
Do You Love Me Luffy?

Law never wanted to meet his soulmate, so when he did he couldn't handle it and kept it hidden from said straw hat wearing soulmate. But as time goes by Luffy becomes more than just the soulmate mark over Law's heart. He becomes the man Law loves, but Law doesn't expect Luffy to love him back. And even if the future Pirate King accepts him as his lover what about the safety of the Heart crew when the navy discovers their soulmate connection? Can Law sacrifice everything for love? And if he does will his love even be returned or is he just the friend Luffy fought alongside?

CaladeanFey · Anime e quadrinhos
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8 Chs

High Risk

POV: Trafalgar Law

Law yells for more supplies as he works furiously to repair Jean Bart's stomach, he'd been hit with a bullet that releases some sort of acid that slowly melts inner organs. They'd been ambushed. Sixty-five ships. Sixty-five fucking navy ships had surrounded his submarine.

They'd been sailing to meet up with Sabo to get to Raftel to meet Luffy and everyone else. Except they'd had to pass through an unavoidable section of ocean full of navy patrols. Apparently new technology had been developed so that they could detect a submarine in the ocean; meaning Law's stealthy sub was no longer as good at being concealed. What's more is every island they had attempted to stop at to resupply was crawling with marines. It was as if they had sworn in more than half the world's population.

Finally, they had managed to get stocked up when a whole fleet of marine ships descended on them. Law and his crew fought hard and they managed to flee but were quickly pursued. The navy had shockingly also gotten better at aiming their cannons. What's worse is they had someone with a devil fruit power that could cause long range electrical explosions.

The bastard had blown holes in Law's ship, forcing them to resurface in order to make repairs and not flood the entire submarine. Law mutilated the man as quickly as he could and lay waste to the enemy vessels, but for every one he took down two more took its place.

Marell and Zoa were the only reason they made it out of there without sinking to the bottom of the ocean. As a mermaid and merman, they could breath and swim super-fast underwater to help repair the sub and also rescue crew members that got blown off.

Law had managed to clear a path but not in the direction of their destination, they'd had to retreat the way they had come. No one was uninjured and several of his crew needed emergency operations right away or they'd die; including Jean Bart and Bepo. The marines had been truly ruthless and shot cannons full of sea stone chunks at them, knowing if they took down Law, they'd have them all.

More than once Law had removed sea stone shrapnel from his body to keep up his powers, and Bepo was suffering now because he'd shielded his captain from a particularly nasty barrage of the cursed stone. They'd finally lost the marines on their tail, but only because Zoa and Marell had taken some explosives and set them off behind the sub as they forced the engines to max capacity. A lucky break with a huge aggressive migrating horned whale pod saved them too.

Law had had a bad feeling about sailing to meet Luffy. Had wanted to keep his crew safe, and now he is barely keeping some of them alive and his ship could sink with all of them in it. The fucking navy ships after them just had to have people capable of using his crew and ship's weaknesses against them. Two and half weeks later the Heart Pirates arrive back on Pilmyth. All bearing various wounds and bandages, but alive. Zoa and Marell have permanent scars on their shoulders and backs from sharp sea stone netting thrown out to catch them and any pirate survivors that had been hurled overboard.

Sabo had been furious when Law called and reported the state of his crew and insane intenseness of marine force. They hadn't been this organized to take someone down since the battle of Marineford. They were more than desperate for pirate blood. And after they caught sight of Zoa and Marell, Law noted they'd become more reckless and daring with their attacks, not afraid to sacrifice whole ships and crews to distract Law's attention.

Law and his crew are in no state to continue traveling to Raftel and now the Marines will be on the lookout for him like never before. Law may be the Surgeon of Death, but he can't magically make islands to restock supplies at. And with no new supplies, no matter how full they pack the submarine, they will never make it to Raftel.

It would also be suicide for anyone to come join them and escort them to Raftel. It would just end up another Marinford, but with more dire consequences. Luffy and the Strawhat Alliance would just have to cause mayhem without the Heart Pirates. In the meantime, he and his crew have to recover.

