready."

Warm and speechless: "you really come, how old are you, and you are fed."

"I heard that when young people fall in love these days, they like to call each other a baby. Since that's the case, shouldn't it be a baby in my eyes? Hurry up, otherwise, the baby will be angry."

Baby? The warmth and chills made me shiver all over. This guy is obviously not suitable for this style, okay?

She hugged: "then you'll be angry, I'm going back to my room to read a book."

She stood up to go.

Huo tingshen didn't stop him, but said lightly: "it's okay, we'll see you in the multimedia classroom next Friday. If I do something excessive then, you can't blame me. After all, am I angry?"

The warmth didn't look back, and she gritted her teeth.

Huo tingshen is a rogue.

She walked upstairs and walked into the kitchen instead.

People are under the eaves and can't lose their heads.

After all, he was someone who could do what he said.

She brought dinner to the coffee table, and Huo Ting pointed deeply, "I eat beef."

Well, she hello.

After eating, he pointed again: "I eat yam."

OK, keep feeding.

Huo Ting pointed deeply, and she stared at him with a "fierce" expression.

After a while, he hooked his lips: "Smile, looking at your angry face, I will have indigestion."

Looking at the loose home clothes on him tenderly, his eyes raised, and he smiled: "come, open your mouth, ah..."

Huo tingshen was about to eat, but the blueberry yam, which was held on his chopsticks, fell off accidentally.

Seeing this, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to pick it up, but in this pick, he accidentally wiped the yam in front of his collarbone.

Cold blueberry juice, she helped him touch his neck.

She took it down, her facial features frowned slightly, and pretended to be apologetic: "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it."

Huo tingshen was not angry when he saw that her little trick was successful.

Just picked up a piece of blueberry and rubbed it on her neck.

The warmth quivered and glared at him: "Huo tingshen, you are cheap, I said it all, I didn't mean it."

"I did it on purpose, because, I'm going to teach you how to clean up these blueberries."

When she was thinking about what he meant by his words, he had already leaned forward and quickly licked the blueberry juice from her neck.

The warmth was shocked like an electric shock, stepped back and stared at him.

What do you mean, he wants her to clear the blueberry juice from his neck like this?

Didn't that make her take the initiative to be a hooligan?

She doesn't want it, she definitely doesn't.

Just thinking about it, Huo Ting raised his neck with a smirk: "come on, I'm ready, don't be afraid of getting dirty, I've washed it."

He really can think of perverted ways to torture her anytime, anywhere.

What to be ready, he is clearly ready all the time.

However, she didn't want to, she firmly refused.

But if you run like this, you will definitely not be able to escape.

After thinking for a while, she looked at him with slightly ambiguous eyes, pursed her lips and smiled: "Then you... close your eyes first."

Huo Ting looked at her deeply and knew that she was uneasy and kind, but he closed his eyes. After all, he was also a little curious about what she would do.

The warm upper body slowly leaned towards his neck, but his butt left the sofa and moved back slowly.

When she was ready, she turned around and ran.

Suddenly, the wind jumped back and forth quickly.

Huo Ting opened his eyes deeply and saw that all the warm lovers had run to the stairs.

This speed will definitely break the world record.

He hooked his lips, hehe, stupid girl.

After entering the room tenderly, he quickly locked the door.

Her heart was beating wildly.

It was clear that she had to punish him a little bit before getting blueberry juice on him to disgust him.

But why was she the one who fled?

No, every time she plays against Huo tingshen, she always loses.

Ah... It's so irritating, next time, she must turn against the wind.

The doorknob turned suddenly, and the tender heart suddenly mentioned in my throat.

She said with a guilty conscience: "Huo tingshen, you must make an appointment with me for three chapters before you can come in."

"Well, let's talk," Huo tingshen at the door was calm and didn't seem angry.

Her warm ears were next to the door, and she thought about it and said, "first, you are not allowed to do anything to me suddenly in the future. You are a gentleman."

"Go on."

"Well, second, don't threaten me with school matters in the future."

Huo tingshen leaned against the wall: "what about the third?"

"Third, if I open the door, you won't be allowed in for a while to settle accounts."

Huo Ting raised the corners of his lips: "OK, I promise you, open the door."

The warmth is a little suspicious, "really? You It's a little too easy to promise. "

Huo Ting's deep and cold voice: "what, is it possible that you want me to settle accounts in the autumn, continue to threaten you, and do something to you. Of course, if this is what you want, I will help you realize it."

"I'm not crazy, so I don't have such a desire."

