
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Eastern
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117 Chs

Chapter 90 Damn, got caught

Seeing that he agreed, the principal relaxed a little, and said in a low voice: "Third Master, I think, my Nanshu is an alumnus of the same school as you, and is in the same department as you. Maybe, it can help you, so..."

"Miss Peng is my assistant? Forget it," Huo tingshen interrupted the principal and shook his head lightly.

Peng Nanshu, who was on the side, looked anxious, stood up and said, "Senior, I can definitely be a good assistant, just let me give it a try."

Huo Ting was calm, with no expression on his face, but a cold tone: "you can't, your mouth is not strict. To be my assistant, the first requirement must be to be able to control your mouth."

"I can, I really can," Peng Nanshu nodded again and again: "I've always been very strict, I swear."

Huo Ting pulled the corner of his mouth calmly: "I want to come to the school to be a special lecturer. I clearly asked Principal Peng to keep it a secret, but you turned around and told others casually? If it was in my company, you would have been fired long ago. ."

Peng Nanshu felt guilty: "I don't know that this matter needs to be kept secret."

"Yes, yes, third master, it's my fault. I didn't tell her, so I have to keep it a secret."

"The principal is unreliable, so how reliable can a daughter be? As the principal's daughter, even if she has to talk about her father's work, how can you guarantee that I will not reveal my work secrets in the future? Such an assistant, I won't use it."

Peng Nanshu really felt that he was speechless: "I only told Miss Wen about this, really, I swear."

"Isn't warmth not human?"

Peng Nanshu was silent. When things became like this, she was speechless. After all, it was wrong for her to leak the secret.

"When it comes to warmth, I think it's very suitable to be my assistant. I heard that she used to be the top student in the school, and she also tutored my brother. When she joined my family, I gave her the exam. I have already interviewed, so just use her."

Peng Nanshu hurriedly said, "But this Miss Wen also leaked the secret."

"Oh?" Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply.

"If she didn't tell you, how would you know, I said it."

Huo Ting smiled disdainfully: "now, you are not qualified to be compared with her. If you are wrong, you are wrong. If you find an excuse, it won't change anything."

After he finished speaking, he stood up and looked at Peng Aiguo: "this matter is settled as it is, you inform Wenqing and let her be an assistant, one person is not enough, let her find two people she can trust to help her, of course. , Miss Peng can't."

"Okay, third master, then you can walk slowly."

Huo tingshen left, and Peng Nanshu stomped his feet depressed: "Dad, what is this warmth? It really pisses me off."

"Okay, I'm too embarrassed to lose my temper. Didn't I tell you that the third master kept it a secret. Why did you tell the warmth?"

"How do I know that warmth will tell the third master?" Peng Nanshu was unhappy and hugged: "this warmth is really worth talking about."

"Okay, she's from the fourth master. Be careful with me in the future."

"What kind of fourth master, as long as she doesn't get married, it has nothing to do with the Huo family."

"Before I joined the company, the third master only asked me one thing, that is, let me take good care of the warmth. Do you think that the person who will be specially ordered by the third master is just someone who has nothing to do with the Huo family? I Didn't I tell you, this warmth, you have to draw her to your side and let her help you. "

Peng Nanshu is disdainful. She tried that warmth last time, so it's nothing special.

In the office, Wen Qing was sorting out some forms on the computer when her cell phone rang.

Seeing that it was the principal calling, she hurriedly picked up the phone: "Hello, principal."

"Xiao Wen, let me give you the latest notice. Third Master Huo is missing an assistant. From next week, when Third Master Huo comes to our school, you will be responsible for the third master's assistant and assistant. Let him finish teaching."

"Ah?" exclaimed tenderly, "me?"

"That's right, it's you. The third master asked for you by name. There is no change in this matter. The third master also said that you should find two people you can trust and help you with you. On next Friday, you will be Take the initiative to contact the third master, do a good job in auxiliary work, and don't affect the third master's teaching, understand?"

"I see," breathed tenderly and hung up the phone.

She gritted her teeth and remembered Huo tingshen's words just now.

He said that in the next class, he must let her hear his class. It turned out to be this way, and she was calculated again.

Let her be an assistant, isn't that letting her offend the female compatriots in the whole school?

Fortunately, he didn't just want her alone, otherwise...