The islanders greet their return with worry and immediately help tend to wounded and Law is asked to go see the council. Law tiredly leaves his crew in more than capable hands, his eyes sad as they wheel a still comatose Jean Bart to the hospital. Law had already communicated their status via snail phone days ago, so it isn't a surprise the council has gathered.

When he enters the meeting room everyone comes to hug and greet him asking about his crew, after relaying their conditions Rachel brings him to sit beside her, worry lines evident on her face.

"Law, I know you and your crew wanted to meet the Pirate King badly, but even when you all heal up, we don't think you should attempt to sail immediately to see them again." Rachel says seriously.

Law clenches his fists.

"This morning I gathered my crew and asked how they want to proceed. They all said the same thing. "We still want to go see them Captain" We'll try taking a longer, safer way there when everyone has healed up. It could take close to a year or more, but we can make it. Zoa and Marell are going to be known targets now." Law says a bit brokenly.

The navy knows about them, they will have wanted posters up in days. Seeing the deep bloody net marks and graze wounds on his mer twins had enraged Law. Stitching up the two-foot-long gashes on Marell's tail from where he ripped out giant fish hooks and treating serious burn marks along Zoa's sides had made his blood both boil in anger and freeze in fear for the teenagers.

He had relented and let Zoa and Marell come on the voyage to Raftel knowing the danger, but this had been too close of a call. He won't risk their safety again, even if they hate him for it. He'd admitted as much to the rest of the crew and half had been in agreement while the other against his decision. In the end though, concern for the young teenagers' lives had won out. Now that the navy knows about the mer twins they'd aim to capture them above the rest of the crew.

Law had made up his mind that morning after his crewmates relayed their final desires. They will continue on once healed up, but without Zoa and Marell. And after a few screaming matches, great deliberation, and more than one fist fight it was also agreed Law will burn his soul mark. The mer twins had been the strongest voices against it and also the one's to start the first fist fight. The deed would be done on Pilmyth with Law unconscious so he wouldn't stop the burning like with Bepo. Law had requested this because he knows if he is awake through the process, he just might kill someone.

They will see the Strawhats again no matter what.

"We need to meet them Rachel. We've been apart for so long, and how we left wasn't the best. I know it is foolish but we miss them." Law says determinedly.

Rachel smiles and cups his hands.

"Law I understand your feelings, but I also know you've decided to leave Zoa and Marell behind here."

"How did you know?" Law asks tiredly.

"I'm a mother Law. We do what we think is best to protect our children, even if they don't think the same at the time." She replies.

Law sighs. She is right. Corazon had done what he did to protect Law, even though Law definitely hadn't agreed with it.

"Law, everyone here has come to love the Heart Pirates. We don't wish to see you put into danger, and I don't want the twins to separate from your crew, even if it is for their own safety." Rachel tells him gripping his hands tighter.

"I don't want to leave them either Rachel, but we all just want them to be safe. All of my crew and me come from less than satisfactory backgrounds. Seeing Zoa and Marell and raising them as family, we just…just can't lose them, Rachel." Law admits heartbrokenly.

Pirate crews often start from a common goal and turn into a family over time. They may not always get along, and fight a LOT, but no family is without its squabbles. As pirates they are a family by choice and as such, they have chosen to be together and die together, but none of the Heart pirates want Zoa and Marell to die this young even if it is together with them.

Besides Law is legally their father as of three months ago and it tears him apart knowing he's already made a serious mistake as their dad and now they both bear permanent reminders of his poor decision making. If they die before he does, he'll lose his fucking mind.

"Law, you said taking a safer sea route would mean a year or so of travel to reach your destination correct?" Rachel questions.

"Yes, Bepo predicts it will take fifteen months at the worst."

"Then stay here." Rachel states.

"Rachel, we can't, I can't. I have to see him." Law replies his head burying into his hands in frustration.

"We'll move the island for you." Rachel tells him seriously.

