
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Eastern
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117 Chs

Chapter 83 Break Your Leg

With a sigh of relief, I went downstairs to eat with him.

The tableware and chopsticks have been set downstairs. Seeing her sitting down, Huo tingshen said, "do you want a drink?"

He gave him a warm look and held his breath, "I don't drink, and I'll never drink in front of you again in the future."

"Then who are you going to drink in front of?"

"Don't worry about it, anyway, I will never let you see me drunk in the future."

Huo Ting said seriously: "if you dare to drink in front of the second man except me, I will break your leg, remember?"

Because of his tone, Butler Tong on the side sweated for warmth.

Looking at him tenderly: "how can you be so broad."

"Last night, you took the initiative. With your looks, I can't push you away, and so can other men. If you're drunk, it means being taken advantage of, so you think I should take care of you?" He raised his eyebrows: "The woman I've touched has broken her legs and raised her for a lifetime, and I won't allow others to touch it, remember?"

She glanced at Butler Tong behind him tenderly and embarrassedly. She glared at him: "don't talk about it, let's eat quickly."

"I asked you if you remembered."

She was speechless, it was really shameful, she nodded again and again: "I remember, I remember."

"Also, don't go to public relations with that principal in the future, do you hear me?"

Warm eyebrows: "when did I go to PR with the principal? If it wasn't for you last night, I wouldn't have gone out to dinner with the principal at all."

Hearing what she said, Huo Ting raised his lips and picked up chopsticks.

Speaking of the principal, she thought of Lin Youle tenderly. She looked at him, hesitated for a moment, but didn't speak.

Huo Ting took two deep bites and said, "just say what you want to say, don't hesitate."

"You did Lin Youle's resignation, right?"

Huo tingshen just smiled but didn't answer.

Warmly said: "why do you do this?"

"What do you think?" he said, looking at her arm.

Warm eyebrows, "is it really because I hurt my arm?"

"Because she doesn't believe what she says, and because she's narrow-minded, I warned her that you are the woman I'm covering, but obviously, she didn't take my words to heart, so it's not like I drove away. She, I think, she is doing her own fault, no one else can blame her."

Hearing him say so tenderly, he didn't refute anything.

She understands his good intentions, and there is no need to say more about some words.

After dinner, she went upstairs to her room to read a book.

Huo tingshen went to the study for a while and then came up and entered her room.

"Tonight, will you sleep in your house or go to mine?"

Warm eyebrows: "you really come."

"Otherwise do you think I'll be fine when I'm idle, and am here to make fun of you?"

As he said, he had already closed the door: "Then sleep in this room, so that you won't be able to sleep well after tossing back and forth. You continue to study, and I'll take a bath."

He entered the bathroom, and sat up tenderly, who was lying on the bed. She looked down at the dress and home clothes on her body.

How to see how unsafe.

Simply, she stood up and went to the cloakroom to change into a long coat and trousers.

After thinking about it tenderly, I'm going to buy a set of jumpsuits tomorrow to wear to sleep.

Otherwise, her sleeping image, tossing and turning, would have all been seen by her.

She looked at the other side of the bed and scratched her brows.

How does it feel... two people sleeping together, it's weird.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong. She couldn't be... he was tricked by him again.


On the first night, Huo tingshen was so honest that he just lay beside her and fell asleep.

After waiting for a long time, I fell asleep with peace of mind when I saw that he didn't mess around.

The next day, she returned yesterday's scarf to Teacher Huang, and by the way, she also gave the scarf that she "couldn't hold up" to Teacher Li.

After Mr. Li tied the scarf, Mr. Huang and Mr. Liu both praised her for this scarf. Mr. Li was very happy and thanked her tenderly.

In order to express his gratitude, at noon, Mr. Li said that he would invite three people in the office to have dinner at the spicy incense pot at the school gate.

At first, the warmth wanted to refuse, but Mr. Li said that since the four of them entered an office, they had never gone out to eat together, so they regarded it as cultivating feelings.

Chong cultivated feelings of three words, and the three of them readily agreed.

During lunch, Mr. Li said, "Hey, let me tell you a big gossip, this morning, I heard from a professor in our department that the school will issue a brochure and will find some more authoritative professors to take pictures.

