
Dominated Battlefield: Volume 4- Truth Of Beasts

A Series Taken From Different POVs Of Powerful Leaders Of Their Respected Factions. See How They Interact And Develop As Characters. Explosions, Gore, Cool Ass Battles And Hot Women What More Could You Want In A Series. Age Rating: 16+ Type: Ecchi, Action, Thriller

TheUnknown_goat · War
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Chapter 2- Beach Party:

Meanwhile Back At Raincrushers, They Were Reviewing Footage Of Spinorax.....

"So This Thing Destroyed 2 Battleships And No One Survived" Ryan Said Angrily, "Why Don't We Intercept It? " One Engineer Questioned, "After This Footage Which Was 10 Minutes Ago It Headed Towards Lowstriders And I'm Betting Matthews Killed It, But Why Didn't The Distress Signal Come Through, Unless That Beast Disrupted The Sound" Ryan Questioned.

"Sir, I Think We Have The Answers" An Ambassador Announced Handing Him A Book Larger Than A Dictionary, The Front Cover Reading The Legendary Beasts.

He Layed Down The Book On The Control Panel, He Flicked Through Pages Analysing Faster Than A Human, "I Have All The Information" He Said Happily, "So Spinorax I Beast With Sword Wielding Powers And Hard Durable Skin, As well As A Roar That Disorients Sound Transmissions And Last His Most Fearful Ability His Non Corporeal Brain" He Announced.

"Most Of Beasts Aren't A Problem As They Mostly Enjoy Land But The Kraken, The Eel Like Beast Capable Of Creating Whirlpools And Sea Tornadoes And The Dragonlord A Beast Capable Of Destroying Entire Planes Of Existence" He Said Coldly.

"I'll Put All The Results On The Your Manuals So You'll Know How To Combat These Beasts" He Patted The Ambassador On The Shoulder.

He Went Outside Pulling Out A Cigar Again, Lighting It Up With His Lighter, The Crimson Flame Giving Off A Beautiful Light.

"Well Not Only Are Enemy Emperor Threats Are Problem But So Are Those Legendary Beasts" He Chuckled, He Flicked His Cigar Into The Ocean And Said One Last Thing Before Leaving, "I'll Get Them Next Time... "

Back At Lowstriders Beach....

Matthews Was Chilling On A Sunbed Along With Corben They Of Course Kept They're Normal Uniforms As It's The Many Rules To Show Respect.

Otone Was Building Sandcastle Well More Like An Entire Sand Kingdom, Her Mind Is Very Intuitive And Very Intelligent, Soft Sand Molded Into Beautiful Structures Magically In The Palm Of Her Hands.

But Then The Structures Came Crashing Down Because Of Yuri Running On Them Making Them Collapse, While She Was Playing With A Beachball With Narata.

"Aww" Otone Said Coldly With A Straight Face, The Sandcastles Magically Reformed Like Someone Was Manipulating The Sand, "Cheer Up Otone, Look It's All Fixed Up" He Chuckled, Otone Turned Around A Gave Him A Cute Smile.

"Hey Master Catch! " Yuri Threw The Ball At Matthew He Caught It instantly With His Telekinesis, Twirling It Around To Gain Enough Momentum, He Then Flicked It At Rapid Speeds. The Ball Collided With Yuri Sending Her Flying Into The Ocean. "You're Meant To Catch The Ball" He Joked.

Her Head Popped Out The Sea And She Waved Stating "I'm Sorry Master I'll Catch It Next Time" Giving A Lovely Smile.

Meanwhile Akahira Went Swimming, Of Course Her Clothes Were Specifically Designed For Swimming So She Didn't Even Need To Change.

She Submerged Herself Under The Beautiful Sea, She Saw So Many Majestic Fish, The Sun Fish, The Odd Parrot Fish, Clownfish And Even A Shoal Of Sardines.

The Unique Coral Covered The Seabed, Akahira Is The Only Human To See This Sight For This Long As Her Body Can Withstand Breathing Underwater Without Drowning.

Then A Shadow Covered The Seabed Suddenly With Long Flippers And Jaws, She Then Looked Up Her Eyes Widening, It Was A 25 Metre Liopleurodon, It's Lower body White And Top Pure Black, It Didn't Notice Akahira But Engulfed A Shoal Of Sardines In A Second.

She Rapidly Swam To The Surface, But The Sea Monster Was Hot On Her Tail, It's Fangs Ready To Dig In To Her Body And Tear Her Bones Apart One By One. She Finally Reached The Surface But The Monster Miraculously Changed It's Mind Last Second Or Was It Scared Of Something.

A Hand Grabbed Her It Was Matthews, He Pulled Her Out Of The Water, The Drops Of Sea water Came Down Her Body.

"You Ok? " He Questioned, "Well A Monster Tried Kill Me" She Ran Into His Arms Crying, He Started Patting Her Wet Hair. "Don't Worry About The Monsters" He Said Trying His Best To Calm Her Down.

"Wait Where Is Konida? " Matthews Wondered Looking Around The Beach His Eyes Analysing, But Then He Looked Back And Saw Konida Laying Her Head On The the Sunbed Right Beside It.

"Oh Of Course Silent As Always" He Laughed, Akahira Dried Her Tears And Had Enough Courage To Go Back in The Water.

"Damn Sea Monsters Zmija Always Making Weird Creations" He Joked As He Layed On The Sunbed Chilling Away In The Night sky.

"Can't Believe You Just Scared Away A Dinosaur With Your Presence, That's Badass" He Congratulated, He Picked Up Beer Bottle Along With Corben In Perfect Synchronization, They Both Clashed The Beer Bottles And Said "Cheers For This Great Life".

Meanwhile Back At Requiem of the Owl, They Were Shipping They're Bananas Back To The Flying Port. " So 15 Kilometers Left Sir? " An Pilot Asked, "Don't Worry How Long Were Gonna Be, Were Gonna Get There I'm A Fucking God No Ones Going To Stop The Requiem Of The Owl".

Below A Raincrushers Submarine Was Testing Missiles, Unlucky Above Was The Airship Of The Requiem Of The Owl....

"Launch The Missile" The Commander Commanded, The Engineers Looked At The Sonar Devices But They Noticed A Interference In The Sky.

"Sir But There's An Interference" One Responded, "I Don't Care Launch It! " He Yelled, The Engineers Reluctantly Opened The Missile Bay. It Launched The Deathly sound Of The Trumpets as it Set Off To The Sky.

"Sir There's Something Charging Towards Us! " One Yelled Kobe Looked At The Sonar Devices Rapidly But It Was Too Late.

The Back Of The Airship Explode With Crimson Flames Engulfing The Entire Ship, "We've Been Hit By The Raincrushers! " Kobe Yelled Getting Up, "This Is A Sign Of War! " He Announced, As He Looked Down At Submarine. Which Submerged Escaping His View.

Ryan Back At The Raincrushers Country Suddenly Got A Call, He Slowly Picked Up The Telephone.

"Hello, How May I Help You? " He Answered, But As The Voice Spoke He Knew Who It Was "Raincrushers You'll Be Burned To The Ground! " Kobe Yelled Down The Telephone. "Now, Now Calm Down What Happened Lets Not Have A War" He Tried To Descalate The Situation.

"You Destroyed My Fucking Supplies As well As One Of My Ships" He Yelled Yet Again, Ryan Realised Then It Was The Missile Testing, He Was Fuelled By Rage And He Would Kill The Commanders Who Fired The Missile.

"Right If You Want A War I'll Give You A Fight Of Your Life" He Announced Down The Telephone Ending The Call. "Another War Again" Ryan Sat Back Down Laughing.