"What? Move the island?" Law questions his head snapping up as he stares at her in surprise.

"Yes. The island of Pilmyth is normally a stationary island. But it can change locations to anywhere in the world, however there are restrictions to this movement." Rachel explains.

"What are the restrictions?" he asks eagerly.

Rachel smiles before continuing, "The first restriction is that all residents on the island must be in willing agreement on the location of the move. Second once the island has started moving no one is able to leave or enter the island no matter what until it is finished moving. (Law's eyes widen at that restriction.) Third the island cannot be moved again for fifty years."

"And everyone is okay with doing this for us?" Law askes concerned.

Rachel's eyes are fond as she looks at Law.

"Yes. Miranda and her crew returned while you were away so all residents are currently on the island, so if we begin moving no one will be left behind." Rachel assures him.

"But you said once the island begins moving no one can leave; do you know how long it will be moving for?" Law asks.

"For a stationary destination like another island it takes 12 months at the longest. For a mobile destination like an active pirate, no more than two years. Once the target destination is set it cannot be changed. We will take you to your Pirate King." She promises.

"But what if the place the island goes to is riddled with sea monsters, or surrounded by marine bases." Law questions already thinking of the worst. "No one will be safe away from the island if that happens, and you said the island can't be moved for fifty years afterwards. I can't let everyone take that risk." Law refuses.

As much as Law wants to accept the offer for the good of his crew and children, he won't. They owe so much to the people and island of Pilmyth, he can't let them do this for them. Law will not forsake the only place the Heart Pirates have been able to truly call home.

"I'm sorry Rachel, my answer is no." Law states getting up, "My crew and I will rest for two months and then try another route to reach the Strawhats.

Rachel grabs Law's wrist before he can leave her grip strong and unyielding.

"I can't let you do that Law. The island has already begun to move." Rachel tells him face firm.

"No, you didn't." Law refutes horrified.

"I told you, all the island residents have to be in willing agreement to move to the destination." Rachel continues.

"You knew I'd refuse, which would stop the island from moving." Law replies furious. "This is beyond foolish."

Rachel smiles unrepentantly at him. "If you're so concerned with our safety then become stronger Law. Strong enough to make our choice worth it no matter the cost."

She releases his hand and walks towards the door, she pauses just before exiting and says over her shoulder, "the Heart Pirates are family to us now Law, don't try to leave your family behind."

Law is left staring blankly at the space Rachel once occupied his mind exploding with all the possibilities of what could go wrong and how everything could fall to ruin. But one thing stands out above all, and that is the knowledge that they are on their way to see Luffy. Law's heart throbs and he rubs the soulmate mark over it. Thanks to Rachel and the islanders it is no longer necessary to remove it from his skin and he is infinitely grateful.

Law stands up abruptly. Rachel is right, he must become stronger. He is a doctor and as such he has put his medical knowledge above all else, but its time to set down his scalpel and pick up his sword until he is sure he can wield both equally. He will do this for his family, for Luffy, and for himself.

Law takes Kikoku and wanders in the direction of his submarine. He pulls out his snail phone and informs his crew of Rachel's information and then his own intentions. They all agree they need to become stronger too.

Training begins now.

Eighteen Months Later

Law is awakened to an uncomfortable wetness dribbling on his back and his eyes blearily crack open. He's held snuggly captive between his mer twins. Marell suction cupped to his back and Zoa cuddled securely to his front. Law had grown accustomed to sleeping as a body pillow for his children a long time ago. Occasionally, he still demands to sleep alone and the pouty mermaids will go invade Bepo's sleeping quarters for a night, but for the most part they sleep with Law in his captain's quarters.

Law shifts away from Marell so he stops drooling on his bare back. He lets out a quiet groan as his muscles protest the movement. Law usually sleeps in a pair of super comfy black pajama pants with yellow dots up the sides, but he'd fallen to bed in just his unfastened polka dotted jeans; too tired to even remove them properly. His small alarm clock blares the time at him in yellow numbers. 10:11am, Tuesday. Great he'd slept for over fifteen hours. He'd been on a five-day excursion in the mountains of the new winter part of Pilmyth that the island had created for the Heart pirates to train in over a year ago.