In addition to professors, the school will also find two teacher representatives and two student representatives to participate. This is to be used for the school's enrollment brochure. Those who are selected will become the spokesperson of the school in the future. "

Teacher Huang said: "It seems that our school is doing this kind of publicity for the first time."

"Yeah, when the new principal takes office, he has to burn a few fires, but you know, what's the point? After hearing about this this morning, Lin Yuanyuan from the Department of Foreign Languages ​​wrote a letter of recommendation to the principal."

Teacher Liu was surprised: "Ah? Lin Yuanyuan is so ugly, how can she be so brave? If she is elected, then we can all get in, okay?"

"Didn't Mr. Lin graduate from Haval? I heard that the diploma is very powerful," Wen Qing felt that it couldn't be determined by appearance.

"What, no matter how powerful she is, how can she be a spokesperson with that face? When the students see it, I will go, the teachers in this school will be at this level, and it will affect the mood of learning. coming."

Hearing what Teacher Li said, Teacher Liu couldn't help laughing and said, "I also think that Lin Yuanyuan is not suitable, but unfortunately, our counselors can't attend. If we can, I must volunteer. This is a good thing to honor our ancestors."

"You'd better save it, there is warmth here, it has nothing to do with us," Mr. Li laughed heartily.

Mr. Liu pointed to his warm face and said, "I really want to change faces with you."

Teacher Li snickered: "I want to exchange breasts with her."

The three of them looked at the warm chest at the same time, and they closed their jackets embarrassedly and said, "I look big in clothes."

She just finished speaking, and the waiter brought the incense pot.

With food, everyone changed the topic while eating.

At noon, Wen Qing rested for a while in the office. When she was about to take the students to a game, someone knocked on the door and said, "Mr. Wen, Principal Peng, please come over."

"OK, thanks."

After the person left, all three pairs of eyes in the office fell on her.

Teacher Li said, "Mr. Wen, what's the situation?"

She shrugged tenderly and shook her head: "who knows, I have to go and see before I know."

She pretended to go out as if nothing had happened, but she was a little puzzled in her heart.

What is the principal looking for her to do so aboveboard.

Is it related to Huo tingshen again?

When he came to the principal's office, Principal Peng was very enthusiastic: "Xiao Wen, how about going back the night before yesterday? It's all right."

He shook his head tenderly and smiled: "it's nothing. I have a headache when I slept all night, but everything else is fine."

"Oh, your child looks scary after drinking. You point to the third master's name and call it. I've never seen such a bold girl as you."

She said tenderly and embarrassedly, "maybe it's... wine is strong and cowardly. "

Principal Peng laughed heartily: "You're quite an interesting kid."

He asked tenderly, "principal, do you have anything to do with me?"

"That's right, I don't know if you've heard that the school has to do brochures."

Nodding tenderly: "I heard it mentioned by other teachers at noon."

"Well, I called you here to ask if you are interested in participating in this matter?"

Looking at him tenderly, he wondered, "does the principal want me to help? Or is there anything I need to prepare for? I can. "

Principal Peng smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about these things. I mean, you get involved and be the student representative."

"Ah?" Wen Qing was surprised for a moment, and then smiled: "I have graduated, how can I be a student representative."

"The school wants to be a representative with a good image and good grades. At today's meeting, several professors recommended you, and you are not only a student who graduated from our school this year, but also a counselor who stayed at the school. Come here. Being a student representative is perfect."

She shook her head tenderly: "I'm sorry, principal, I'm going to push out this beautiful job, and I'm not going to take it."

The principal looked at her, this woman, the opportunity that so many people want to break their heads, he wanted to give her the face of the fourth master, but she didn't appreciate it?

"Don't be in a hurry to push the opportunity out. As for the male representative, we have decided to be the fourth master. I think, the two of you look the best, plus you know each other, you should work together more tacitly. "

Hearing what he said, his tender mind turned: "Principal, why don't you do this? If Tingren agrees to this matter, I will cooperate with him. If he doesn't agree, will you find someone else?"

It's not good for her to directly reject the principal, but if she pushes the matter to Tingren, if Tingren refuses, she won't offend anyone.

