
Divine Ascension: A Journey As A Black Hole

Dracula, following a deadly electrical surge and passed away, finds himself in a black hole where time and space have been warped. As he is unable to move physically, he uses his mental capacities to manipulate his surroundings, warping sound and light and constructing structures. To find an exit, he wants establishes a computer-like system which he would implant into himself as a system. With his new capabilities, he carries out experiments and eventually creates a replica of himself he can manage. His clone is then ejected from the black hole, traveling at the speed of light in the hope of locating Earth or other planets.

DraculaSwift · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Gaia BH1

As Dracula moved through the vastness of space, he determined to find out his location and search for Earth. But he had no idea where he was. He searched for a star that appeared like the sun and after some searching, he finally found one. Although it was far away and would take him a long time to reach it normally, he had the ability to move at the speed of light and wouldn't have to worry about the distance.

As Dracula approached the star, he realized that he was in the Milky Way. He was so joyful that he almost caused the destruction of a nearby planet due to his energy emission.

Oh my! I almost blew up that planet. I need to learn how to control these skills I have so I don't hurt anyone when I'm emotional," said Dracula.

As he traveled toward the sun, Dracula encountered strange planets and rocks. In order to keep the clone alive, he tried to move small amounts of black hole essence to suck in floating rocks and gather energy. During this process, he stumbled upon a round metal ball that appeared to be something unknown to him. To ensure safety, he used his abilities to create a barrier around it, suspecting it could be an alien object.

Whatever it is, I'll study it later. For now, let's keep moving so I can find a planet and at least find someone to talk to. It's so lonely," said Dracula.

As he was making his way towards Earth, Dracula discovered that none of the planets he encountered had any signs of life. This seemed to be a common occurrence in the universe, which made him realize that finding life might be a rare occurrence. However, he chose to put this thought aside and focused on finding Earth for now. "I'll keep searching this universe at a later time, but for now I just need to find Earth since I'm in the Milky Way," said Dracula.

BOOM!" Dracula created a shockwave entirely of light after using his skills. As he was getting closer to the sun, he realized he was already in the solar system where Earth was supposed to be. Upon examining the area, he found that Earth had been destroyed for some odd reason. All he saw were rocks scattered around what remained of the half-blown up planet. Dracula was filled with sadness, but then he remembered one of his skills – the ability to control time. Although he had never learned how to use it, he hoped it could help him uncover what had happened to Earth.

He summoned a thick membrane, as large as Earth, from his hand and began to rewind time. As he watched the planet slowly rebuild itself, he noticed a strange metal ball similar to one he had encountered before. The ball appeared to be monitoring Earth and Dracula wondered about its purpose. He grabbed the ball and said, "I'll keep this for next time." Then, the metal ball disappeared, and he was shocked. He then realized that the ball he had found earlier was related to this one and it all made sense to him.

He also noticed that humans were destroying themselves, due to their greed. "I always knew humans were greedy, but I didn't expect them to destroy the planet because of it," said Dracula.

Dracula rewound time to 100 years after his death. He did this because, as an orphan, he did not know any of his family and did not want to be disappointed by potentially discovering a negative connection to them. Before the destruction of the planet, Africa and the Middle East were the most oppressed countries and were considered his home. Dracula determined to change that, but first, he needed to learn about coding and programming.

Dracula remembered that he had an investment in his old bank account and wondered if it was still there. He went to the bank and approached the teller, introducing himself as the grandson of the account holder. He provided all the necessary information, including his grandfather's name and date of death. He explained that his grandfather had left a significant sum of money to the bank, which was initially 90 thousand dollars, but he expected it to have grown to over 100 million dollars after all these years.

The teller looked at the records and was surprised by the amount of money that had accumulated in the account. He asked for additional identification to verify the claim, and after a thorough investigation, it was determined that Dracula was indeed the rightful inheritor of the funds. The bank was more than happy to release the money to him, and Dracula was amazed by how much his investment had grown over the years.

"It's amazing how time and smart investments can grow your wealth," Dracula thought to himself as he left the bank with his newfound riches.

Before he did anything, Dracula wondered why the black hole he was in was near Earth and in the Milky Way. He went to a PC cafe and searched about it and found that it was a black hole near Earth called Gaia BH1. He was surprised to learn that it appeared to have died and re-formed itself on the exact same day that he died. This was a strange coincidence, and Dracula couldn't help but feel that there was more to this connection.

He continued his research and found that there were several theories about the death and rebirth of black holes, but none of them explained the correlation between his death and the death and rebirth of Gaia BH1.

With this new information in hand, Dracula was determined to find out the truth behind this strange phenomenon. He decided to use his powers to explore the black hole and uncover its secrets.