No, it's a good thing for her to find two more people for help, but no matter who she finds, she will offend the person who was not found, right?

Ah Huo tingshen, you black-bellied devil.

As she thought about it, she smashed her phone against the table.

Aside, Mr. Li was startled by her action, "Mr. Wen, what's wrong with you, the principal has troubled you?"

"Ah?" She turned her eyes slightly, and instantly came up with an idea.

"No, no, the principal gave me... We are a big beauty."

When she said this, there was a touch of 'little excitement' on her face.

"What a beauty."

"He asked people in our office to be the assistants of the third master Huo every Friday afternoon in the future to assist in the completion of teaching work."

As soon as she finished speaking, the three people in the office looked at her in surprise.

Li Beibei pinched her arm and cried out in pain, "Ah, it hurts, it's not a dream."

Liu Shu couldn't believe it: "Mr. Wen, this kind of joke is unacceptable. Why did the principal ask us?"

"Because we are the counselors of the Department of Business Administration, and the third master's class, the main audience is the students of the Department of Business Administration and Finance. Isn't our school more students of the Department of Business Administration, so we chose us."


As soon as the warm words fell, Li Beibei jumped up excitedly.

After a while, Liu Shu also got up and danced with Li Beibei happily.

Breathe warmly. It's better for the principal to take the blame than for her to be disliked by all the female teachers and students in the school.

Well, that's it, that's fine.

When it was time to get off work, Li Beibei and Liu Shu made an appointment to go shopping for clothes together, and they left the office first.

Wen Qing came out with Mr. Huang and walked to the school gate. She saw Huo tingshen's car.

But at this moment, there were people coming and going at the school gate, and she didn't dare to go.

She held Teacher Huang's hand in a guilty conscience and walked to the bus stop.

In the car, Huo Ting deeply hooked her lips, knowing that she did not dare to get in the car.

"Old Chen, drive forward and go to the intersection ahead."

"Yes, third master."

When I walked to the bus station tenderly, the mobile phone in my bag vibrated twice.

She took out her mobile phone and glanced at it. It was sent by Huo tingshen.

"Get in the car at the intersection ahead."

Nuzui tenderly, looked at Huang Ya: "Mr. Huang, I have something to do. I won't take the bus at this stop. I'll go to the stop in front of me."

Huang Ya nodded: "then go, we'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay," she waved tenderly and left quickly.

She ran a few steps and came to the intersection. Huo tingshen got out of the car and was leaning against the door waiting for her.

The two got into the car. When the driver was about to drive, he saw the warmth standing under the tree not far away, looking at Mr. Huang here with surprise...

"Wait a minute, stop the car," said warmly and hurriedly.

Master Chen hurriedly braked, and Huo Ting looked at her deeply: "what's the matter?"

Looking out of the car window tenderly: "I saw a colleague."

Her hand points to where Huang Ya is.

Huo Ting took a deep look and raised his eyebrows: "it seems that you are exposed. Do you need me to help you silence her?"

He glanced at him tenderly and depressedly: "are you still in the mood to joke with me?"

"Who is joking with you, aren't you afraid that our relationship will be discovered, since this person is discovered, then I will help you get rid of her, isn't it for you?"

"Why is it good for me," she said, "I can't go back with you. Go back first. I'll go down and talk to Mr. Huang."

"I've been waiting for you for over an hour."

"I know, if you hadn't waited for me, there wouldn't be such a thing. In short, go back first, even if you're helping me."

After she finished speaking, she opened the door and got out of the car.

Huo tingshen was let go, but he smiled calmly. He was really used to it.

With this woman, any situation is normal.

Even if he was left behind now, he didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

"Old Chen, let's go back first."

"Okay, third master."

Wen Qing came to Huang Ya and didn't know how to speak.

Huang Ya also felt a little embarrassed, so she hurriedly handed the U disk in her hand to Wen Qing: "I chased after me to return this to you. I forgot to return it to you in the afternoon."

He took over the USB flash drive tenderly and said a little embarrassedly, "Mr. Huang, if you're not in a hurry to go home, let's have dinner together."


The two went to the food street behind the school together and found a relatively quiet restaurant.

After ordering, neither of them moved their chopsticks.

After thinking about it tenderly, he still asked, "Mr. Huang, just now You have seen it. "

Huang Ya nodded: "well, I see."

