
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 80 Who is that man?

Huo Ting stared at her face with a deep embrace.

She turned to look out the car window.

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply and said to the driver, "Old Qin, go back first if you take a taxi."

"Yes, third master," the driver got out of the car and left.

There were only two people left in the car, and Huo tingshen said, "who is that man?"

She had a bad tone and didn't look at him: "It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you."

"You want to wait for me to investigate him myself?"

Looking back tenderly, staring at him: "Huo tingshen, what do you want to do?"

"This, I want to ask you, Wen Xiaoqing, what do you want to do? As a man who has slept with you, I don't even have the qualifications to ask you who the man you are chatting with is? "

Huo Ting felt very frustrated. He held this woman in his hand, but in her eyes, he would never have such a sense of existence.

Warm and angry: "you also know that you have slept with me, so why didn't you tell me about the hickey on my neck when you were on the phone in the morning."

"I called you and reminded you not to move. Do you think I knew that you would be embarrassed to see me at that time, but what was the reason for going to you?"

"Can you explain this kind of thing clearly on the phone?" Staring at him tenderly: "Why do you have to make me lose face when I go to school for something that can be reminded as long as you speak?"

"It's shameful to have a man? It's shameful to sleep with me? Who is not to be ashamed of sleeping with, is that the man just now?"

"You..." His warm face was flushed with anger.

She opened the car door to get out of the car, but Huo tingshen grabbed her wrist.

He rolled over, pressed against her lap, and controlled her.

"where to."

"I don't want to stay with you anymore, let me go."

"No, loose," he raised his eyebrows, smugly: "if you have the ability, you can escape from me."

Warm face flushed: "Huo tingshen, you bastard, you bully people."

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply: "I have bullied many people, but everyone is qualified to say that I bully others, but you don't. After all, I am so good to you that I am surprised even myself."

"You will play me, lie to me, and be nice to me and make me lose face at school? Is it that hard to say one more word on the phone?"

Huo tingshen found that the point of warmth and anger now is not on the same line as him.

He thought that what she was most angry about was that he didn't let her eat with other men just now.

But obviously, she was more concerned about the hickey incident.

His hand, holding her cheek, looked down at her condescendingly.

"I gave you the chance to choose in the morning. You chose to avoid me and leave. No one is forcing you."

"You... you're just bad, with bad hearts," said Wen Qing and pissed off her face, but he turned her face back again to let her face him.

"Last night, someone hugged me and said I was a good person."

"Last night that person misunderstood, she regrets it now."

"I only know that you tell the truth after drinking," he raised his eyebrows: "I really don't understand, what's so angry about being seen with a hickey, and when they find out, you can admit that you have a man. Is it a sin to find a man at your age? Or is it that you are so angry because I am not the person you want?"

Warmth was his words, and his face flushed with anger.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Huo tingshen asked again, "who was that man just now?"

Warm and angry, with a snort, he turned his face away.

She doesn't want to say a word to him now.

Huo Ting nodded deeply, "OK, let's not say yes."

Still pressing on her, he took out his cell phone and called the secretary.

"Shaokang, send someone to find the surveillance on the second floor of Guangcheng Commercial Building and check all the information about the man who chatted with Wen Qing ten minutes ago. I will only give you half an hour..."

Before he finished speaking, he patted Huo tingshen's hand tenderly.

She quickly grabbed his mobile phone, hung up directly, and shouted, "Huo tingshen, you're crazy. They just tell me why you want to investigate others."

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "because he is talking to you."

"Is it possible that you will investigate all the men who talk to me in the future?"

"You know whether this man is different from other men."

She avoided his sight with warmth and guilt.

Huo tingshen is even more annoyed. This woman will not lie.

His voice was a little colder: "So, did you say it yourself, or did I check it? For me, it doesn't make any difference anyway."

Her suffocated chest heaved violently.

Huo tingshen's eyes drooped down, just when he could see the ups and downs, he couldn't help feeling a little impulsive under him.

Feeling that the pressure on him has changed, the warmth is a little worried that he will be impulsive.

She hurriedly said: "You come down, I will say it myself."

