
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 84 Huo tingshen, the real super scholar

Peng Nanshu held his arms: "I think it is necessary for me to give you some information about the third master. As a college girl who is five years younger than him, but nine years younger than him, I think I am most qualified to speak. He is a super student who skipped two grades in junior high and high school and won a master's degree at the age of 22.

After graduating, he joined the family business. Within two years, the company's performance had become one of the top ten in the country. In the Chinese circle of our school, he was considered half a myth. If you want to find someone in Beicheng to come to Beijing Normal University to be a lecturer in business management, this person must be the third master. "

Surprised by warmth, Huo tingshen is so good? She really has no idea.

Seeing the warmth, it seems that she really doesn't know anything. Peng Nanshu's expression is a little disdainful. It seems that she overestimates this woman.

That's right, knowing the fourth master, you may not be able to talk to the third master. After all, the third master is so high up, how can such a college counselor be able to touch.

She tsk tsk shook her head: "Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything about the proposal just now."

She turned around and walked proudly to the principal's office, no longer planning to talk nonsense with such a small character as warmth.

After taking a tender look at Peng Nanshu's back, he also turned and left.

After she came out of the office building, she came directly to the entrance of the stadium.

Not long after, Huo Tingren came out with the school sports team.

Seeing the warmth from afar, Huo Tingren ran over by himself first: "sister-in-law three, let me tell you, I replaced the two laggards in the school team. This time, our school will win steadily. Forgot the conditions you promised me."

Look at him tenderly and speechlessly: "so, you negotiated with the school in order to win the game. As long as you replace two people, you will go to shoot the school brochure?"

"You know this, I'm going to tell you after the game in the afternoon."

He raised his hand tenderly and patted him on the arm: "why don't you discuss this with me, kid."

"Why don't you just take two photos, what is there to discuss?"

"Is this about taking two photos?" She was speechless, and slanted him: "Now I've been stuffed in because of you."

"What do you mean?" Huo Tingren was puzzled: "I promised this, what does it have to do with you?"

"The principal just asked me, as a student representative, to partner with you to shoot the brochure. I refused. The principal said that the boy representative chose you. I thought you would definitely refuse, so I asked the principal. Said, as long as you participate, I will participate, how do I know that you, who have never liked to join in the fun, will agree to this matter."

Hearing what Wen Qing said, Huo Tingren laughed haha: "do you want to be so coincidental?"

"Is this a coincidence? It's because of my bad luck. I've already graduated and worked as a counselor, but I still want to be a student representative. How funny. Those girls who want to be a student representative don't scold me behind my back. kill me."

Huo Tingren casually put his arm on his warm shoulder: "it's okay, third sister-in-law, if someone dares to laugh at you, you can tell my third brother, and my third brother will help you clean up."

She hissed, rolled his eyes at him, and shook his arm from her shoulder: "You kid, you dare to make fun of me, look for a fight."

Huo Tingren laughed and said: "in front of my third brother, I don't dare to make fun of you. Then I have to make fun of you behind my back."

She was speechless: "Okay, I'm so depressed. What can I do? How can I push this out."

"It's not easy, I have a way."

As soon as she heard it, she became excited: "What can I do?"

Huo Tingren leaned into her ear and said, "you go to my third brother to be a coquettish girl and ask for help. There's nothing wrong. My third brother can't do it."

She raised her hand and pinched him. Huo Tingren was in pain: "oh, sister-in-law, you are going to murder your brother-in-law."

She rolled his eyes at him: "I think I'll just strangle you to death."

She turned around and walked towards the school gate.

Huo Tingren followed, "sister-in-law three, don't believe it, as long as you want, my third brother can do it for you."

"You better close your mouth," she said, asking as if thinking of something: "I ask you, was your third brother really good at studying before?"

Huo Tingren looked at her: "why do you think of asking this?"

"I heard that the school hired three of you to come to our department to manage the business for the students."

"No," Huo Tingren looked at her in surprise.

"I just came out of the principal's office and heard what the principal's daughter said. She also said that your third brother has already agreed, so it shouldn't be fake."

"Then my third brother told you?"

He shook his head tenderly: "no."

