
Divine Ascension: A Journey As A Black Hole

Dracula, following a deadly electrical surge and passed away, finds himself in a black hole where time and space have been warped. As he is unable to move physically, he uses his mental capacities to manipulate his surroundings, warping sound and light and constructing structures. To find an exit, he wants establishes a computer-like system which he would implant into himself as a system. With his new capabilities, he carries out experiments and eventually creates a replica of himself he can manage. His clone is then ejected from the black hole, traveling at the speed of light in the hope of locating Earth or other planets.

DraculaSwift · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Castle Eden

As I ponder my mysterious death, I focus on finding a place to call home. Upon realizing I am currently in England, I set my sights on acquiring a suitable residence. Castle Eden catches my eye, offering ample space for my future endeavors. I make the decision to purchase the castle and settle down in this picturesque location.

As I wandered through the city in search of Nest Seekers, I couldn't help but take notice of how little the world seemed to have changed in the last hundred years. Despite all the technological advancements and scientific discoveries, the earth remained largely unchanged. This realization made me question humanity's drive to truly innovate and improve the world they lived in. Nevertheless, I pressed on, determined to secure Castle Eden as my new home and base of operations for my projects. As I finally reached Nest Seekers, I felt a rush of excitement at the prospect of beginning a new chapter in my life.

Hello, how may I help you today?" the front desk lady asked.

Hi, I would like to purchase A Castle," I said.

Are you interested in any specific castle?" the lady asked.

"Yes, Castle Eden," I replied.

The lady gave me a strange look, but I simply smiled and remained quiet.

One moment, please," she said, before turning to her computer to check the information.

She turned back to me and said, "There seems to be two more people trying to acquire the same castle as you. How much are they willing to pay?"

I replied, "How much is the starting price?"

It's three million Euros," she answered. "Would you like me to call the manager for more information?"

I nodded, "Yes, that would be great." As she walked away, I couldn't help but overhear her thoughts. She was admiring my appearance. I was taken aback by my newfound ability to hear people's thoughts, but I didn't let it show on my face.

Did you say something?" I asked as she walked back to the front desk. She blushed and replied, "No, sorry."

I smiled, "It's fine. Sorry for bothering you." I was now fully aware of this newfound skill, and I wondered how it would affect my future dealings.

As I was waiting, I noticed a beautiful blonde woman with ample hips and a stunning, curvy figure. Her eyes were so blue they looked like the ocean itself.

she walked over to me. and said hello are you trying to buy Castle Eden as well.

I replied with a smile and said yes, and then shared the story of my grandfather's dream of owning Castle Eden. He had saved and invested his money with the hope of one day being able to make it his own, but unfortunately, he passed away at a young age of 30, leaving his dream unfulfilled. I kept the truth to myself, the fact that I was the one who had died and not my grandfather. There was no need to reveal that information.

she looked sad for a second.

I smiled and replied to her, "There's no need to be sad about it. My grandfather may not have been able to fulfill his dream, but I have the chance to make it happen." I introduced myself as "Dracula Lucifer."

She smiled and introduced herself as the manager of Nest Seekers, "Hi, I'm Amber Abbott. Nice to meet you."

As Amber tried to maintain an emotionless expression, I could hear her thoughts and knew that she found me handsome. However, I didn't want to reveal that I had the ability to hear her thoughts, so I acted as if I didn't hear anything.

I asked Amber about the other two buyers and their offers. She informed me that one buyer was willing to pay 4 million euros, and the other was willing to pay 4.5 million euros.

I'll pay 6 million euros for it now, if you're willing to sell it to me," I told Amber, my smile still in place.

She looked at me for a moment and said, "I will call the other buyers to see if they're willing to pay a higher price.

I said I'll be waiting here.

She left with an emotionless expression, but I could still hear her thoughts. She thought, "What a handsome and rich man."

Amber went to her office and sat down with a sigh. The front desk lady was next to her.

He's really handsome, right?" she said to Amber. Jessica, what are you still doing here?" Amber replied.

I was waiting to see your reaction," Jessica said with a giggle.

Amber smiled and said, "I've seen better," then turned to Jessica and told her to get back to work. Jessica replied with a big smile, "Why did you sigh like that if you didn't find him handsome?" Amber playfully yelled at her to go back to work, which made Jessica giggle as she ran away. I found the exchange amusing and laughed to myself. I never considered myself handsome, but I supposed the cosmic energy around me had a strong effect on others' perceptions.

