The court fell silent.
In an instant, the reporters felt they had been ambushed.
They had been attacked! They had been blindsided! They had been set up!
Not only did they know nothing about Li Wei, the running back, but they also knew nothing about Li Wei, the person. They thought they were in for a bare-knuckled brawl, yet Li Wei stepped in with a machine gun, rattling off a barrage that left the unguarded reporters with no chance to retaliate, effectively annihilated.
It was brutal, truly brutal.
The atmosphere turned slightly bizarre.
But would the reporters surrender just like that?
Of course not!
Many hands make light work. As one reporter fell, another stood up, silently united—the reporters themselves unaware of their own camaraderie—
to bully an eighteen-year-old; a young man facing the professional media for the first time.
"May I ask what you think of the Trojans' offensive group's performance?"