Huo Tingren breathed a sigh of relief: "then there is no credibility, and I am startled."

"What are you afraid of?"

"It's not enough to be afraid. It's just that if your own brother is your teacher, why don't you feel awkward?"

Listening to this...it really is.

"Of course, when my third brother was studying, his grades were indeed very good. It is said that he is the type of content that the teacher talks about once in class, and he can learn and remember it, and directly infer other things.

You didn't see the certificates and trophies locked by him in the cabinet at home, otherwise you would be frightened by him too. "

Hearing Huo Tingren's words, he tenderly remembered the night when Huo tingshen taught her advanced math problems.

She was really frightened by Huo tingshen's problem-solving ability.

After all, she is not too cowardly in science. The title of the book is indeed a summary of the problems over the years, but under his guidance, she can easily solve the answer.

At that time, she thought he was very powerful, but she didn't expect that he was so powerful.

When I came home for dinner in the evening, I was a little worried about warmth.

On the way back, she received a call from Mr. Huang.

Mr. Huang heard that she and Tingren were the student representatives in the school.

Mr. Huang also said, "After hearing the news, some students started a riot in the forum, asking why so many girls in the school didn't use it, but they wanted to find a counselor who had graduated as the student representative. This matter, you I'm afraid I'll be shot."

Huo tingshen served her vegetables, and she ate in a trance.

Seeing this, Huo tingshen put down his chopsticks and looked at her: "Wen Xiaoqing."

Looking back at him tenderly, he looked at him: "did you say anything?"

"What happened? Why do you look so lost?"

He shook his head tenderly: "it's okay."

But as soon as she finished speaking, she remembered what Huo Tingren said to her in the afternoon.

She pursed her lips, thought about it, looked at him and said, "Huo tingshen, do me a favor."


"The school is going to make a brochure, and the principal asked me and Tingren to be the student representatives, but I really don't want to. I thought, Tingren would definitely not want to join in the fun, so I told the principal that if Tingren agreed, I would Go, never wanted to shoot a stone in the foot, Tingren has already been told beforehand, I have let go of my words, and I can't regret it, so You can help me find a way to get out. "

She said, smiling at him.

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply: "what's in it for me to help you?"

Warm frown: "how do you want to be good for everything, if there is no benefit, won't you help me?"

"Originally if you were my wife, I could help you do anything unconditionally, but now you don't agree to marry me, then I can only seize any opportunity that I can take advantage of, after all, I But as a businessman, don't do business at a loss is my motto."

"What businessman, profiteer," she curled her lips.

Huo tingshen was not angry, and said with a smile, "so, I, a profiteer, pushed this matter for you. What benefits can I get?"

"Then tell me, what do you want?"

"I'll tell you when I go upstairs."

After he finished speaking, he looked at her slyly and smiled.

Seeing his smile, he felt tenderly in his heart that this fellow was not at ease.

After eating, Huo tingshen received a call from Lin Shaokang and went to work first.

Went back to the room to take a bath and read a book.

At nine o'clock, Huo tingshen came back.

She was lying on the bed reading a book as usual. When she saw him coming back, she sat up and said, "You came just in time. I have a question I want to ask you."

Huo tingshen walked over, sat down beside her, and looked at the questions in her book.

He didn't get started, just gave her some ideas on how to solve the problem.

Warmth is also an aura, just one point.

He watched from the side, and she quickly solved the problem.

She looked at him in admiration: "You really are amazing."

He hooked his lips: "That's natural."

"By the way, I heard people say that you are going to be a special lecturer in our school?"

Huo Ting frowned deeply: "who told you?"

Seeing his expression, he wondered tenderly, "isn't it? The principal's daughter told me. "

Huo Ting's face was a little unhappy. He specially asked Peng Aiguo to keep a good secret, but Peng Aiguo's daughter is really talkative.

"That's what happened."

"Why didn't I hear you talk about it before?"

"I wanted to give you a surprise, but it was destroyed. This woman is really annoying."

She was speechless, sure this was a surprise, not a fright?

"I heard that it is waiting for you to determine the time. When are you going to start going?"

"Starting this week, every Friday afternoon, I'll hold a one-hour open class there."