Amber called one of the buyers. "Hello Mister Clark," she said, "there is a man wanting to buy the same Castle as you. He's willing to pay 6 million euro and I called to ask about it. What do you think? Are you willing to offer a higher price or let it go?"

Clark replied, "It would be a waste of money if I go any higher. I'm willing to let it go. That guy must be crazy to pay that much."

"Okay," Amber replied, "if you ever want to buy any other castles, let me know."

"Okay, goodbye," said Amber and hanged up the phone.

She then made another call to the other buyer and told her the deal. The other buyer said it was a waste as well.

Amber sighed and left the room and was walking towards me.

Congratulations, Mister Dracula, you have won the bid for the Castle. Here are the deeds," she smiled.

I thanked her with a smile, and she thought to herself how beautiful my smile was, despite her emotionless face.

I found it strange that I could hear people's thoughts, but I brushed it off.

"Miss Amber, by any chance, do you have a husband or a boyfriend?" I asked.

She was startled by my question. "No, I don't. I've been too busy working to find a partner," she said.

I asked if she would like to go on a date with me one day when she was free, and I wore a smile on my face.

"I'm quite busy with work. I'm only free on weekends," she replied.

"It's Monday today. How about we go on a date on Saturday?" I said.

She thought to herself, "Is this guy a player? I don't want to date someone who might already have a girlfriend or a wife."

I replied, "I don't have a wife or a girlfriend, if that's what you're thinking. I'm new to England."

She was startled when I said that, but she quickly regained her emotionless face.

"Okay, Saturday it is. Here's my number," she said.

I took out the phone I had gotten on my way there and got her number. I left the place with a smile.

I just left the real estate building and decided to search for a tailor who could make me some custom-made suits. My search led me to Henry Poole & Co, a store with a rich history of 500 years. I went inside and told the tailor that I needed a stylish suit for an upcoming date and some outings. They were eager to help and took my measurements and shoe size. They told me to return in 4 days, and I was pleased with their service, so I said goodbye.

Before I left the store, I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw a unique individual of Somali descent, with light caramel-colored skin. I stand tall and proud, but my presence is humble and unassuming. My eyes are deep and full of wonder, like galaxies in the night sky, and I am often complimented on my appearance, though I do not seek to boast.

Next, I went to a store to purchase some furniture for my house. I told the salesperson that I needed a house designer to get everything done before Saturday and that money was not an issue.

I require a PC for my education in coding, mathematics, and DNA science, with the goal of starting my AI omniverse project.

I was searching for the best PC components so I could assemble my own PC for the purpose of learning and honing my skills in coding, game design, and other computer-related tasks. I came across a store and asked for their recommendation for the best PC setup for my needs, with a focus on providing the highest quality performance for these specific activities.

I informed the store representative that I was not interested in pre-built PCs and instead wanted to build my own custom PC. I desired a high-performance system suitable for coding, designing games, and other demanding tasks. The representative was understanding and asked me to follow him, so he could show me the best components that would work well together. He then presented me with a comprehensive list of PC components and explained which ones would complement each other to create a top-notch system. I thanked the representative for his time and expertise and told him which components I wanted to purchase. He acknowledged my request and promptly left to gather the components I selected.

He returned with all the components I had requested. I paid for the items and expressed my gratitude. I then asked if there was a room available for me to assemble the PC. He kindly led me to a back room, offering to help if I needed it. Once inside, I scanned the room to make sure there were no cameras, as a precautionary measure. To ensure privacy, I utilized a skill I possessed to create an invisible barrier around me so that no one could detect or observe me while I worked. Using my expertise, I quickly assembled the PC within a matter of 2 minutes.

As I was about to exit the room, the guy looked at me quizzically and asked if I needed any help. I confidently replied that I had completed the task and was ready to leave. He seemed surprised at my speed and efficiency, but I simply shrugged it off. I then requested the best possible mouse, keyboard, headset, and monitor to accompany my newly built PC. The man seemed taken aback by my request but agreed to find the best options for me. He asked for ten minutes to gather the items, to which I obliged.

Once he returned, I was presented with all the items I had requested. I thanked him for his service and, as I was leaving the store, I heard him whisper, "What a strange guy." I couldn't help but let out a chuckle to myself as I walked away, feeling satisfied with my successful PC build and upgraded accessories.