Hearing what she said, the principal nodded and smiled: "Then this matter is done, the fourth master has already agreed."

The warmth was so startled that his chin almost fell to the ground: "ah? No way. "

Tingren should not be the kind of person who likes to join in the fun.

"He didn't agree at first. Later, I heard that it was just to take two photos. After he gave us a condition, it happened."

"What conditions?"

"He's going to add two people he likes to the basketball game."

Looking at the headmaster tenderly and helplessly, did she make the wrong bet, or did she have some bad luck recently?

"Xiao Wen, this is the final decision. You should go back as soon as possible. Someone will inform you about the rest of the shooting."

He nodded with a warm and bitter face.

Do you have to go to the temple to worship recently?

She left the principal's office and only took a few steps when a woman came across her.

After Wen Qing walked past the woman, the woman suddenly stopped. She looked back at Wen Qing and said, "are you Mr. Wen?"

Looking back tenderly and looking at the other party, it is obviously a completely unknown face, but how can the other party know her surname.

"Excuse me, are you..."

"You don't remember me? I'm Peng Nanshu, the principal's daughter. We met the night before yesterday at the club where you, my dad, and the third master ate together."

Wondering tenderly, in the club When did she see a woman.

"Don't you remember? You were a little drunk at the time, and you said I was a ghost."

I nodded to the other party tenderly and embarrassedly: "sorry, Miss Peng, I was a little drunk the night before yesterday and probably said nonsense."

Peng Nanshu patted her on the shoulder: "Girls are not good at wine, so they should drink less, otherwise, they will suffer when they go out."

Warm and embarrassing: "thank you for your reminder."

After she finished speaking, she nodded to Peng Nanshu and was about to leave first.

Peng Nan said: "I heard that you have a good relationship with the fourth master, right?"

Looking at her tenderly, how could this person mention Tingren? Do they know each other?

Seeing her suspicious eyes, Peng Nan said, "Oh, don't get me wrong, I listened to my dad, because he took you to dinner with the third master the night before yesterday. I mistakenly thought my dad was messing around outside."

He smiled tenderly: "I have a good relationship with Tingren. The principal took me out to dinner because I knew the fourth master, so I wanted to find the third master to raise funds through me."

Peng Nanshu walked up to her: "then how is your relationship with the third master?"

She swallowed tenderly and unconsciously: "it's okay."

Peng Nanshu grabbed her wrist excitedly: "the night before yesterday, my dad planned to introduce me to the third master, but because you were drunk, you missed our arrangement. I and the third master are alumni, I I especially adore him, if you have a chance, can you introduce us to meet him?"

Looking at Peng Nanshu's face tenderly, I thought, maybe it's not just worship.

What does it mean that the principal introduced his daughter to Huo tingshen? Could it be that he planned to deliver his daughter's olive branch to Huo tingshen?

Thinking of this, the warmth is inexplicably uncomfortable.

Huo tingshen, a vixen, recruits women everywhere. How dare she say that she recruits bees and butterflies everywhere?

Seeing her shaking, Peng Nanshu patted her: "Mr. Wen?"

Warm back to God: "huh?"

"what are you thinking."

"Nothing, I'm thinking about work."

"Then I asked you just now, remember to introduce it to me."

"Er... let's talk about it when we have a chance."

"There is a chance, of course there is a chance, and this opportunity will come soon. My dad said that the school invited the third master to be a special lecturer of the Department of Business Administration to teach the course of business management. Now the third master has agreed, Just waiting for him to adjust the time."

Hearing what she said, she was very surprised. Why didn't Huo tingshen mention this to her?

Peng Nanshu said, and got a little excited: "In the future, I can see him often in school. At that time... you just need to ask the fourth master to help me introduce him a little, and I will have more opportunities to contact him. "

"Being a lecturer? Third master? He is still so young, what can he talk about? Isn't this delaying the students' study time? "

I can't understand the warmth. Even if they want to flatter, they won't use the method of squandering so many students' precious time.

It seems that the new principal is just like that.

Listening to the warmth, Peng Nanshu smiled disdainfully: "it seems that you don't know the third master very well."

Staring at her tenderly, what does this have to do with her not knowing Huo tingshen?