The temperature was similar to that of the frozen wasteland side of Punk Hazard and the whole thing is coated in snow with random blizzards. In addition, the island had created new inhabitants known as yeti. The yeti are large incredibly powerful beasts covered in white fur with huge blue faces, long white tusks and soft black eyes. They are gentle creatures that use observation and armament Haki in day-to-day life. Law was astounded when they first appeared and even more so when they communicated using sign language.

They live in a tribe on the highest snowy mountain and can't leave the winter part of the island because they'll suffer heat stroke. Law quickly made friends with them and enlisted their help in training him and his crew. The yeti were delighted and in exchange for their aid the Heart Pirates brought tons of food and goods from the autumn and spring sides of the island. They also treat all injuries and sicknesses among the yeti.

Over the last fourteen months Law had greatly increased his stamina and Haki use under their tutelage. It had been exhausting and extreme beyond measure. Climbing frozen waterfalls and mountainsides without use of his devil fruit. Daily hikes and runs along snowy trails. Then the yeti had also introduced him to meditation. During his meditation periods he would always make the largest or smallest room he could and hold it for as long as possible until he passed out or became too exhausted to hold the room. Repetition of this act had greatly improved the size and control of his rooms. They had also oh so gently forced heavier meal intakes on him.

Then there were the practice boughts. The yeti are excellent and creative hand to hand combat fighters as well as long range fighters when given things to throw. In honesty their fighting reminds Law of Luffy, highly instinctual and always adaptive. Sparring with them daily has forced Law and his crew to become stronger and more innovative in their own fighting styles. In particular Bepo and Jean Bart have grown tremendously. Many of the crew have also grasped the beginnings of Haki taught by the yeti.

Law himself has learned armament Haki and is getting better at observation Haki. In fact, his most recent muscle tormenting training trip had been to increase his skills in observation Haki. Law grunts as Zoa suddenly sinks her teeth into his arm, he just barely manages to cover himself in armament Haki before she draws blood with her sharp teeth. Lately she'd been having dreams of chasing floating sweets and as a side effect is now chomping on anyone daring enough to share a bed with her.

She continues to chew at his arm her face in a relaxed dream daze. Law sighs and pushes her off him. Her sleeping face scrunches up in displeasure and she lets out a murmured protest. Behind him Marell twitches awake.

"She biting again?" he asks tiredly behind Law reaching over to gently slap at his sister. Zoa's eyes snap open in response and she starts smacking at Marell with her tail over Law.

"Knock it off you two." Law growls out exasperatedly.

His mer twins still squabble like little children despite being seventeen years old. They of course ignore him and continue childishly wrestling with him stuck in the middle.

Bang! Bang!

"Captain! Caaaptaaaaaaainnnnn!" Penguin's voice comes screaming through his door as if the world is on fire.

"What?" Law hollers back out shushing the twins.

Marell is latched onto his lower back dodging Zoa's lethal punches. Meanwhile Zoa has scooched up taller than Law trying to reach the ducking Marell and Law has an arm up blocking her pink chemise covered chest from smothering him to death. His other hand is stubbornly trying to keep his pants on since every time Marell ducks he yanks at Law's jeans.

"The Strawh-" Penguin starts but is cut off by a much louder voice.


The words echo out like an immense booming rumble of thunder shaking the entire sub. Law's whole body tenses up and he suddenly clutches onto Zoa in front of him like a scared child to their teddy bear his heart accelerating so fast it nearly beats out of his chest.