Huo tingshen didn't want to find fault for himself. He turned over and sat down.

"You call Secretary Lin first and tell him not to check."

Huo Ting leaned on her deeply and made a phone call.

After hanging up the phone, he said tenderly, "that man's name is Luo Chengshu. Before I was eleven years old, he was our neighbor."

"Just the neighbors?"

"Believe it or not, I didn't lie anyway," she said. "At that time, his parents were very busy. He was often at home alone, and lived opposite the door for a long time. His parents knew that our family was in financial difficulties, so they Occasionally when they are on business trips, I will ask my mother to help take care of brother Chengshu, and they will give my mother some money.

At that time, brother Chengshu was very good at studying. Sometimes his parents came home late. He would come to my house to eat dinner. After eating, he would help me with my homework. At that time, brother Chengshu was to me. , like my closest and dearest brother, I like him very much. "


He gave him a tender look: "don't use your dirty thoughts to speculate on my feelings at the time. I was in elementary school at that time, and I liked it. I didn't have as many twists and turns as you think. "

Huo Ting snorted coldly: "now you don't go to primary school. When you see him, you are smiling. What is this?"

"Don't you feel happy when you see your relatives who have been separated for many years?"

Huo Ting snorted coldly: "no."

"Who believes."

"I believe," Huo Ting said firmly, "and then move on."

Gouging him tenderly: "I'm not a prisoner."

"Now you, in my eyes, are no different from the woman who came out of Hong Xing."


"Stop talking nonsense and keep talking."

Warm and too lazy to reason with him, she never won anyway.

"Later, when I was ten years old, because of Bai Antai's frequent harassment, my mother was unwilling to bear it, so she took me to move house. After that, I only saw brother Chengshu twice in the next year."

"How can you remember the old things more than ten years ago so clearly?"

Warm eyebrows: "don't find fault, I said it all, I liked him very much at that time, because I saw him less often, of course I remember it very clearly."

"Don't repeat the word "like" again," he said coldly, the vinegar was enough to eat: "Go on."

Warm and depressing, didn't he want to explain it himself.

Could it be that now, do you want her to say half of it and hide the other half?

At that time, she just liked brother Chengshu, and she was righteous.

"That year, I met him twice. The first time was during the Chinese New Year. He came to my house to deliver something on behalf of his parents. In the past, my uncles and aunts often helped us. The second time was after his college entrance examination. , came to my house for a meal, and said that he was going to study abroad for university. Since then, I have never seen him again, and it has been more than ten years. "

"It seems that you feel that it is a pity that you have been away for more than ten years."

She humiliated him: "don't hold a gun clip stick."

He was annoyed: "Then when did you get in touch?"

"We've never been in contact."

"Lie, if there is no contact, you will be caught by me today?"

"What was caught by you, don't say it so badly, it's fate. Speaking of it, it's really the fate you gave to Lian."

Warm and angry: "if you told me this morning that I have a hickey on my neck, then I would definitely go home and change into a high-necked dress. If I changed my clothes, I wouldn't have to be laughed at by others. Wearing a scarf from our office teacher Huang.

If I hadn't worn Mr. Huang's scarf, I wouldn't have dared to take it off because Mr. Li wanted to try it on, and said something that offended Mr. Li.

Because I offended Mr. Li, everyone was working in the same office again. I had no choice but to say that the color of this scarf is not suitable for Mr. Li. I have a new scarf that I bought. It is not suitable for me, but it is very suitable for Mr. Li. Take it to school for her.

In order to tell the lie, I had to come to buy a scarf after work, and it was such a coincidence that after buying the scarf, I was waiting... oops, it's broken. "

She said, patted her head, as if she suddenly remembered something big.

"What's the matter?" Huo Ting frowned deeply.

Warm and depressed: "it's all your fault. You urged me so urgently. I haven't had time to get the juice I lined up to buy."

Huo Ting was speechless, "why are you talking about juice again?"

"I was a little thirsty after buying the scarf, so I queued up to buy a glass of juice. After paying the money, I happened to meet Brother Chengshu while waiting to pick up the juice."

Huo Ting was in disbelief: "so, did you meet by chance?"