"Can you help me keep this matter a secret?" Looking at her tenderly, her eyes were sincere.

Huang Ya lowered her eyes and smiled: "this is your own private matter. Although I have seen it, I will not talk nonsense. In fact, I should have avoided it after seeing you just now. The reason why I didn't leave is really frightening. , didn't move. I never thought that your boyfriend would be that one. "

He smiled helplessly: "he's not my boyfriend yet."

"What do you mean, Mr. Wen, you Didn't do anything stupid."

"Oh, Mr. Huang, don't get me wrong. I don't have the kind of unethical relationship you think with him. I don't know what to say about this."

"Since I don't know how to say it, I don't have to say it. I didn't plan to spy on your privacy, but... I think if you don't want people to know, you should be a little more careful. After all, this is still around the school, the people in the students. There are not many who don't know you and Mr. Huo, what do you think?"

He smiled tenderly: "I will be careful next time. The moment I saw you, I really felt my heart beat faster."

"Afraid I'll go out and talk nonsense?"

"I know you're not that kind of person, but I'm still a little worried."

"I won't hurt you," Huang Ya shook her head: "if I even hurt you, it would be a real reward."

Hearing what Huang Ya said, she wondered tenderly: "kindness repays revenge? How can I have any kindness to Mr. Huang? "

Huang Ya sighed: "yes, of course, but if I didn't mention it, you might not remember it."

I thought about it tenderly: "could it be... I really had any interaction with you, Mr. Huang before. "

Huang Ya shrugged: "do you still remember that in the winter four years ago, you rescued a girl in the cultural mall?"

Recalling it tenderly, it was indeed saved.

She looked at Huang Ya and said, "once, in the cafe where I worked part-time, that girl Has anything to do with you? "

"Look at me and that girl, do you look alike?"

The warmth only roughly remembers that she was a freshman and was working in a coffee shop that year.

After a customer ordered coffee, he suddenly fell to the ground.

The people in the cafe were all frightened and quickly gathered around.

But everyone has no first aid knowledge, so they can only be anxious.

Someone called 120, someone called the police, and someone called if there was a doctor here.

At that time, warmth was sterilizing the quilt in the back.

Hearing the shouting ahead and the anxious voice of her colleague, she came out to take a look.

Because she had learned first aid knowledge, upon seeing this, she hurriedly spread out the crowd and asked the employees to open the windows and open the doors to ventilate the air.

After that, she gave the girl cardiac compressions.

After working hard for more than two minutes, the girl finally woke up and was picked up by an ambulance.

And she got a round of applause.

Looking at Huang Ya tenderly: "actually I can't remember what the girl looked like. After all, I was so anxious at the time that I didn't pay much attention to it. "

Huang Ya nodded: "well, yes, that's in line with the situation at the time."

"Does that girl really have anything to do with you?"

"That's my own sister," Huang Ya sighed: "that year, when I was in my senior year, my parents got a call saying that my sister was dying and was being rescued in the hospital. They were all terrified. My parents went to the hospital. In the hospital, the doctor said that the situation was not optimistic, and my mother fainted at that time.

My dad called me, and by the time I got to the hospital, the operation was over. I found the doctor, and the doctor told me that thanks to the timely rescue outside the hospital at that time, my sister saved her life.

Our whole family is very grateful to the person who gave first aid to my sister in time, but the situation at that time made us have no time to go to the benefactor. After a few days, when my sister's condition was stable, I went to the coffee shop to find you, The guy at the coffee shop, said you quit your job.

I found the video of my sister being rescued from the surveillance camera, and I saw your face in it. I was a senior at that time, and you were the man of the school in our school, so I will remember you firmly. "

Surprised by the warmth, she smiled and said, "God, it turns out that we still have such a fate."

"Isn't it? At that time, I swore in my heart that I would definitely repay you in the future."

"So, when I encountered something before, you would stand by my side to help me?"

"Compared to what you did for my sister, what I did is really not worth mentioning."

"But for me, this is something to be grateful for. After all, I also needed help and support at that time."

Huang Ya smiled: "as long as you want, I will always support you."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

As if thinking of something tenderly, he said, "by the way, how is your sister now?"

"Okay, she went to study abroad. She is the proud little princess of our family. You gave her a second life."

Warm shrug, although there are thousands of injustices in this world, but ... kind people will eventually have good rewards.