
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Eastern
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117 Chs

Chapter 79 Huo tingshen, the one who suffered a thousand knives

When she went out, she suddenly remembered, how did they get back here last night?

Are there no reporters at the door? I don't know if it was photographed.

At this time, it would be more dangerous if she went out with him.

She exhaled, sent him a text message, and left first.

Walking into the elevator, she bent over and patted her leg.

Is this the way to do this?

Last time, Huo tingshen clearly said that he didn't use those utensils for himself. Since it was the same as before, why did her waist and legs hurt last time, and this time it hurts again.

Could it be... it's really his... oh, it's bigger?

Thinking of this, she blushed even more.

Huo Ting came out of the deep bath and found that the warmth had escaped.

He couldn't help but smile sideways, it seemed that she didn't understand that she couldn't escape the meaning of fifteenth on the first day of the new year. He wiped his hair calmly, and went to the bed to pick up his phone.

He was going to call her, but saw that she had sent him a text message.

He opened the text message and sent a few words in a high-sounding manner.

"In order to avoid being photographed secretly by reporters when I go out for a while, I will leave first. Be careful when you leave."

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply and dialed her number.

After tangled for a long time, I picked up the mobile phone: "Hello."

"Where have you been?"

"The gate of the community."

"Stand there and don't move."

"I'm going to school first, it's getting late."

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply: "are you sure?"

Wondering tenderly, of course she was sure: "well, I'll hang up first."

"At that time, when something happened to the school, don't blame me."

Feeling puzzled, what can happen?

Standing in front of him now, she felt embarrassed that something was going to happen to her.

She came to the bus stop and planned to take the bus, but when she thought that Huo tingshen might drive past, she simply reached out and stopped a car.

Because I left earlier today, and I saved breakfast time, it was only 7:15 when I arrived at school tenderly.

There were not many people in the school, but the three students who passed by her all stared at her and stared at her neck.

She wondered what the students were watching her do.

After walking far, she didn't think about it anymore. She entered the office and poured a glass of warm water to drink.

Because she was a little hungry, she took out her meal card and was about to go out to eat when Teacher Huang pushed the door and came in.

Seeing Mr. Huang, he smiled tenderly and said, "Mr. Huang, why are you so early?"

"I have an appointment with a classmate in a while to talk about something," said Mrs. Huang, her eyes falling on her neck.

Seeing how embarrassed Teacher Huang looked at her neck, she frowned and touched her neck: "Mr. Huang, what's wrong?"

"You..." Teacher Huang hesitated for a while, then pointed to her neck: "Well, last night...it was quite intense."

"Ah?" The warmth responded for a while before turning around suddenly as if remembering something.

She took out her bag, hurriedly found a small mirror, opened it and looked at her neck.

At that moment, she really wanted to find a hole to drill.

On the front of her neck, where she could see with the mirror, there were five or six clearly visible hickeys, not to mention other places.

Thinking of what Huo tingshen said when she called herself, she really wanted to stamp his feet in annoyance.

This man, he clearly saw it, couldn't he just tell her directly.

He is too bad.

Really embarrassing.

Seeing Wen Qing's annoyance, Mr. Huang guessed that Wen Qing didn't know the marks on his neck.

She took off her scarf and put it on her warm neck.

"Mr. Wen, it's a bit cold today. You don't wear much clothes. I bought this scarf. I wear it the next day. It's very clean. If you don't dislike it, use it first."

Looking at Mr. Huang tenderly, he was a little embarrassed and said, "Mr. Huang, I'm really grateful."

Teacher Huang patted her on the shoulder: "We work in the same office, so don't be polite."

After she finished speaking, she went back to the desk to pick up her documents and left first.

With a warm breath, I took the meal card to the canteen.

When she was eating, she wanted to call Huo tingshen and ask him why he didn't tell her.

But as soon as I took out my phone, I met Mr. Liu, who was in the same office.

Mr. Liu took the dinner plate, came to sit down opposite Wenqing, and said in surprise, "Yeah, Mr. Wen, it's the first time I met you in the cafeteria."

He smiled tenderly and said, "I usually made it myself before, but I was a little lazy to fire it today, so I came out and ate it."

After the two finished eating, they went back to the office together.