"Of course, that's why I said that the new fate with brother Chengshu is the thread that you pulled."

Huo Ting was deeply upset: "so, you just exchanged phone numbers?"

She pursed her lips tenderly and smiled: "of course."

"Give me the phone."

Warmly hid the bag to the side: "what do you want? Want to delete my number?"

"I want to see what name he has in your phone."

Warm and calm: "don't look at it, I save brother Chengshu."

Huo Ting was deeply annoyed, so the rich eldest brother, the silly son of the principal's family, and the third young master of the landlord's family were what she called herself and those two annoying men.

The man she likes is called 'Brother Chengshu'?

Huo Ting looked at her coldly, "in your eyes, that Luo Chengshu is the person you like, but I, like Bai Nancheng and Gao Muran, the person you hate?"

She calmly said, "I don't hate my brother."

What is his logic, why should she hate her brother.

Huo Ting's face turned black, and he gritted his teeth: "so, you only hate me and Gao Muran?"

Staring at him tenderly: "when did I say I hate you?"

Didn't say it, but wasn't she obvious enough?

"Bring your phone," his palms spread out in front of her.

He got angry, really hot.

For the first time in my life, I was mad at a woman and wanted to scold someone.

She knew tenderly that if she didn't give it, he would definitely find a way to get it. So she just gave him the phone directly: "I didn't lie to you."

Huo tingshen found her phone book and the words 'Brother Chengshu'.

He clicked to edit, and quickly changed his name to "Neighbor's Son" before returning the phone to her.

After a tender look, he frowned: "Huo tingshen, why are you touching other people's mobile phones?"

"Don't change it back. Once I find out that you have secretly changed it, I will let you do it a hundred times last night."

She glared at him, but he hooked his lips domineeringly, opened the door, got out of the car, and went to the driver's seat.

He looked back at her: "Come and sit beside me."

Warm eyebrows, unhappy: "don't go."

"Or, do you want to sit here all night? Then I'll accompany you."

He leaned on him tenderly, got off the car, and went to the co-pilot.

The car started and left the gate of the mall.

Huo Ting said deeply: "in the future, don't mention the four words brother Chengshu in front of me, you are no longer a ten-year-old girl, don't call yourself a man when you were ten years old, it sounds nauseous and disgusting, you know? "

Look at him tenderly: "why do you have so many problems."

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply: "that's how I am."

She sighed tenderly. She has been out of luck for eight lifetimes. How could she know such a hypocritical man as Huo tingshen.

Back at the gate of the villa, Lao Qin, who came back early by taxi, was waiting at the gate.

When the car arrived, he hurried forward and helped Wen Qing and Huo Ting to open the door.

Huo tingshen got out of the car and said tenderly to the man who was about to enter the villa: "by the way, I brought your sister back to you, put it in the trunk, and you can get it yourself."

"What?" wondering tenderly, looking at him: "what girl."

"Go and see for yourself."

Huo Ting said deeply, and he has pushed the door in first.

Wondering warmly, I went to the trunk.

Lao Qin stepped forward to help open the trunk.

In the clean trunk, there is a little bear puppet.

Isn't this... the Muppets I saw on the sofa in Ayutthaya this morning?

At that time, although she thought the little bear looked familiar, she didn't think much about it in order to get away.

Now when she saw this little thing again, some strange images flashed in her mind inexplicably.

She took out the puppet and stared at it for a moment.

She looked at Master Qin on the side. It seemed that last night was the club where he sent Huo tingshen to.

"Master Qin, last night Is it the Dacheng home that you sent me and the third master to?"

"Yes, Miss Wen."

"Then do you know what happened to this little bear?"

"Miss Wen, this bear is yours. You drank too much last night and asked for it from the third master."

Pointing to my heart tenderly: "what do I want?"

"Yeah, the store was closed at the time, so you had to do it. After the third master promised to give it to you, he called the secretary and asked him to find the store to open the door. As a result, you said that the third master didn't believe what he said, so he promised to give it to you again. Let you wait. The third master didn't want to disappoint you, so he smashed the glass in the store with a brick, and then he took the bear out for you. "

She was completely speechless, was she crazy at the time?