Luffy. No, it can't be, according to Sabo and Bepo's predictions before his five-day trip they were still weeks away from Luffy's destination. No. Law isn't ready. He just woke up; he hasn't even showered or brushed his teeth. He can't do this. He can't meet Luffy yet. He was supposed to have at least two more weeks to inwardly panic, make a plan, forget the whole fucking plan and fall into a complete panic at the sight of Luffy. But that was supposed to be in the future. NOT RIGHT FUCKING NOW!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

The door to his cabin slams open, a sandal clad rubber foot having forcefully kicked it open, its owner to impatient to even turn a handle. A pale faced frozen Penguin stands trembling behind the massive presence of a hugely smiling straw hat wearing monkey.

"Torao! I can finally see you again!" Luffy laughs happily and starts to extend his arms out only to stop dead in his tracks arms half way to the disheveled half-dressed Law and the mostly naked mer twins cocooning him between them.

Luffy's all teeth smile morphs into an unhappy tight-lipped frown and his pupils go small and serious like when he punched the face of the Celestial Dragon at the auction house. Law senses the sudden blood lust and before his mind can even catch up his fingers have flashed into the familiar hand sign and his lips formed the word "Room". In less than a second, he "shambles" himself, the twins, and Luffy with the rock pile kept specifically for his emergency swaps on deck.

Except it's not the metal deck that awaits them but a free fall straight into the ocean.

"Shit!" is all Law manages to gasp out before they all plummet straight into the water mere feet away.


On the deck of the Polar Tang Usopp steps over the sub's railing. He and the rest of the crew are just now boarding the Polar Tang, their impatient captain having sling shotted himself onboard as soon as he was in range of the docked submarine. He accidentally kicks an inconspicuous stack of pebbles overboard.

"Whoops, sorry about that." He apologizes to Shachi who is standing near him.

"It's okay, those are just there for-

"Shit!" A voice that sounds suspiciously like Law's yells from over the side, followed by twin shrieks of surprise, and a gasped "Huh!?".

Shachi's face pales and his voice takes on a high squeaky tone, "-Captain when he needs to swap places in an emergency."

Usopp's mouth drops open as he stares at the frozen faced Shachi as they both hear several mighty splashes below.

"Yo, I think our captains' are both in the water playing with naked mermaids." Franky says lifting his sunglasses while he looks over the Polar Tang's railing.

Usopp and Shachi both nod at each other and then as one they run for the door of the Polar Tang and quickly disappear down below, making a telepathic pact to never say a word to anyone about the accidentally knocked over stack of rocks.


Its freezing cold. Law thinks as he manages to just barely suck in a breath before sinking into the ocean's salty depths. Immediately he feels the energy drain out of him and he can barely even lift his arms to struggle. Zoa and Marell splash into the waves around him and he sees Luffy crash down a few dozen feet away air bubbles rippling away from his mouth as the fool doesn't hold his breath.

They have got to move that fucking pile of rocks somewhere more secure on deck. After the initial shock Marell twists away from Law and goes to grab Luffy and haul him towards the surface at lightning speed his turquoise and cerulean scales shimmering in their element. Zoa grasps Law under his arms and her tail powerfully swishes and they surge upwards.

They break the ocean waves not far from the shore and Zoa quickly swims them over to it. Law coughs out for fresh air as water sheds from his eyes and face, black hair plastered to his skull and his unfastened jeans so heavy with water they hang extremely low on his hips revealing his black boxer briefs and threatening to slip off entirely. Beside him Zoa activates her SUF and starts wringing water from her now soaked see through frilly pink chemise.

Marell flops ashore with Luffy setting him down on the sand and slapping his back as he coughs up water. As a small river gushes out Luffy's throat Law marches over and yanks Marell away from Luffy shoving him protectively behind his back with Zoa. Luffy spits out a last mouthful of salt water and turns over from his hands and knees to glare at Law.

"What the fuck were you about to do to my kids Luffy-ya!" Law demands threateningly his normally gray eyes burning gold with anger as he faces off the other water logged captain.

But Luffy isn't paying attention to his words. No, his eyes widen and then lock onto Law's naked tattooed chest and the deep black words standing out on pale skin over his heart. His name.

Monkey D. Luffy