Teacher Li also just arrived. Seeing the scarf hanging around Wen Qing's neck, she said, "hey, isn't this the scarf that Mr. Huang wore yesterday."

With a warm hand, he touched his neck: "yes, I went out today and I wore less clothes. When I just came to school, I happened to meet Mr. Huang and borrowed her scarf."

"Hey, Mr. Liu, have you noticed? People who are good-looking and have a good figure don't choose clothes or scarves. Look, when Mr. Huang wore this scarf yesterday, I thought it was very ordinary. But today, when Mr. Wen wears it, he instantly understands what a buyer's show and a seller's show are."

Teacher Liu said with a smile: "This is because you have good looks to be self-willed."

Looking at the warmth, Mr. Li stepped forward and said, "Tsk, Mr. Wen, you are too stocky. As soon as you wear this scarf, I want to buy the same style. Come on, give me a try, I want to see. I don't like this style."

Seeing that Mr. Li came over, he covered the scarf tenderly and nervously and said, "Mr. Li, this scarf is not suitable for you."

As soon as she finished speaking, she realized that her words might offend people.

Sure enough, Teacher Li's expression turned cold.

Mr. Liu took a somewhat excited look at him and said nothing.

Teacher Li was upset: "Mr. Wen, I know you are beautiful. This is recognized by the whole school, but you don't have to look down on our ordinary faces so much."

"No, Mr. Li, you misunderstood me. The color of this scarf doesn't quite suit your skin tone. I just bought a new scarf, and the color doesn't suit me. I think it suits you very well. If you don't If you dislike it, I will bring it for you to try tomorrow, okay?"

Hearing what she said, Teacher Li pouted: "And a scarf that is not suitable for you?"

"Of course there are, there are too many, and everyone's clothing has a minefield."

"It's true, if I wear this color, it may indeed look old-fashioned."

Teacher Li was relieved, went back to the desk and sat down, and started to do his own business.

Wen Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and just returned to her seat. When she was about to sit, she heard Mr. Li say, "Mr. Wen, don't forget to bring a scarf over tomorrow."

"Okay, I won't forget."

He nodded tenderly and sat down with a smile.

But he thought secretly in his heart: Huo tingshen, who suffered thousands of knives, was killed by him. I have to go out to buy a scarf tonight.

After work in the afternoon and came to the school gate, Master Chen was already waiting for her.

She walked over and said, "Master Chen, go back first. I'm going to the mall, and I'll go back by myself later."

"Miss Wen, I'll take you there."

"No, I may have to stroll around for a while, and then I can take a taxi and go back."

"Miss Wen, if the third master knows that I can't pick you up and drive back by himself, he will be annoyed and fire me."

"Will not."

"Don't, Miss Wen, I've been warned once. I'm in this business to eat. If I can't meet people, it will be a dereliction of duty."

Warmth didn't want to embarrass others, so she had to get in the car.

As soon as she arrived at the door of the mall, Huo tingshen called.

She pouted and didn't answer.

I planned to ask him at noon why he didn't remind her about the hickey on her neck.

But when she thought of what he did on purpose, she felt a little sullen and didn't want to talk to her.

After entering the mall, she turned around, came to a store selling accessories, and picked up the scarf attentively.

After buying the scarf, she paid for it and bought a glass of mango lemonade at the juice store next door.

She was tapped on the shoulder while waiting in line to get her drink.

She turned her head to look, and when she saw the other's face, she was almost speechless in surprise.

On the opposite side, this handsome boy with a height of 185 is smiling at her warmly.

"Is it you, Xiaoqing? I just glanced at it from a distance and thought it was you."

She reached out her hand to cover her lips tenderly, and her voice trembled: "Chengshu Brother? "

"Fortunately, you still recognize me. I thought you didn't remember me for a long time."

Look at each other tenderly, without blinking.

This man named Luo Chengshu once stirred up her entire girlhood.

Even if he turned to ashes, she would probably recognize it.

She blushed slightly: "Brother Chengshu, aren't you... from abroad?"

"I've been back for half a month. I originally planned to find time to meet you and Aunt Wen. I miss Aunt Wen's cooking very much."

When she mentioned her mother, she felt tender, lowered her eyes and looked at him with a wry smile: "my mother is gone."

"Let's go? Where to go..." Asked here, Luo Chengshu saw the warm expression and reacted suddenly: "how could it be?"

