
Divine Seal of Chaos

Arc-1 Synopsis: It's been 10,000 years since the Fiends appeared on the human continent. 'Where did they come from?' 'Why did they come and for what purpose?' 'No one knows!' Countless humans united together and banished the Fiends to the lost continent of what now is called 'Fiend continent.' ==== Story Synopsis: Chaos Expanse—a home of ten beautiful universes. 5 million years ago, the experts of Spirit universe waged war upon the Supreme being, discovering their Expanse was sealed by him. - Even though they lost the war, a powerful expert of the Spirit universe was able to heavily wound the supreme being and trap him using an otherwordly treasure. - Gin Reyhart, our MC who failed to awaken his spirit seal. Follow his footsteps to witness his legend and how he rises above all by overcoming the trials and tribulations that come in his way.

Tricxter · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
141 Chs

Arriving at the Battlefront.

"Yes. Let's see what you got." Guardian Fover fearlessly opposed Garros and called his subordinate, "I don't care who the human youth is. Make sure he survives."

As a Moon Guardian, Fover knows things that are privy to ordinary experts. Human Union knew Fiend Lord has offsprings, but that's all they knew.

As for how many offsprings he had, their strength, and how they look, the Human Union had no idea. Because all the Fiend Lord's descendants operate under his direct orders, so even human spies in the Fiend continent couldn't find anything.

Gin found out about Fiend Alyek because he was particularly searching for the blonde man and luck. In truth, Fiend Lord's timely call to his offsprings divulged the blonde Fiend's cover.

Hearing Guardian Fover's words, Fiend Commander Garros's eyes narrowed and emanated a cold light. It's his responsibility to send Young Lord Alyek safely back to the Fiend continent.