Warm and surprised: "one class a week?"

"Otherwise, you think I have time to play with the children every day to play the game of the teacher with the baby."

Warm and puzzled: "since you don't like it, why do you take it?"

Huo Ting moved closer to her.

Warm and busy shrinking back, he said with a bad smile, "in order to be closer to you."

He raised his eyebrows as he said, "All the students and staff of Beijing Normal University can go to my class, so remember to listen to it when the time comes."

Warm and speechless: "I won't go."

Huo Ting approached her ambiguously: "could it be possible that you just want to listen to me in bed?"

Her face turned red without warning, and she was busy avoiding him.

But he pulled her directly and forcefully, and pressed her down on the bed and kissed her lips.

Warm struggle to open: "Huo tingshen, don't."

He said in a somewhat ambiguous voice: "I said, as long as you don't want to, I won't force you, but now this kiss, you must give it to me, because this is the condition for me to turn off the propaganda pictorial for you. "

He was evil and charming, pressed her down again, and kissed her tenderly.

She closed her eyes tenderly and was kissed to the point of fluttering, but after a while, she suddenly reacted, pushed him away with force, sat up, covered her clothes, and glared at him.

"Huo tingshen, you liar," he said clearly, only kissing, but his hand... touched her... her...

She clutched the clothes in front of her tightly, blushing, both angry and a little shy.

This was the first time in her life that she was touched by a man when she was awake.

This is different from the feeling of being sneaked by her as a hooligan when I went to bathe with Hao Hao before.

Just now, she was so numb for a moment, so strange.

Huo Ting looked at her deeply, hooked her lips evilly, and whispered in her ear: "Wen Xiaoqing, did you feel it just now?"

He covered his mouth tenderly: "Huo tingshen, if you talk nonsense again, I will be rude to you."

Huo Ting lied back shamelessly: "come on, bully me casually, I won't resist you."

She is tender and speechless. She really wants a third master Huo in other people's eyes. Why isn't the one in front of her.

Seeing the helplessness on her face, Huo Ting sat up with a smile and pinched her cheek.

"You are really helpless. You said, did you behave like this when you were with Gao Muran?"

Warmly white him: "Gao Muran is more honest than you, at least he won't mess with me."

"That proves that he doesn't love you that much."

She glared at him: "I think it's because he knows how to respect me."

"Don't confuse love with respect, I respect you too, but if a man doesn't even think about throwing himself over the woman he likes, can he still be considered a man?"

"You're just a fool."

"Oh, what the Lord said is the truth. Gao Muran can hold it back because he is not sure that he can be responsible for the rest of your life after he pounces on you, but I can, will you marry?"

Staring at him tenderly: "are your three-inch tongues designed to deal with me? Isn't that overkill? I'm about to learn, so don't talk to me. "

She picked up the book, read it, and refused to continue the conversation with him.

He is so brainwashed.

Why is it that every time she starts, she thinks what he said is wrong, but as she talks, she will agree with him more and more.

Huo Ting rubbed her head dotingly: "then I'll take a bath."

He entered the bathroom and breathed softly.

She put the book on her lap, caressed her lips lightly with her hand, and there was a hint of doubt in her eyes.

Why...she likes his kisses more and more, she must be crazy.

When Huo tingshen came out, she saw her pen swishing on the paper to solve the problem.

He went to bed and sat down, "Is there anything else you can't do?"

Shaking her head tenderly, she looked at him and asked, "by the way, did we really meet the principal's daughter the day we drank? I also said that she was a ghost? "

Huo Ting thought deeply of the picture that night and couldn't help laughing: "I have seen it."

"why are you laughing."

"Laugh at the way you thought I was being entangled by a female ghost and pulled me to my side to protect me. It's very cute."

Stare at him tenderly and blush.

It has already been said that people are hard to dismantle, but he prefers to pick up the difficult and forceful dismantling.

Really black heart.

She said angrily: "Then you don't think that the principal's daughter is very good-looking and is especially suitable for you? She super admires you, a mythical figure among international students, and is very infatuated with you."

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips and was very happy: "it turns out that you are more cute when you are jealous than when you protect me."