She chuckled: "She suffered from depression and committed suicide."

Luo Chengshu frowned and said distressedly, "how did you come here all these years?"

"When my mother left, I was 18 and already had the ability to take care of myself, so I survived very well."

Luo Chengshu raised his hand and patted her shoulder: "you have worked hard all these years, what are you doing now?"

She scratched her eyebrows: "After I graduated from college this year, I stayed at the school to be a counselor."

"I remember that you said when you were a child that you would become a teacher when you grew up. It seems that your wish has come true."

Nodding tenderly: "well, by the way, brother Chengshu, why are you here? Are you shopping?"

"I work in this mall," Luo Chengshu scratched her nose with his fingers like she did when she was a child: "Are you going to buy something? Come on, I'll go shopping with you."

He waved his hand tenderly: "no, no, brother Chengshu, I'm here to buy a scarf for the teacher in the same office. I've already bought it. If you have something to do, go to work first."

"I'm not busy, you can go out to dinner with me at night, and we'll have a good chat."

Just when the warmth was about to respond, the phone rang again.

She knew who was calling and hung up directly.

The phone just threw it back into the bag when it rang again.

She didn't intend to answer, but Luo Chengshu pointed to her bag: "answer the phone first."

Looking at him tenderly, with an embarrassed smile, he reluctantly took out his mobile phone again and picked it up.

Huo Ting's deep and cold voice came from the other end of the phone: "it seems that Mr. Wen really has the physique to attract bees and butterflies. No matter where you go, you can feel uneasy."

Hearing Huo tingshen say this, he frowned tenderly, turned his head and glanced back and forth.

Seeing what she seemed to be looking for, Luo Chengshu followed her line of sight and looked around.

Warming nodded to Luo Chengshu, walked aside, and said in a low voice, "where are you?"

"Where you can see you clearly and chat and laugh with other men."

Warm and a little angry: "so what if I see it."

"I came to you with good intentions, so you can show me this? Seriously, Wen Xiaoqing, I'm jealous and want to hit people now. Guess who I want to hit? "

"Don't mess around."

"Then I'll give you five minutes to say goodbye to the other party. Come downstairs quickly. I'll wait for you in the car outside the door."

"Why should I listen to you," said Wen Qing, "I'm going out to dinner with friends tonight."

"Five minutes, instead of three minutes, if you don't come down, you will be at your own risk."

In the lounge not far away, Huo tingshen hung up the phone and looked at the two people not far away with cold eyes.

Who is this man?

When talking to him tenderly, the shy and timid expression on his face made him very uncomfortable.

He never found out that she also had such a look.

Intuition tells him that this man is not easy for warmth.

There was a busy tone on the other end of the phone, and I felt depressed in my heart.

This arrogant and unreasonable guy.

She turned around and walked to Luo Chengshu.

Luo Chengshu said with a smile, "why come over here with anger, who messed with you?"

"No," she shook her head: "Brother Chengshu, I can't go to dinner with you tonight."

"What, just called from my boyfriend? Was it checked?"

"No," he smiled tenderly, "I have something to do at night. I have to deal with it."

She said this, Luo Chengshu naturally couldn't force it.

He nodded and patted the warm shoulder: "well, let's forget it tonight, let's make an appointment another day, tell me your mobile phone number, since I'm back, we'll keep in touch in the future, of course, if you have Boyfriend, introduce me to him and let him know that you still have a brother covering you."

He pursed his lips tenderly and exchanged mobile phone numbers with him.

Luo Chengshu said that he would send her downstairs, but how dare he let him go downstairs.

"Don't, don't, brother Chengshu, I'll go by myself. Anyway, we have contact information. We will keep in touch in the future." She shook the phone in her hand: "You are still in the mall at this time, so you must not get off work. , then you are busy first, I will go first."

After she finished speaking, she waved to her and walked towards the elevator.

Luo Chengshu watched her leave, and then walked forward.

Warmly and quickly came to the door of the shopping mall. Where Master Chen had parked just now, his car was no longer there. Instead, it was Huo tingshen's car.

Depressed, she walked over in a fit of anger, opened the door and got in the car.

After sitting down, she took a deep look at Huo Ting without looking at the side, showing that she was angry.