


And since then, even seeing him at home is a privilege. He's never home. At most twice in three weeks.

Her marriage deteriorated so quick in a month.

I look at Andrè beside me again, this time with unmasked disgust.

The man is a disgusting human.

Well, it seems like sleep has decided to grace my eyes again.

I'll broach the topic with him tomorrow morning as I always do.

*In the Morning*


I overslept. The bed beside me is empty but ruffled. Obvious someone slept in it but that someone is no more there.

Should I be sad he's gone or feel liberated?

It's relief I feel. It would have been so awkward if I had to do anything in front of him this morning.

Ah, the message from before. I guess it's going to be in another few weeks or days, if I'm lucky.

He should be able to tell his mistress that I'm quite aware of the situation but neither am I in a situation to divorce him... Well, yet.

My freedom at least.

I get out of bed and get to my daily chores. I have no job just yet so I'm a full time housewife. Does me good anyway, gives me time to collect my thoughts and sort through whatever I have to.

...Later in the day... I'm so tired and worn out from all the work I had to because of that man. He litters everywhere he goes to in the entire house.

Just as I am about to take my usual rest after all the days work, my phone pings.

My phone has a setting that lets me choose sounds for messages so whenever it pings, it's Anna.

I check it out to see if it's the usual subtle but threatening. There are times the messages are not so subtle though. She has sent me more messages than promotional ads even.

"Come to Stary Hospital, Ward 102. Come check up on me and maybe your husband?" With the trademark smiley emoji.

What does she mean this time? She has never asked me to check out a place before. This is definitely piquing my interest.

In a few minutes, I'm dressed to go out.

I take my own car and in less than twenty minutes, I'm at the Hospital.

In front of the hospital, I take a deep breath and go in.

I ask around for the Ward and I'm led there. At the entrance, I stop for a second, questioning my being here.

But I'm here already, I'll just go in and probably even see her for once. If she is as pretty as Andrè compares me to.

I open the door slightly to see Andrè leaning over the bed handle, left hand behind her head and the right hand on her head, ruffling her jet black hair fondly.

His eyes seem so... Peaceful? And that pisses me off, he always gives me one of three expressions.

The bored face, the angry face or no expression at all. Never a calm or amused one.

Just then, Andrè leans down and places a kiss on her lips.

What The Actual Fuck?!

I start to see red immediately.