
Chapter 1: The Job Proposal

"Yes sir, the copies were all made, and the loans were approved."

"Excellent Trinity, you're doing great, for a foreign worker."

"Thank you sir."

I grabbed my clipboard off my lap and rose out of my seat, walking towards the door.

"Oh, and one more thing Ms. Brito?"

I turned around and looked back expectantly to my 56 year old boss.

"Yes Mr. Min-joon?"

"Go get my coffee."

I tightened my hand around my clipboard.

"Right away sir."

I smiled tightly at him and, turning on my heels, I leave the bleach smelling office. Once the doors closed behind me my smile drops into a frown. Four years! Four years, I have been working in this hell hole and I'm still just running errands and acting like that man's secretary. I wish I had gotten a better job. Honestly, right now I feel like any job is better then this one. But, I can't complain it helps me pay the bills and buy food. Ahhh food, life's most beautiful creation, or at least it is for me. Oh well back to the grind.

-After Work-

It was 10:50pm and I had just finished up the last account I was managing for Mr. Min-joon. I Sslumped back into my chair and rubbed the bridge of my nose.

"I'm exhausted." I sigh.

After a few minutes I finally decide its time to head home. Walking out of the bank I start off in the direction of my apartment building. The night roared with endless music and laughter seeped out from clubs along the way. I debate whether or not to stop by one of them, but ultimately decide against it. I had work tomorrow and I was not going in with a hangover. As I continued walking I received an email notification on my phone.

'Ms. Brito I need you to work a double shift tomorrow and don't forget my coffee.


I stared down at the message my place never slowing.

"Ugh he has got to be kidding," I mutter.

As I look up to roll my eyes I see a car rushing my way only to come to a screeching halt a meer centimeter away from me. My breath catches in shock as I drop my phone, purse and briefcase the contents of which spill on to the concrete. Like a deer caught in headlights, I stand there frozen with fear. The man driving leaps out of the car and hurries towards me.

"Miss are you ok? I'm so sorry, are you hurt at all?" he looks at me with expectantly worried eyes.

After a few beats of silence I realize that I still haven't said anything and speak up.

"Y-yeah I-I'm fine."

I shake off my fear and look at the many pieces of paper scattered on the ground.

"Oh great, now I have to reorganize them." I mutter to myself before knealing to the ground.

I began picking the papers up and gently putting them back into my worn briefcase.

"Oh, h-here let me help you."

The man said as he too crouches down and begins to help me. I grabbed my phone and noticed the screen was completely broken.

"First they want me to work two shifts, then almost kill me by sending me the email on the way home, and NOW I need a new phone screen ugh! They don't pay me enough for this."

I grumbled to myself.

"Who doesn't, if you don't mind me asking?"

The man chimed in still crouched on the ground next to me.

"Oh just my present job at Min-Joon banks. But I really shouldnt complain it helps me pay the bills, although having a little extra money for a broken phone screen would be nice." I said standing up and looking down at my phone alin sorrow. He stands up as well and looks at me for a minute then hands me the rest of my papers.

"OH, right. Uh here, your papers."

"Thank you"

Once I grabbed the papers out of his hands he smiles and proceeds to ask a few more questions which I answer honestly.

"Why do you work there if you don't like it?"

"Oh its this old agreement I had with my parents that I would be able to live on my own in a different country if I got a good reputable job. Huh, but so much for that huh?"

I smile at him weakly as I start to nervously reorganize the papers in my hands.

"So you are independent, but love your parents enough to honor their advice for you?"

"You could say that yeah. I'm like that with almost everyone. I'm too nice for my own good."

I look at him and he looks as if he was contemplating something.Then he smiles bows and rishes back into his car.

Pulling up beside me he lowers the window, "If you ever want a change of pace and career just give us a call and ask for me. Its all on the card, also be sure to fill out the application before you stop by."

He says then drives off. Confused, I look down at the papers he had handed me which I thought were just the ones that fell out of my bag but sure enough, there on the top of the pile was a business card and a job application.

"Big Hit Entertainment, huh? Wait a minute when did he even put these here?"

As I mull it over in my head as I pick up my purse and start walking back home. It was a very weird and frightening experience to say the least but fun I guess. As I continue to process everything I cant help but think, 'Did I just get talent scouted by my almost killer?'

First time actually writing a BTS fanfic and on here so don't murder me I do have an editor so if you find any mistakes please point them out and she wil get right on them also the lead character was named and her behaviors are based solely on the authors A.K.A Me.

Anyways i really hope you enjoy thank you and I purple you all ?ARMY FOREVER

trinity_britocreators' thoughts