
Dominated Battlefield: Volume 4- Truth Of Beasts

A Series Taken From Different POVs Of Powerful Leaders Of Their Respected Factions. See How They Interact And Develop As Characters. Explosions, Gore, Cool Ass Battles And Hot Women What More Could You Want In A Series. Age Rating: 16+ Type: Ecchi, Action, Thriller

TheUnknown_goat · Guerra
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5 Chs

Chapter 1- Mysterious Monsters:

After Matthews Successfully Carved Out Spinoraxs Skull He Hung It Up On Top Of The Wall Of His Throne This Would Expel Fear And Submission Into Anyone Who Stepped Into The Emperors Den.

"So What Will We Do With The Others, Surely If They're All Un-Extinct Now That Means The Others Are Alive, What If Iriarru, The Dragonlord Comes Back? " He Waffled, Matthews Sat Down And Spoke "We Can't Control Legend Beasts Even If We Could They're Too Unpredictable, Zmija Can Only Control Them And The Dragonlord Hes Definitely Dead Trust Me" He Said Coldly, Matthews Knew If He Were Wreak Havoc Again His Plane Would Be Destroyed Along With The Earth, Sun And Moon.

"We Need To Get These Thoughts Out Of Our Heads, They May Have Drawbacks In Future Battles, As Long As I'm Here You'll Be Safe" He Reassured Them. "That's Great! " Yuri Yelled Jumping Into His Arms, He Responded By Patting Her Head.

Then A Guy Burst Down The Doors, His Face Red With Anger Holding A Spear, Panting Away.

"You Bastard I've Had Enough Of You're Rule, I Wanna Democracy, I Want Votes" He Clutched The Spear Firmly In His Hand. Matthews Stood Up With A Straight Face Spoke Calmly "Calm Down, I Cannot Do You're Requests And I Will Always Be The One On The Throne That's Always Been The Rule!" He Yelled Pointing At Him.

The Guy Didn't Hesitate And Charged At Him With The Spear Carrying With His Right Hand, "Die!!!" He Yelled As He Ran.

"Fine You Brought This Upon Yourself" He Pushed Corben And Yuri Away As The Spear Pierced His Skin Going Straight Through Him. The Guy Was Exhausted, As He Looked Up He Still Saw Matthews Standing, The Spear Now Impaling Matthews.

"You're Still Alive? " He Questioned, He Backed Away From The Spear, "Now I Know A lot About You Cole, I Know Your History And Family, But Should You Die? " He Smiled.

"How Do You Know My Name? " He Starting Shaking.

"I Am All Knowing I Know Everything About You" He Answered, He Summoned His Sword Pointing It To His Chest, "But You Shouldn't Die You Have A Family And I Think You Made A Really Stupid Mistake, Guards Throw Him In The Slammer" He Commanded. Guards Rushed Through The Collapsed Door, Picking Up Cole By The Arms And Carrying Him Away.

Matthews Removed The Spear A Line Of Blood Sprayed Upon Removal, "Damn Some People Are Real Cunts" He Stated. He Walked Away From The Spear Now Laying Like A Useless Toy. "Come On Guys I Think It's Time We All Have A Beach Party To Get A Heads Thinking About Something Other Than The Legend Beasts" He Exclaimed. "Woohoo" Yuri Jumped Up With Excitement, "I'll Be On Sidelines Then" Corben Said Poofing Away. "Let Me Check On That Demigirl First And We'll Be On Are Way" He Said Teleporting Away.

The Dog Girl Was Tucked Under Some Covers, Her Head Exposed As She Slept Calmly.

Matthew Reappeared And Patted Her Lightly To Wake Her Up, Her Eyes Opened Revealing Glistening Beautiful Eyes Merely Unhuman.

"Hey, You're Finally Awake, Now I Wanna Know More About You Trust Me I Don't Pose No Harm" He Reassured. "Thank You For Saving Me" She Sniffled, She Carried On Talking Stating "Im The Last Of My Species And I'm Homeless We Lived On The Outskirts Of Force Of Loyalty, But Then... " She Cried, "Then What? " Matthews Spoke Softly.

"They Killed My Bloodline" She Lunged Into His Arms, Tears Pouring Down Her Face, Her Voice Becoming More Brittle Sound Of Crying Echoed In The Room.

"Don't Worry I'll Keep You Safe" He Reassured Laying Her Down On The Bed And Her Eyes Soon Drifted Off To Sleep.

Matthews Closed The Door Quietly, "So How Did It Go? " Corben Questioned, "Well She's Definitely Not Coming To The Party, She's Too Heartbroken And Well The Force Of Loyalty Have Something To Do With Her Migrating Over Here But I'm Still Guessing There's Someone Else Pulling Strings, Someone Else Who Ignited A Fuse In The Emperors" He Replied In A Cold Fashion.

"Doesn't Mean We'll Cancel The Party Though, I'll Have My Soldiers Look After Her" He Reassured Happily Smiling Away Walking Away To The Front Door Pushing It Open Revealing The Beautiful Night Sky.

The Girls Were Already Dressed In They're Bikinis, Coats Covering Them From The Cold, "Hey Master! " Yuri Waved Dressed Blue Frilled Bikini, Her Presence All Beautiful And Definitely Alluring.

Matthews Hopped In Military SUV The Other Girls Hopped In The Back Excited For The Fun That Would Come Along.

"Let's Go, Although I've Not Drove For A Long Time It Must Be Easy Right" He Said Nervously. As He Ignited The Car He Revved The Engine It's Sound Echoing Through The Town.

The SUVs Tires Screeched As He Started Driving Out The Town, "Damn So It's That Easy" Matthews Joked.