"Then open the door, are you planning to let me stand at the door all night?"

She opened the lock tenderly, and before she could fully open the door, Huo tingshen had already jumped in quickly and picked her up horizontally with lightning speed.

As soon as the warm lover vacated the air, he exclaimed, and his body had been thrown on the soft bed.

"Wen Xiaoqing, you can, dare to bargain with me."

Seeing that Huo tingshen was about to press down, she wanted to get up and run away.

Huo tingshen had already grabbed her legs. He rushed forward and controlled her directly under his body.

Warm and anxious: "Huo tingshen, you don't believe your word and go back on your word."

"In the shopping mall, this is called 'the soldier never tires of cheating'. Countless facts tell you that promises that are too easy to get are often unreliable. Remember, I am helping you in class, tuition fees..."

After he finished speaking, he squeezed her lips, "Just pay with this kiss."

Seeing that he was going to be a hooligan again, he shouted anxiously: "who wants you to teach me? I tell you, don't bully people too much. I'm still so angry today.

"Oh? Then let me listen, how did I offend you."

"You go first, let's have a good chat."

"Don't play with these idiots with me. You've never looked at it since I was ten years old. Say it, just say it."

He was so angry that the top of his head was smoking. He really knew how to humiliate people in a fancy way.

His gun was pointed straight at her, even if she had the guts, she wouldn't dare to break up with him, okay?

Negotiations under such circumstances are completely unequal.

"Speak, don't you want to settle accounts with me?"

Warm nuzui: "you come down first, or I won't say anything."

Huo Ting's deep lower body rubbed on her: "what are you blushing about? Why, do you feel it?"

"Hey," she patted him on the shoulder, "you are bullying people like this."


Huo Ting's deep mouth raised his evil spirit: "I'm bullying you, that's right."

"Huo tingshen, you..."

He interrupted her: "However, only I can bully you in the world, not others."

When he said this, his heart warmed.

But it's not right: "You can't bully me either."

"That's because you don't understand how lonely it is to be invincible."

He raised a hand and helped her put the broken hair on her forehead behind her ear: "So, I will bully you occasionally to let you feel the joy of being alive."

She was disdainful: "It's a crooked reason."

He spoiled: "So, you really don't plan to tell me your dissatisfaction? If you don't tell me, I won't listen."

"I ask you, why did you ask the principal to arrange for me to be your assistant? You know very well that I would do this for fear of causing public outrage. Are you trying to harass me on purpose?"

"If I really want to harass you on purpose, then I will definitely tell your principal to let you be my assistant alone."

"Then did you ask our principal to inform me and ask me to find two assistants myself?"

"What's wrong with that?"

"You put this on me, don't you put me in a dilemma? No matter who I look for, whoever is not found, will hate me. Fortunately, I'm smart, I told the other three teachers in our office, the principal Find a counselor from our department to be your assistant, and let the principal take the blame, otherwise... I'm really going to be miserable."

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply: "I knew that a smart girl like you can solve such trivial matters at your fingertips."

"Stop flattering me, I was forced to jump over the wall."

Huo Ting endured his smile deeply, "this is the first time I heard someone compare himself to a dog."

He raised his hand tenderly and patted him on the chest: "you are annoying, get up quickly, you are too heavy."

He lowered his head in her ear: "I don't want to open, I want to... flatter..."

He said, patted her PP dishonestly.

Warmth didn't understand the meaning at first.

When he moved on her under him, she frowned and roared, "Huo tingshen, you rascal."

Huo Ting laughed heartily, put another kiss on her lips, and then got off her.

He stopped smiling, looked at her and said, "If I were really a hooligan, I could let you sleep beside me for so long, and my heart would blush because I heard such words? A real hooligan, I would have used practical actions to bring you down as soon as possible. I've become a master at training. I, at most, can only be regarded as an old fox who can see meat but can't eat it."

Sitting up tenderly, he gave him a gloomy look.

He casually touched her head: "My baby, you have to grow up quickly, don't let the young master wait too long, the young master is about to die, you know? Huh?"

He looked at him tenderly and speechlessly. Why does it sound like a wolf, staring at the half-cooked meat on the fire and saying, 'you're almost cooked, I'm starving to death, I'm going to eat you,'? .

She couldn't help shivering, got out of bed, walked to the cloakroom and said, "I'm going to take a shower, change clothes and read a book, don't disturb me."

Huo tingshen lay down on the bed leisurely.

Well... It's really pleasant to have Wen Xiaoqing to tease every day.

The years are quiet, so be it.